Interpret My Dream

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Gary and his team will interpret your dream…

Post your dream below, but please keep the description short and to the point.

All dreams submitted here will be interpreted PUBLICLY on this page, so if you desire a private interpretation send your dream to [email protected]

Preference will be given to those who are paid subscribers to the Dreams Network.  Please visit our Register page to subscribe.


  1. Ronnie
    July 9, 2024 @ 9:16 pm

    I had a dream about a man that I was very attracted to and it felt the same from him. I felt like I loved this man who is a stranger to me. There was a gathering outside and he was sitting at a picnic table with a bunch of people. We made direct eye contact. I remembered what he looked like when I woke up. During the dream I was in a car with a woman who told me that the man was named Derrick. I replied that I never met a Derrick that I could stand to be around and we both laughed. I cant get this dream out of my mind. It was very vivid dream. I was also looking for my car at one point but I was not panicked. At another point I was on a very tall bridge which would normally make me wake up in a panic but I was calm because I was with Derrick. Now Im left wondering who he was. It felt good to be in his presence and he made me feel safe. At one point I fully woke then when back sleep later and fell right back in the dream with him.


  2. Jeremiah
    January 16, 2023 @ 5:23 am

    i had a dream where i woke up in bed and seen a square with purple stuff floating in the air but with 6 points then a person i know started cutting my leg off n ate it then i woke up again in my bed n seen something standing on the roof then something pulled my leg i screamed but it took my breath but before the first dream was pretty much me at the prison I was just at hiding a phone on me losing it cause my mom I got mad at her n then told her it was my fault then but before that there was a hospital I think we were on our way then that phone thing happened n guards came then I woke up in bed where I’m at now which is a half way house from federal prison the last dream before I seen the person standing upside down I looked to the right n seen three beds stacked then the person then my lef pulled n my voiceless scream . This isn’t the first time I had a dream like this its the second . Email me your response please it’s important I wanna know my first dream I told you about aswell


    • Jeremiah
      January 16, 2023 @ 5:24 am

      This also happend at 3 or 330 in the morning I woke up at 340


    September 7, 2022 @ 6:22 pm



  4. Holly
    June 17, 2021 @ 10:32 pm

    I have always had this dream or I should say nightmare my whole life and I am 62 I dream that I am under a dresser and my dad is there and I am terrified of him but I wake up at this point every time what does it mean?


    • Chris
      January 21, 2024 @ 5:57 pm

      Perhaps, there is a wound there. Often when we have repeating dreams, there is a belief or hurt that God is trying to show us.

      The question is this: does your father in your dream represent your earthly father or Father God?


  5. Shemika D
    September 20, 2020 @ 4:43 am

    Dreamed of laying down seeing rain from a window, then a leaf with a spark of , then I see a firefighter on a ladder putting these sparks out, then all of a sudden there was a fire explosion on the sidewalk that blew 3 times, someone ran and then I could feel the force but somehow I ended up outside and trying to get into the front screen door (I feel my ears clog, like when the plane is going up) someone comes to the door and drags me in, I tried to turn over to get the flames out and then I woke up…. freaked me out


      November 21, 2020 @ 4:42 pm

      Hi Shemika,

      Thanks for posting your dream. I believe the dream shows that God is giving you insights into a situation that starts off small (the sparks). The number 3 in the negative can be symbolic of the religious spirit. I believe the person that drags you back into the house is God keeping you away from the situation.

      I believe that the dream is a warning dream for you to pray into a situation around you has the potential to change from being small like the spark to a bigger like the explosion.

      Let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]. We continue to interpret dream here on the dreams network however we are also live most Mondays at 8:00pm DST on the Dreams Network interpreting dreams. You can join us by following the Dreams Network page on Facebook.


  6. Jean
    September 9, 2020 @ 3:27 pm

    I am posting this dream again. I hope I can recall the details. I did not write it down.
    I entered a room and there were lots of brightly coloured birds, blue pink ,yellow, like little parrots sitting on the floor. Some of them were under a mesh covering but there were a lot of birds and they could not all fit under the cover. There was also a bright green little frog sitting with the birds.
    Then my son walked in with a bright green snake around his neck. My daughter came on the scene and we shouted at my son to leave because the snake had lots of germs. He did leave eventually but it was a struggle.


  7. Jean Millen
    September 6, 2020 @ 5:03 am

    I was in a house and in a room , think it was the kitchen there were lots of little brightly coloured ( blue , yellow, pink) parrot type birds sitting on the floor. Some of the birds were sitting under a mesh type covering but there was not enough mesh to cover all the birds and that sat around, so some sat without the mesh over them. There was also one green frog sitting with the birds without the mesh covering.
    My son then entered the scene and he was wearing around his neck a very very bright green snake. My daughter entered the scene but I could not see her. My daughter and I began to shout very aggressively at my son to get our of the house with the snake he was wearing because it has lots of germs. He walked around the house several times. He did not want to leave with his snake but did eventually. I woke up.


  8. Alex
    August 28, 2020 @ 4:16 am

    On this dream I was elegantly dressed, I was with this man (I don’t know him,my mind made him up) and we were slow dancing, I was happy to be with him. But I was close to tears,as the dance continued on, I felt like after that cancel ended I would never see this man again this was our last dance


    • Julie R
      September 12, 2020 @ 10:55 am

      Hi Alex,

      Thanks for reaching out to us with your dream. I believe that the dream relates to something in your life that you have decided to let go of even though it makes you sad.
      Please let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]

      We continue to interpret dreams on this website however, just to let you know that we interpret dreams live every Monday at 8:00pm DST. Pastor Gary Fishman and his team interprets dreams live on Facebook. To join the live show please follow the Dreams Network on Facebook.


  9. Lawrencia
    July 12, 2020 @ 4:10 am

    Hey. I had a dream I was walking with two girls and a boy. Apparently we were going to show one of the girls a mosque(I’m Christian). We took a semi narrowed path that was quite crowded. All of a sudden one of the girls started yelling for the boy to move away. That’s when I noticed he was far ahead of us. She was screaming desperately for him to move away. A lady walking barefoot with tissue rapped around both her toes was behind him. The lady’s legs brushed against his and the girl stopped yelling for him to move away. She looked scared. I asked what was wrong and she said “that woman is cursed. Anyone with that on their feet are cursed and are not supposed to come in contact with you or else you’ll be cursed too.” The girl we were sending to the mosque got scared and we heard a commotion behind. Some people continued walking others stopped to see. People were crying and screaming. All of a sudden a couple more people in the same condition as the woman who was claimed as cursed were walking towards our direction. People were running and moving away from them as they just walked. Others weren’t so lucky and got touched by their feet since it was slightly crowded. The girl who told us about the curse shoved us to the wall and said we should not move till they all pass by and we should make sure none of them touches us. She then said when they touch you your skin will begin to bruise and peel leaving blood spots. What does this mean please?


  10. Isabella DiBattista
    July 4, 2020 @ 10:43 am

    I’ve had a reoccurring dream of being in a huge dark green and black marbled bathroom, the ceilings are cathedral. I’m laying in a big bathtub that’s carved out of stone, around me are a dozen lit candles, the water is dark. When I look over to the right I can see three huge connected windows, out side of them I can see I’m several stories above a beautiful dark forest, it’s night and there is a huge full moon in the sky. The whole time during the dream I’m at peace, the water is nice and warm and the room smells fantastic, but the whole time I feel like I’m waiting for someone to show up. Not an unwanted guest, but a friend, I don’t know who though. After what feels like a couple minutes I wake up refreshed. What does it mean?


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 25, 2020 @ 9:53 am

      Hi Isabella,

      When we have recurring dreams it often means that there is something God is trying to either get our attention about or he is emphasising something. Being in a bathtub or bathroom symbolises being in a place of receiving inner healing. I believe that you are in place where you are experiencing inner healing and even though it is sometimes hard to see what is happening God wants you to be at peace. I believe that the person that you are waiting to see is the Lord. I believe however that as you continue to be at peace during this season you will begin to see the hand of the Lord at work in your life bringing the inner healing you need. The number three symbolises the Godhead (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), and a window shows prophetic insights. I believe that God is revealing things that although were dark and hidden the moon which is a source of light shows that God is starting to bring light into dark situations. This is all happening as you rest in God and He brings inner healing to you.

      Let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing me at [email protected]. We are live most Mondays at 8:00 pm EDT on Facebook where the team interprets dreams live. To view the show please like the Dreams Network page on Facebook to get notification of when the show is live. You are welcome to join us and have your dream interpreted live.


  11. gale leistman
    June 7, 2020 @ 8:53 am

    I had a dream where my house was being flooded, it was going into bedroom, we saw water gushing in from ceiling, the next day flood did not happen, and my son was able to go up to where we saw the leak and fix the pipe and he stopped us from having the flood, could you tell me the interpretation, thank you very much


  12. achiro brenda
    May 20, 2020 @ 2:49 am

    I dreamt seeing satanic spirit coming to suck my breast and immediately. I shouted the name of Jesus and I started praying to God ….can this dream mean something


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 17, 2020 @ 10:12 am

      Hi Achiro

      As breast in the natural produce milk and milk represent the Word of God I believe it shows that the enemy tries to get the word out of you.

      Let us know if this make sense.


  13. Jean
    May 2, 2020 @ 12:37 pm

    Dear Friend
    I have sent this dream today but sending it again as can’t find it here.
    I dreamt that I was in a room and I was dancing with someone. It leaned on this persons shoulder and danced around and around. The dance was like a waltz. The person I danced with moved their feet and I followed their steps. I could not see the persons face.
    Just so that you know I am going through a very difficult time at the moment. My daughter has ill heart problems and because of the current crisis help for that is on a back burner. My son converted too Islam last year but he has now left it and I am worried about his safety and well-being. My husband is not with the Lord. Please pray.


  14. Jean Millen
    May 2, 2020 @ 2:11 am

    I dreamt I was dancing a waltz with someone leaning on his shoulder. In the dream I saw my feet move and follow my partner. I leaned on my partner during the dance. I don’t recall any music.


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 5, 2020 @ 3:30 pm

      Hi Jean,

      Thanks for posting your dream.
      I believe the dream shows that God is teaching you to follow His lead. As you learn to lean and depend on Him you will learn the rhythm of His leading.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]. We interpret dreams every Monday LIVE at 8:00pm EST. Please feel free to join us by following the Dreams Network Page on Facebook.


  15. lluvia
    April 15, 2020 @ 3:46 am

    so I had a dream of me at my work n it was time for me to get off so I was at this one school to audition for a music n drama scholarship n ended up getting called by n the lady told me that she had urgent news that I got a lot of schools that wanted me but before I could pick one I had to watch a video so I said okay she pressed play n all that showed were spiders decomposing and dead and empty and I was like what is this and then she showed a cartoon which was buggs bunny and then I woke up what does it mean ??


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 5, 2020 @ 3:19 pm

      Hi lluvia,

      Thanks for reaching out to us with your dream.
      I believe the dream shows that are about to move into a season of training symbolised by the school. I believe that in order for you to have come to this season you had to overcome the traps of the enemy. The dead and decomposing spiders I believe shows all the plans of the enemy against you being destroyed. I believe that this has happened as you keep ahead of the enemy by the power of God symbolised by video of Bugs Bunny.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]. We are live every Monday at 8:00pm EST on Facebook where we interpret dreams. Please feel free to visit us by following The Dreams Network Page on Facebook.


  16. Hanna
    March 8, 2020 @ 6:00 pm

    I am driving my car and turned left but a car came the wrong way and I tried to avoid it & turned right, hit a high curb. My car flips upside down, rolls oner a few times and lands but turns to a completely big flat piece of metal I try to put together. A colleague then comes and interrupts that telling me that it was not my fault – that it was his fault and this makes me feel relieved.


    • Julie Ramji
      April 10, 2020 @ 10:59 am

      Hi Hanna,

      Thank you for reaching out to us with your dream. In a dream a car is normally symbolic of ministry. I believe the dream shows that your ministry has been affected by another mininstry that was on the wrong path. This has affected your ministry greatly to the extent that it is barely recognizable (as in the dream the car turn into a big flat piece of metal). At one point you blame yourself but then you are comforted by others. I believe the dream shows that you should seek God for guidance going forward as He directs our path and when He is in control He will steer your ministry in the right path. Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing [email protected]


  17. Jim S.
    January 26, 2020 @ 1:22 pm

    My wife, myself and our 22 year old son were in a hotel elevator lobby on a high floor. The elevator doors opened but there was no car only the empty shaft. My wife and I backed off as my son peered down into the elevator shaft. While he was standing looking down the shaft a little blond girl, 5 or 6 yrs old, came next to him and looked down also, as she turned to leave she lost her balance and fell down the shaft backwards, screaming as she fell. I called my sons name to grab her but it was too late he couldn’t catch her in time.


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 5, 2020 @ 3:33 pm

      Hi Jim,

      I believe the dream shows your desire to help the young generation from being lost.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]. We interpret dreams every Monday LIVE at 8:00pm EST. Please feel free to join us by following the Dreams Network Page on Facebook.


  18. Kay
    January 5, 2020 @ 11:21 pm

    I was on top of a tree with many different fruits. Someone called me from down stairs and I polled a branch down and jumped off. All the fruits spread all over a large area and got only few of them.


    • Julie Ramjit
      January 26, 2020 @ 2:42 pm

      Hi Kay,
      I believe the dream shows that distractions will cause you to move from a place of plenty symbolised by being on top of the tree with plenty fruit to a place where you get a fraction of what was available to you.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment or emailing us at [email protected]


  19. Sheerah
    December 18, 2019 @ 11:53 pm

    I dreamed that I was walking through an airport with a blue rolling suitcase. I was waiting and ready to board, but I knew I had about 2 hours to kill before my flight took off. I decided I would go to the grocery store on the lower level of the airport. I got some onions and garlic and wandered through the aisles. When I got to the check out counter, it was 5:00. When I looked at my ticket, it said my plane would leave at 5:34. I was surprised that time had caught me, and I felt a sense of urgency to finish checking out, so I could hurry to the gate.

    The dream was out of character for me, since I am usually prepared for things I have planned.


    • TJ
      December 25, 2019 @ 9:22 am

      Dream Christmas Eve 2019:

      I plan on buying a particular used model of a BMW next year. I have a friend named Todd who works on the ocean and visits once or twice a year, he is not here at this time.

      The Dream:

      I saw the model car that I want to buy, it was white and I do not want a white car but this had everything else I wanted. The owner let me take it for a ride by myself. Prior to giving me the keys he said “The salesman told me, ‘Whatever you do, don’t push the static electricity button.”
      I drove off and really enjoyed the ride. Apparently I did push the static electricity button (as I found out later in the dream). The car ran fine for me and I returned it to the owner and also, apparently, we swapped our shoes with each other for awhile.
      The next scene I was in a place I would describe as an auditorium. The owner of the car came up to me and we started to swap shoes (I remember that I found that disgusting as I would not want to actually wear someone elses shoes). As we were exchanging shoes he said, “Why did you do it?” I said, “Do what.” He replied, “Push the static electricity button.” I had no answer but told him I would pay to fix it. He said that he had already done that and it was still running poorly and that the car was talking to him. In this scene the previously faceless owner was now my friend Todd.
      I woke up.


    • Julie Ramjit
      January 26, 2020 @ 3:28 pm

      Hi Sheerah,

      I believe the dream shows that you are in a place of transition and the time you thought it would have taken to get to the next place God has for you will be reduced. I believe this will happen as you spend time in the Word as food in dreams is symbolic of the word of God. Onions and garlic are normally used to prepare food for cooking and I believe the Word of God is what has increased your preparedness for the next level.

      Let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment or emailing us at [email protected].

      We Also interpret dreams LIVE every Monday night at 8:00EST. You can view the show by following The Dreams Network page on Facebook. The show can also be view on this website on the home page. To have you dream interpreted on the show you can either call the studio live or post your dream on the LIVE Facebook video feed. The phone line is only monitored during the live show.


  20. Kirsten
    December 16, 2019 @ 1:00 am

    In my dream I was with a friend (not a friend irl just a random blonde girl) in the dream I was 12 so was she,she was wearing a white dress with red rain boots,I couldn’t see her face, for some reason we were in an alleyway and it was raining and so cold,the alleyway looked rundown and messy.we were laughing and jumping in puddle’s when suddenly I stabbed her on the stomach,I look down and see that it’s her hand forcing me to stab her


  21. Frederick Yeboah
    December 10, 2019 @ 4:13 pm

    Hi Gary and team,
    I had a dream of someone I had a clear ideological difference in Christianity trying to serve me the Lord’s supper. I refused to take it and then came back again to inform me that the Rev. Minister says I should take it in front of the Church. I again refused. What could this mean?


    • Julie Ramjit
      January 26, 2020 @ 4:13 pm

      Hi Frederick,

      I believe the dream shows that enemy wants to deceive you into accepting doctrine of things that are not of God by trying pretending to be authenticated by those you trust. I believe it is a call to pray that God opens your eyes to see the deception of the enemy.

      Let me know is this makes sense to you by posting a comment or emailing at [email protected].

      You invited to join us on our LIVE dream show every Monday night at 8:00EST. You can view the show by following The Dreams Network page on Facebook. The show can also be view on this website on the home page. To have you dream interpreted on the show you can either call the studio live or post your dream on the LIVE Facebook video feed. The phone line is only monitored during the live show and the number will be posted on the live video broadcast.


  22. Nicolene
    November 20, 2019 @ 5:05 am

    Had a dream ,were on beach in night ,suddenly ground cracks in blocks ,i step over the crack block to check it out ,afterwards huge pound of sand carried me away to diffrend place save ,it was heavy but i shaked my self out of sand to safe place


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 29, 2019 @ 7:24 am

      Hi Nicolene,

      The beach is normally a place of rest and relaxation. I believe the dream shows that during a time of rest and relaxation you have come to a place where can’t see things clearly (as at night it is dark). I believe the place that was once comfortable and relaxing has become a place that is dry. Normally cracks appear in the ground where there is a lack of water or drought. Water in a dream is usually symbolic of the Holy Spirit. I believe you are in a place where there is limited or no flow of the Holy Spirit . The sand that took you away I believe refers to a move of God taking you away from a dry place to somewhere that is spiritually safer as it is not a good place to be without the Holy Spirit.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment or emailing [email protected]


  23. Kay
    November 10, 2019 @ 12:59 am

    Dear Gary and team,
    I had a dream of going to check on my new uncompleted building. The road leading to the building was full of water so I found an alternative and finally got there with my son. Only to realize that some people have occupied it. I told them to vacate the place and I will take action against them.
    However, I told my son this will be our new home. What could this mean? Thanks


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 29, 2019 @ 9:55 am

      Hi Kay,

      God has blessings ahead for you but the enemy has tried to distract and block you from taking hold of them by faith

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  24. Heritage
    October 20, 2019 @ 10:36 pm

    Hello sir, I keep having a particular dream where I am farming with either my late father, or grand mother, or late siblings. It starts to bother me since it repeat almost every week. Pls help


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 3, 2019 @ 1:22 pm

      Hi Heritage,

      I was not clear whether you meant that the dream repeats itself every week?
      A recurring dream can mean that God is trying to get our attention about the subject of the dream.
      For a Christian a farmer in a dream can represent an evangelistic calling. I believe the dream show that there has been an evangelistic calling in your generation as it shows you are farming with relatives from the past.

      Please let me know if this makes by posting a comment here or emailing [email protected]


    • Japheth
      July 4, 2020 @ 5:38 pm

      you was right


  25. Pat
    October 19, 2019 @ 6:24 pm

    I dreamed that I wa trying to find my way back to a motel and got lost and was going through some jungle like vines as I was climbing some stairs to get a better look. Somehow I ended up on the back of a dump bed like truck that was going down a hill with others on it too. It started to flip backwards and I told everyone to rush to the top to balance it so it wouldn’t flip over. Then as we got closer to the bottom I noticed people started rushing towards us to help and knowing we we were going to crash, I yelled to everyone to JUMP which I did. I was safe but some stayed on. I woke up when I screamed to jump as it was crashing it about to!


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 29, 2019 @ 12:18 pm

      Hi Pat,

      I believe the dream shows that when you were in a place of transition (the motel) you feel like you have lost your way. I believe it has been difficult to see where you were going.
      I believe that the truck represents a ministry that also went in another direction to which you were going. You try to warn others about the ministry and while some came off some stayed.

      Let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing [email protected]


  26. Henry
    October 6, 2019 @ 11:44 am

    Walking down a road with my girlfriend I find rare coins of value and begin to pick them up by the handfuls from the dirt as she continues to walk


    • Julie Ramjit
      October 13, 2019 @ 10:41 am

      Hi Henry,

      I believe the dream shows that even though you and your girl friend are going through on the same path together you are able to see or discern things of value even though it may be obscured among things of seemingly no value.

      Please let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  27. Marija Savitt
    October 2, 2019 @ 12:05 pm

    My husband passed away 9/15/19 from cancer. Early this morning he came to me in a dream. His best friend and I were in a separate car from him and 4 other people. His bestie and I stopped at a junkyard and left then my husband and his car stopped separate from us at the same junkyard. We all then met up. I don’t know the people in his car. When we met I asked him what he did at the junkyard and he said “we sealed the deal that day” and there was no other information about what was done at the junkyard. It felt so real and I woke up gasping from the dream. I don’t normally remember dreams so this was amazing that I can remember so much. Thank you in advance.


  28. Shirley
    October 2, 2019 @ 11:42 am

    I dreamt I seen a tall guy bent down but when he stood up he was about 7 feet guy looking through my things outside, he took a suitcase that was made on to a pulley, I tried to chase him but he kept getting a way faster. I asked standbys did they see him, they informed me that he was down by the 7-11 store giving away money.


  29. Kirk
    September 26, 2019 @ 9:38 am

    Lions and bears…
    Surrounding house. It started with me seeing a bear outside the house…I didn’t know lions were there too at that point. I told people not to go outside but they didn’t listen. People went outside. First there was a toddler and he had darkish coloured skin, he was a mixed nationality, because the mother was black..somehow he was outside and the mother did not know, he was outside.
    It was night time… Then as the mother went to stop the lion, it was to late, it devoured the child, then it turned on her and ripped her backbone out and ate her.

    It was disgusting to watch and terrifying. Then the friends ran to help like they were taken with grief, not caring about the danger, or paralysed with fear, they just stopped and the lions ate them. I started to tell, yell at those in the house not to go outside… I knew my family and friends, (but I didn’t see them) and people I don’t know were in the house..I saw my dad, and he wanted to go outside and help, and I was begging him not to…as it’s to dangerous as one man…and I started to run and close, secure all the doors that were open. But some doors were not very secure and I felt the lions and bears could get into the house. The house was an upstairs house. A one level, but high. 1:22am 13/09/18


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 3, 2019 @ 1:06 pm

      Hi Kirk,

      I believe the dream shows your calling to be a prophetic voice. I believe it shows that you are warning the people that the enemy is devouring a younger generation and he wants to devour the church because of sin and compromise which are open doors. It shows I believe that church is there to protect the people.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment or emailing us at [email protected]


  30. Samuel
    September 19, 2019 @ 12:59 pm

    I had a nightmare. I dreamed that I live in a small private house in a poor area of a city and I’m looking through the window when a girl is runing to my house fence and begging for me to help her and that this is her only chance, and right away a guy is coming and stabs her and then I get stabed too


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 28, 2019 @ 1:40 pm

      Hi Samuel,

      I believe the dream is A call to pray for those around you who may be in need of help and the message of the gospel.
      The dream shows the plans of the enemy which is to steal, kill (the spiritual man) and destroy. I believe the dream is a call to pray against the plans of the enemy and seek after God.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  31. Siamisang
    September 18, 2019 @ 5:43 am

    dreamed my mother in law building a house but where the old house used to be they remove the weeds and again she told my spouse who is now dead that i am cheating him


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 28, 2019 @ 12:30 pm

      Hi Siamsing,

      Thank you for reaching out to us with your dream.
      In order to interpret your dream I wanted to ask you if in real life your spouse has passed and how is the relationship between you and your mother in law.
      You can also email me at [email protected]


  32. Sirquincy
    September 10, 2019 @ 7:06 pm

    if u dream about your uncle holding kids hostage with a gun trying to kill them and u and the other child escape and u see a big black dog in the dream meaning spiritual


  33. Kirke
    August 30, 2019 @ 12:53 am

    I saw that I was sitting in my home, looking outside the window. Suddenly there were a lot of people outside, also policemen and police cars. A few second later hundreds of cyclists appeared from nowhere and it seemed to be a bicycle marathon. It wasn’t a normal marathon, because they started to ride over people, brutally murdering them. Those poor people screamed in horror. This dream was scary!


    • Kay
      September 6, 2019 @ 5:18 am

      I dreamed I was being bullied, someone wrapped my car in white toilet paper and threw a hammer at me.


      • Julie Ramjit
        September 14, 2019 @ 11:14 am

        Hi Kay,

        I wanted to ask whether you feel in natural that you are in fact experiencing bullying as sometimes dreams are a emotional and reflect what happens in the natural.
        If however, this is not the case, then I would say that the dream is showing that the enemy is trying to intimidate you and bring fear to you. I believe he is doing this by affecting your ministry. Cars in dreams are often symbolic of ministry. Wrapping the car in toilet paper is showing that the enemy is trying to make you feel like your ministry is insignificant and of little worth.
        A hammer in real life is used to pound things into place and I believe he is trying to use intense pressure to affect you and your ministry.

        Let me know if any of the above makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  34. Kay
    August 18, 2019 @ 3:51 pm

    Hi Scott,
    I had a dream was preaching to a group of people. It started raining very heavily, but the people listening to me refused to go. They continue to listen to the word while standing in the rain. What can this mean?


    • Scott
      August 20, 2019 @ 4:31 pm

      Hello, Kay.

      Rain can represent an outpouring or anointing of the Holy Spirit, and I believe the Lord is encouraging you that your teaching and preaching has His anointing.
      The people recognize that your words are not just your own, but just as Jesus only said what He heard the Father saying, this characterizes your words as well. People recognize the flavor of heaven on your words.

      Men shall not live by bread alone, but by every “freshly spoken” word of God.


  35. Keesha
    August 16, 2019 @ 11:04 am

    Hello! My dream was some sort of reunion gone wrong. I approached a boat full of people that were supposedly from my high school. During the experience, people started dying in different freak accidents (one girl fell into some sort of sinking mud). Anywho, I managed to escape with a familiar female figure. We entered a closet with a secret door leading to a skinny stream of aqua blue water with only enough room for one canoe. We found one little canoe and hopped on it. The water was calm so we had to create momentum to push us forward. My accomplice dropped one of her oars. Luckily, the sides of the stream were full of free oars. Moments later, we were approached by a black man who looked like he was from a tribe. He said that if we continue through the stream, it will take us over one hundred years to reach our destination. I was hesitant to believe him. Then, my dream ended.


    • Scott
      August 20, 2019 @ 5:25 pm

      Hi Keesha,
      Thanks for sharing your cool dream!

      Usually people dying in a dream is actually a good thing!
      Symbolically in the scriptures, we die to our old nature but then live a new abundant life in Him!

      I remember that Jesus said, “If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”

      Regardless of what has gone on in your past, or is going on in the lives of past schoolmates, the Lord is giving you a picture of your “new life”.

      It is born out of your prayer life, and is fruitful, and the same kind of experiences of the twelve, and later the 70, you can expect in your life. That is teaching about and demonstrating the reality of God’s kingdom now on earth, bringing healing and deliverance to folks.

      Remember when Jesus sent His early followers out, He sent them two by two (you had a companion), and He said not to take two tunics, because Father would provide as they go (just as He provided the other oar when you only had one.) There were many oars, just as there is an abundant supply of all you need as you walk the narrow path. (Narrow stream in the dream).

      The number 100 is not literal years, but symbolic of complete fruitfulness in your new life.
      Born out of prayer, and flowing in Holy Spirit.

      ““Listen to my words,” Jesus said. “Anyone who leaves his home behind and chooses me over children, parents, family, and possessions, all for the sake of the gospel, it will come back to him a hundred times as much in this lifetime—homes, family, mothers, brothers, sisters, children, possessions—along with persecutions. And in the age to come, he will inherit eternal life.”
      ‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:29-30‬ ‭TPT‬‬

      100 fold provision as you go!


  36. Somnyai Gangsa
    August 15, 2019 @ 10:12 am

    Hi… This is kinda lengthier.but I want to know the true meaning behind it. So please..
    It was 18th of June 2018 ,I saw a girl in my dream I admire of but never was that serious to have a thought of approach or taking any initiative thinking it as some random crush but that night was shocking. Her name is Thangni tangha.I saw her looking for me on social media and showing someone maybe her friends saying that i like her..something like that.i can’t recall exactly.The next morning I was flustered,I had no idea how she came all of a sudden.. I didn’t even think about her before. Again the second time I saw her maybe March or April of this year as far I guess. Then I decided to approach her in reality but that my first approach which was really bad I totally sucked.i was actually really nervous. Anyway again the 3rd time I saw her on April 23rd 4:20 am. Please let me know. I’m very much curious.


    • Scott
      August 20, 2019 @ 4:40 pm

      Hello Somnyai.

      Thanks for taking the time to share. You speak of someone from a dream, but I’m confused. What was the dream? It sounds like you are speaking about what you were doing after having a dream?



    • Isioma
      August 25, 2019 @ 9:51 pm

      I dreamt twice of seeing a pastor trying to sleep with me, saying it was the last step to take and be pregnant but i refused. Note i have recently being meeting this pastor for prayers because am in need of a child.


      • Julie
        August 26, 2019 @ 12:51 pm

        Hi Isioma,

        Have you noticed any wrong intentions from the pastor you are currently in counsel with?



  37. Pamela
    August 15, 2019 @ 6:27 am

    My brother contacted me and said he had a dream about me – Something about debt and the number 20. 20 white dots evenly spaced. Don’t know what that means. Can someone offer up some ideas?
    Thanks so much


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 17, 2019 @ 2:52 pm

      Hi Pamela,

      The number 20 can symbolise a trial of great length coming to and end by the hand of God. I believe the dream shows (as your brother said something about debt) that the trial has to do with your finances,. I believe that it will be a progression as the dots were all lined up and therefore it will not happen all at once.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  38. Ken
    August 15, 2019 @ 4:28 am

    had a dream in which I saw a slot machine. The 3 wheels were spinning and one by one they stopped and it was the same symbol across all three like in a jackpot. I didn’t recognize the symbol. It was a white background with the symbols being in black.

    Also, I’ve had a couple different dreams with snakes. In one, they belonged to someone I knew and were around him and then started to come toward me. They did not bite me. In another dream there was a cobra like snake jumping around in the air and coming toward and around me. It did not bite me but in the dream it belonged to a lady I did not know and I was expecting her to grab her snake and pull it away from me. She did not.

    Thank you, Ken


    • Scott
      August 20, 2019 @ 11:52 pm

      Hi Ken,
      Thanks for sharing your dreams.

      The first one shows alignment in your relationship with the Lord.
      John 15 speaks of a “Jackpot” in the ways of God’s kingdom. Jesus said if we abide in Him, and His freshly spoken words (Rhema) abide in us (we are hearing His still, small voice), we can ask what ever we wish and it shall be done for us.

      How awesome is that!?! As you continue to grow in your closeness with Him, your ability to commune with Him, things become clearer, black and white. Ask Him questions, and “listen” for His answers. This is a winning combination for you.

      Snakes typically symbolize the enemy, and specifically falsehoods and lies. It’s good that you weren’t bitten! 2Cor10 reminds us that the enemy wants to come against this relationship with Jesus. His falsehoods come against us knowing Him (knowledge of Him). We combat these attacks simply in submitting them to God. “Lord, is this really true? What are YOU saying?” And again, pressing in to hear Him.

      “We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ,”
      ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:5‬ ‭NASB‬‬


      • Ken
        August 27, 2019 @ 1:57 am

        Thank you Scott! That bears witness with my spirit!


  39. Tuwa Mosi
    August 14, 2019 @ 10:36 am

    Thank u for your page. This dream was about my husband and his friend getting shot in a white Jeep by the police. Never got to c if they died in the dream. Please help me understand.


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 17, 2019 @ 2:47 pm

      Hi Tuwa,

      Police can also represent authority and if you are a Christian/attend a Bible believing church a vehicle can represent ministry. I believe the dream shows that someone in authority did something that caused hurt to your husband and his friend. It could be words which in the natural can cause a lot of pain and hurt or it can be the religious spirit.

      Let me know if this makes sense to you posting a comment here or emailing is at [email protected]


  40. Jean
    August 12, 2019 @ 3:54 pm

    I dreamt I was going to a church service that started at 2.30pm.
    I was then at the service and someone was being prayed for and when the prayer for them ended they walked away.
    I stood up and went forward for prayer. The leader who was going to pray for me sort of turned away to pray for me.
    I fell down then I started to have a physical struggle. Then I opened my mouth and demons came out. I felt like I could not breath.
    I woke up and wondered if this actually happens.
    I had to sleep in the spare room last night because my husband is not well.He said he heard me screaming in the night.
    Thank you for helping me to understand this dream/ experience.


    • Scott
      August 21, 2019 @ 12:24 am

      Hello Jean,
      I appreciate your dream. Although commonly symbolic, there are sometimes a literal component to dreams. In the scriptures people had genuine encounters with God (Solomon) and angels (Joseph), yet they occurred in a dream.

      You said that when you awoke, you were asking if this happens (happened?). I believe this was literal. Jesus saves us, body, soul, and spirit! One Greek word, sozo, could mean saved, healed and/or delivered! What a great thing that is!

      We know that Jesus delivered many people from oppression by the enemy (and still does).

      Currently I am reading “They Shall Expel Demons” by Derek Prince. You may find it helpful, I do.


    • Scott
      August 21, 2019 @ 12:30 am

      Oh, I almost forgot. I believe 2:30 represents strong concordance number 230 in the Greek, and ALSO number 230 in Hebrew. Both words are similar, and answer your question if this really happened…”Truly” and “Assuredly”!!!

      (You can google “strongs 230” and see for yourself!


  41. Rene
    August 10, 2019 @ 12:17 pm

    So I had a dream that I was with my two younger cousins outside eating on a side walk and man pulls up in his car assembling his gun getting ready to shoot and me and my girl cousin ran and left my youngest boy cousin there then they caught up with us and told us one of us had to get shot I stood up cuz I’m the oldest I got shot then died what does that mean?


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 17, 2019 @ 2:35 pm

      Hi Rene,

      Being chased in a dream can be symbolic of an attack of the enemy. I believe that the dream shows that it is an attack of the enemy which is generational as you were with your cousins and the gun man said one of you has to die. Dying in a dream often is not literal but symbolic of spiritual death. I believe that the enemy wants to being fear and intimidation to you and your family as meditate on the word which can be symbolised by food in dreams. I believe this is a call to pray and become more grounded in the word of God. The Bible tells us that the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy but that Jesus came that we might have life and life more abundantly.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  42. Rosina
    July 31, 2019 @ 1:52 pm

    Hello, I had a dream I was laying down looking out a window toward a rural road with a huge green cornfield behind it. suddenly two 18 wheelers collided in front of me on that road. initially I was frightened that they would come toward me but instead of moving, i stayed there. One flew over me, the other skidded toward me but stopped.


  43. Vuyolwethu
    July 31, 2019 @ 1:40 pm

    Please dream of a person im working with but I couldn’t see him his face he was packing food inside his launch box so I asked him why then he complained that he is not getting enough with the salary so i was laughing at him so he said i should stop laughing but I couldn’t help it he started pressing my right shoulder down please can this interpreted please


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 11, 2019 @ 3:57 pm

      Hi Vuyolwethu,

      If you are a Christian, food can represent the Word of God and a co-worker can represent another Christian. I believe the dream shows that there might be others around you who hunger for the Word of God but instead of applying it they store it in but are not doers.
      I believe that it is a warning to be sensitive of how you approach people you may notice doing that as we ought to encourage and correct in love.

      Please let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  44. Dawn Massa
    July 28, 2019 @ 12:25 pm

    Hi Gary – I’m a member of MetroChurch, NJ – saw you this weekend.

    Earlier this year I dreamed I was going to Metrochurch for some kind of event. It was in the OLD Saddle Brook location with the old green banner out front, but the building was different. Instead of being a warehouse, it was a mechanics garage — empty, clean – no oil or junk laying around.

    The building was a “U” shape – it had a wide long driveway leading up to the main door, which was a large tripple-size garage door. Inside that was a big empty room – to the left was a small door that led into an office, and to the left of that was another open garage space with a single garage door leading out.

    I was the first one person to arrive when all of a sudden a small reddish-brown old sedan (like 70’s or 80’s style?) came FLYING up the driveway and busted through the triple door (that was the only way I could see what was inside). The car sped left through the office – and I kept waiting for it to bust out of the other garage door but it never came out.

    Freaking out – I called 911. Meanwhile, others started arriving – there was a woman holding a little girl in her arms. I kept SCREAMING at her to NOT go in – but to come over to the side of the building where it’s safe, but either she didn’t hear me or wasn’t listening.


  45. Dawna
    July 24, 2019 @ 8:32 am

    I had a dream at the beginning of May 2019 that a woman with blonde hair was standing on the side of my bed with a yellow substance in her hand and she blew it into my face around 3:30 am i woke up couldnt breath and then I find out on June 28th that I have Laryngeal Cancer did a demon put a curse on me. Please help


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 8, 2019 @ 3:39 pm

      Hi Dawna,

      I believe the woman you dreamt must be of the enemy as it caused you to be in distress. I cannot say whether this was the cause of the diagnosis.
      I pray that the power of God will cover you now and that by the blood of Jesus that was shed on the Cross of Calvary that you are healed. I pray the word of God over you that by the stripes of Jesus you are healed in Jesus name.


  46. Brandi
    July 21, 2019 @ 3:18 pm

    Dreamed I was in a beautiful bathroom, looking at my nude body in mirror. I painted white stripes on my body, then danced, felt happy. Maid came into bathroom to take trash out. I dont have a maid.


    • Julie
      July 21, 2019 @ 4:42 pm

      Hi Brandi

      Why did you paint white stripes on your body in the dream?



  47. el
    July 20, 2019 @ 11:21 pm

    My dad had a dream that he was hiking and found a pocket watch. Wondering what that means?? Thanks


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 21, 2019 @ 12:56 pm

      Hi El,

      In dreams hiking can symbolise walking forward with the Lord in spite of obstacles and difficulties. Finding a pocket watch speaks of God’s timing. I believe it shows that in spite of what he is going through that he is still in God’s timing.
      Let us know if this makes sense to you


  48. peggy
    July 15, 2019 @ 5:36 pm

    I dream’t that I saw/felt a POWER lift my grandson out of his crib and handed him down to the floor. The POWER was still there and I wanted to get my grandson out and shut the window.


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 21, 2019 @ 12:51 pm

      Hi Peggy,

      What was on the floor that the “power” was handing down the child to ?


  49. Bryant
    July 13, 2019 @ 7:48 pm

    This is going to be a gross nightmare. If you don’t want to review it I understand.
    I was in a grocery store, and there was a man selling bags of something. I heard the sounds of someone vomiting, and it was his granddaughter vomiting into the bags that he was selling.


    • Julie Ramjt
      July 21, 2019 @ 4:41 pm

      Hi Bryant,

      The grocery store can symbolise a church as it is a place where you obtain food(the word of God). A man selling bags of someone’s vomit I believe means that people in the church giving words that are not of God. The Bible says out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.
      When someone throws up it can be that the food they ate was bad and it comes back out. I believe there are people in the church that are trying to get others to believe word that is not of God but word that is sick.

      Does this make sense to you. Let me know know by posting a comment here or emailing at [email protected]


  50. Natalia
    July 13, 2019 @ 9:37 am

    I had a dream that I was at a ceremony of some sort dressed up and my parents were there, my friends, and my ex with his 2 friends I liked alot were there. He congratulated me along with my parents at a fancy hotel and banquet.
    Later the setting shifted with the decision to go on a part boat tour on the open ocean at night. I was with a friend and my ex brought 2 different girls with him. He seemed interested in them but not completely. When I was hanging back talking with my friend, he ran along talking with the other girls. When I entered the boat room for tourists he was taking his fingers and running them through this other girls black hair.
    The scene jumped from me telling either the bus driver or boat driver that I didn’t have my swimsuit on and I needed to go back to my parents house to change into it. I got off the boat and my ex ran with me back to my parents house.
    When I got in the house my parents started to tell at me about my finances saying I’m spending too much money and I need to cut back that I’m now going on a boat tour. Then I woke up.
    What does this mean?


  51. Holly
    July 9, 2019 @ 9:03 pm

    Hi, I dreamed that I was in the passenger seat of a large vehicle. I saw my crush driving a late 40’s or early 50’s red Chevy tow truck. He looked over his left shoulder at me as he slowly went forward. Meanwhile I went from behind him, going in the same direction, east, to going south. I didn’t want to pass him but I wasn’t able to stop the vehicle I was in so the dream ended. I usually have lucid dreams so this was odd. I have dreamed of him before. I never get super close. Once he told me “Just be normal” I get the feeling that, although he never approaches me, he is aware of my presence. In real life he gives me butterflies and I get stupid smile and blush like crazy. I get way to tongue tied to actually talk to him. He has had the hots for me as well but we’re both very shy.


  52. Kay
    July 3, 2019 @ 5:33 pm

    Hi there,
    I would be grateful if you can help with understanding this dream.
    In my dream I saw my boss borrowed my yellow shirt. He was thanking me for the shirt. Thanks


  53. Themis
    July 1, 2019 @ 7:03 pm

    I had a dream in which I sensed I was lifted up in a somewhat seating position (like a man holding a woman in a wedding), I had a handshake with an entity (not a classic handshake but like bras de fer) and I felt an energy belt tighten my waist/stomach. I tried to untighten it with effort and when I succeeded it was tightened again. And then I woke up


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 17, 2019 @ 2:17 pm

      Hi Themis,

      In the Bible, the church which is us, is called the the bride of Christ. I do not believe however that this is Jesus in this dreams as you have said that there was a motion like a hand wrestle and then a hold on your stomach which you tried to release but it came back. I believe that this is a call to pray to break to the powers of the enemy over your life as the enemy has tried to come in under the pretence of being like God. I believe that the dream shows that you tried to remove the power of enemy using your own strength but I believe that you need to call upon the Power of God and the blood of Jesus.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  54. Roanne
    June 28, 2019 @ 5:39 am

    Hi. Trust you are well. I’m very confused about a dream I had. My uncle passed away 2 weeks ago and he came to me in a dream recently. I dreamt he was standing in a bright shining circle and he said to me “Don’t worry Roanne. I’m in peace”. I would like to know if the circle is symbolic in some way. I’m very confused because the Bible says that when people die their memories are erased so how did my uncle come in my dream?


    • Julie
      June 29, 2019 @ 5:04 pm

      Hi Roanne,

      I am sorry to know of your uncle’s passing, my condolences to you.

      Some dreams are from God, some come from our emotions reflecting things that are happening in our lives and some dreams are from the enemy.
      I believe the dream is an emotional dream.
      The shining circle I believe shows that all of your attention may be on him due to his recent passing.
      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  55. Anne Scotto-Lowery
    June 24, 2019 @ 3:06 pm

    I dreamt about arriving somewhere by plans and my adult son, who does not communicate with me a lot, unexpectedly meeting me as I was exiting the plane. I don’t remember much of the rest of the dream except that we walked to a parking lot where we were going to get in a car to go somewhere.


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 25, 2019 @ 8:05 am

      Hi Anne,

      I believe the dream shows that you have been in transition which will be fairly quick as planes tend to move swiftly. I believe your son represents ministry and that you will come out of this transition into a ministry which will take you by surprise.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  56. violet nalliah
    June 13, 2019 @ 5:05 am

    dreamt of my exhusband after 27 years- he looks think and with a chipped tooth. dreamt of has he looked in his younger days. currently i feel unwell and afraid – also saw a best friend who said’ i told you he will come back or see you


      June 22, 2019 @ 11:32 am

      Hi Violet,

      This is Julie Ramjit, can I ask you to explain what was meant above when you said ” dreamt of has he looked in his younger days”? Can you also explain if your feeling unwell refers to how you feel at the time of posting this dream or whether this refers to the way you felt in the dream?


  57. Kay
    June 9, 2019 @ 6:40 pm

    Hi Gary,
    Please I sent the dreams below for help, but still waiting. Thanks
    MAY 4, 2019 @ 10:06 AM
    In my dream I found myself on top of a tall tree with a lot of fruits not ripe yet.
    In my second dream, a friend was convincing me to travel with him to another country. I tried to park my things as quick as possible, but finally missed the flight. What could these dreams mean.


    • Julie
      June 10, 2019 @ 2:57 pm

      Hi Kay,

      This is Julie Ramjit.
      I do apologise for not responding to your dreams sooner.. we have a number of dreams coming through various channels and it can take some time before we get to them all. I believe the first dream shows that you feel as if we have reach a pinnacle or stage in your life where you can see the evidence of the fruits of the spirit of God in your life. I believe however that you are still going through a process during which time you will see the fullness of these fruits in your life( when the fruits become ripe).

      I believe the second dream is linked or similar to the first dream. The second dream shows that you are wanting to transition to another season because maybe you see others doing so and they are also wanting you to as well. I do not believe the time is right , at this time, as the dream shows that you hastily pack your things but still miss the flight. A flight can be symbolic of transition.

      I believe that God would want you to stay in His timing as follow the path that He has ordained for you as what might work for others in this season may not for you. When the time is right God will progress you the next season in your life.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


      • Kay
        June 11, 2019 @ 3:54 pm

        Thanks Julie. God bless!


  58. Kirk Montague
    June 9, 2019 @ 6:08 pm

    Larger Black cats fighting and killing smaller black cats. Another dream prior was one cat which was white and brown being attacked mercilessly by several other cats some of which were black and some were the same mixed white brown color as the one being attacked.


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 25, 2019 @ 7:58 am

      Hi Kirk,

      Animals in dreams can represent people. I believe the dream is talking about a spirit of intimidation. It shows I believe the weak being taken advantage by those seemingly stronger.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


      • Kirk
        July 1, 2019 @ 8:34 pm

        Thanks Julie…I believe I know what the dream is referring to.


  59. Mayowa
    June 8, 2019 @ 4:49 am

    Good morning sir,
    Pls I had a dream that I was electricuted and I came back to life speaking in tongues.
    And people around ran away when then saw me come back to life and speak in tongues in the dream.
    What is the meaning.
    Thank you


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 8, 2019 @ 9:07 am

      Hi Mayowa,

      I believe the dream shows that the fire and power of God will bring to life the thing that might seem dead. When this happens I believe that people will be surprised and may at first turn away as they do not understand the power of God at work in your life.
      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  60. Brittany
    June 6, 2019 @ 11:57 am

    Hi my boyfriend had a dream the other night of my sons father who has passed away 7 months ago but he has never met or seen him , in his dream my sons father tosses my boyfriend something yellow smirks at him and walks away . What does this mean ???


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 8, 2019 @ 9:10 am

      Hi Brittany,

      I do not believe the dream is from God. Some dreams are from God, some from our emotions and some are from the enemy. Sometimes dreams can be a depiction of what we are dealing with at the time.
      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment or emailing us at [email protected].


  61. Lile
    June 4, 2019 @ 11:44 am

    I had a dream last night that I were over the toilet feeling like I’m going to be sick, I started pulling strings out of my mouth i just kept pulling them out, then my lung came out of my mouth and It landed on the floor next to me still moving . Can you tell me what this bizarre dream means?


    • Robert
      June 5, 2019 @ 2:19 pm

      I had a dream I was in a church house ,a lady , and her two sons were there,the sons was playing a game ,in the lady some how felt a bad energy from me that something wasn’t right,she asked me to hold a coin that looked like a quarter ,so I did.soon as I closed my hand my body shook..I didn’t notice but she did.she looked frightened in surprise,she told her kids to stop playin the video game in get out ,Dey refused ,then Dey agreed to leave for her to work on me,she asked me to close the windows ,I did ,I told her I haven’t been feeling like myself recently in somethings not right with me,she lit a candle by me in it almost burnt me something had made me forget the candle was there,she asked me do I know something about meadow or is it familiar,I said no.she said it’s maybe something I took or Something i wasn’t supposed to have,so she made me swallow a coin that looks like a quarter in asked was it hard to swallow in it was.she had a hat that she rubbed something under it so that I’m guessing so she can lock in and read my mind or some how talk to my mind or ask what is bothering me a question,soon as she put the hat on my head ,I heard her ask my mind or what ever she was speaking to” what does you want with me!!then the spirit or whatever it was screamed soo Loud and soo did I in my dream that I felt it when I woke up .then I woke ..I’m curious what does this mean


      • Julie Ramjit
        June 8, 2019 @ 9:33 am

        Hi Robert,

        In order to interpret your dream, are you able to tell me whether you are a Christian/born again believer?


    • Julie
      June 5, 2019 @ 4:32 pm

      Hi Lile,
      I believe the dream shows that you have need of inner healing which is what the toilet often represents in dreams. I believe that the healing will come from unconventional ways (as you were pulling strings out of your mouth and not using the toilet as it is meant to be used). I believe however, that you will have to rely on the strength of God to bring the healing as in your own strength you will end up pulling things out of your life that is necessary to you.
      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  62. Rosenea Bennett
    May 29, 2019 @ 12:05 pm

    My friend woke me up this morning pulling on me like he needed help, and he couldn’t catch his breath. He told me that he had a bad dream. This is what it was about. He was walking with me and a few other people in the dark and he found a bunch of quarters in the dirt and in a row. And told us that they were his because he found them . As he was picking them up, he fell in a hole and he couldn’t get out. He yelled for help and no one was there. The more he tried to get out, the more the dirt would cave in. What does this mean. Thank you .


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 1, 2019 @ 1:58 pm

      Hi Rosenea,

      In order to interpret your dream I needed to understand if you and your friend are saved and living for Jesus?



  63. Roberto
    May 29, 2019 @ 7:57 am

    Hi my name is roberto. I literally just woke up from a dream where I was about to walk up a flight of stairs(outdoors) with 2 other people and out of nowhere Lions came out. I was instructed to get down and be submissive as the lion step on my back I literally felt its talons in my back I felt its huge mouth on my back as if it was ready to bite me. But to my right as I was faced down on my back what had seem like a cheetah came out of the trees and roared and showed its teeth as I still felt the lion on my back and the lion proceeded to walk off of my back as I felt every talon go into my back except for the last one where i was suddenly woken up. What does this mean?


    • Anonymous
      June 8, 2019 @ 9:15 am

      Hi Roberto,
      I believe the dream shows the plan of the enemy for your life. Going up a flight of stairs means I believe, that you are about to go higher in God in the things of the spirit.
      I believe the lions symbolises an attack of the enemy to bring intimidation and fear. I believe the cheetah which is also capable of attack symbolises that God will use something that could would normally be of danger to you to scare off the plan of the enemy. I remember the scripture that says that God will work all things out together for our good. I believe you need to pray against the attacks of the enemy and into going higher into the the things of God.
      Let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  64. Destiny
    May 27, 2019 @ 4:05 pm

    Well in my dream I was in the Middle East and I was talking to my mom or somebody about how Islam and Jerusalem split and the war between them and the Turks. I ended up in Israel I was in the city where Jesus was born . The people there was trying to find the exact spot where Jesus was born . And they had this theory if they spin around 68 times then walk they’ll land in the spot he was born a man voice said no tell them to spin 8 times. I was going to spin but he also told me not to . So a little kid spun then walked he fell down as they was spinning I looked to my left in a field green with white Flowers , I saw Jesus he was sitting in a chair rocking with long white hair dressed in all white reading a book, I walked up on him I gave him a hug he stood up and started walking with me but the scenery was different . We walked and sat on a bench , it was like nobody saw him but me cause nobody came up and approached him they was still trying to find the spot he was born. He started talking to me but the most clear thing I know he was talking about things that happened when he was 13. And when he started talking more I couldn’t hear exactly what he said I woke up thinking about Jerusalem , Judah ( I didn’t know who Judah was until I googled ) and the movie the prince of Egypt


  65. lei
    May 27, 2019 @ 2:03 pm

    Hi i dreamt this morning that the Pastor of a Church which i have been attending for the past 3 years ( I dont know him personally) Praying for me. He said he wrote a song while Praying for me and he even signed in the Middle of the Bible with the song title and date.
    I dont know the title of the song cause it was in local language which i dont understand. People asked him the meaning and he was explaining but i cant remember all the details,all i remember is the word Joy.
    I have been trying hard to remember but i cant.


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 31, 2019 @ 7:30 pm

      Hi Lei,
      In dreams a pastor can sometimes be symbolic of Jesus. The Bible says the Jesus makes intercession on our behalf. I believe that God is reminding you of his promise to make intercession on your behalf. I believe that His writing a song for you is a song of thanksgiving to God as you experience His joy.
      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


      • lei
        June 1, 2019 @ 1:37 pm

        Hi Julie, Thank You.
        I am going through a rough phase for sometime now. Maybe its God assuring that everything will be fine soon ?


        • Julie
          June 1, 2019 @ 2:33 pm

          Hi Lei,

          Your most welcome. I believe that joy will come .. as this was The one word you remembered of the song.

          Bless you


          • lei
            June 14, 2019 @ 5:09 pm

            Thank you.
            Soon after this dream i dreamt that when i came out of Church and a priest and a nun called me n said something like will Pray for u. Later the nun was with me and i was climbing over a netted fence and as I said “Miracle” i climbed up with the help of just my toes. Every time i said Miracle I climbed up that too just with the help of toes on that netted fence.(The fence was White even the Church and its surrounding) When i reached top it was like i was at God’s feet and was asking forgiveness and Thanking him. I was asking Him my hearts desires.

            Does it mean anything?

      • lei
        July 5, 2019 @ 4:39 pm

        Please when you get time interpret my 2nd dream. Thank You.


  66. Nancy
    May 23, 2019 @ 12:23 pm


    I dreamed about my crush bringing me a lot of tissue boxes (maybe 100 boxes). And then he came sat next to me without being afraid that his wife would see us.


    • Julie
      May 25, 2019 @ 9:24 pm

      Hi Nancy,
      Thanks for posting your dream on the dreams network page. Dreams can be from Lord, the enemy or our emotions. I believe the dream is an emotional dream.
      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  67. Michelle
    May 22, 2019 @ 12:02 am

    I had a dream about this 2 males pulling me close and they are praying. And I don’t no what it means


    • Julie
      May 25, 2019 @ 9:25 pm

      Hi Michelle,

      I sent you an email to get further details on this dreams.



    • Julie Ramjit
      May 31, 2019 @ 7:39 pm

      Hi Michelle,

      I believe in this dream that two symbolises confirmation. The males pulling you close I believe means that God will pull you closer to him as you continue in pray. The bible also says that Jesus makes intercession on our behalf (Romans 8:34).
      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  68. Jonathan Neto
    May 16, 2019 @ 5:54 pm

    Hi I had a dream of a work on a farm where some of my friends stayed in a nice and big farm house but the bosses where terrible I slept over and a demon looks like a old white pale lady was attacking me the whole time and couldn’t do nothing without her sticking up there the owner of the farm told me to get off the farm as I watched her push a small girl on a swing and as I tried to leave with a girl I liked she kept on picking up the car we got away I went to my aunty house nobody was there and I couldn’t speak or scream or do anything I started praying falling to my knees screaming that threw god I expell you and am not scared of you the doors started slamming and I woke up.


  69. Victor
    May 11, 2019 @ 7:28 am

    Hello, please see if you can help me.
    I dreamed that I was at the graveyard with my wife. There I saw a newborn baby boy on a box still alive, i picked the baby up once. Then I told my wife she should adopt the baby, first she replied: let’s talk to the police first. Then we went to the police station, my wife went inside while I was outside with the baby. I was making that smile like everything is fine now, trying to make the baby smile but the baby didn’t smile back, instead he made an angry face (evil face) which scared me. But I still wanted the baby in my dream. (Other things happened in the dream, but I can’t remember them) I can’t get that face the baby made off my head. Can you help me please?



    • Scott
      May 12, 2019 @ 12:06 pm

      Hi Victor, thanks for sharing this awesome dream!

      There may be some disturbing symbols here, but I believe it is a dream from the Lord with hope and promise!

      Death (and in this case a graveyard) often speaks of salvation! Dead to sin, alive to god. This shows a new calling (the new born) for you to pray into. Others may not be too enthusiastic about it, but if the lord is for you (and He is), you will be fruitful in it.

      The ministry involves caring for and discipling young Christians, with an emphasis on deliverance from old patterns of abuse and neglect, bringing new experiences of life and the Lord redeeming what the enemy meant for harm.

      “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim deliverance to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to release the oppressed…”


  70. Veronica
    May 7, 2019 @ 7:05 am

    I dreamt I was at a beachfront house about to go swimming. There were several unidentified family and friends running out into the ocean for a quick swim and back. I am not a great swimmer but really wanted to take a swim. Besides I had put conditioner in my hair so I had to swim to rinse it out. The only person that I was aware of at this house was my uncle. I don’t know why I was aware of his presence but he’d already gone out to the ocean I put on my swimsuit and stopped to use the restroom and realized my period was starting. I was annoyed. I had to make a decision. I thought it is not heavy yet. It is just a spot…and I already have the conditioner in my hair. So I ran out into the ocean for a refreshing swim. There was not much emphasis on the dream on the swim…just the relieved and peaceful feeling afterwards. I walked back to the restroom in the house and I talk to my uncle briefly on a string transmitter in the bathroom. Then I got dressed and woke up.


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 29, 2019 @ 5:59 pm

      Hi Veronica,
      I believe the dream shows that God wants to take you into a time of refreshing symbolised by the sea. I believe that in order to experience this you will have to go where you are not comfortable in spite of things that might come up. I believe that it will be a decision you will make to move forward into the deeper things of God to experience the kind of peace and relief that you felt. An uncle can be symbolic of a spiritual mentor outside your church. I believe that talking to him on a string transmitter symbolises that you will become more encouraged to walk with God as a result of things you are experiencing and therefore less dependent on others in your spiritual walk.
      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here emailing us at [email protected]


  71. Veronica
    May 5, 2019 @ 6:27 am

    I just woke from a dream this morning where I was at a small family gathering and I saw a shiny silver and black snake on an end table. The snake was caught in a small string. My brother was walking past and I said to him, “Look at this snake”. The snake broke free of the string and slithered to the edge of the table with his head hanging beyond the edge midair. His tongue was black and thick and bumpy (not forked). I said to my brother, “His head is very flat. I think it is poisonous.” The snake reared back poised to strike and I slowly backed around a corner. My brother was cornered and turned his back to find an escape. The snake lunged and stuck my brother’s right butt cheek, ripping a piece from the pocket of his Levi’s. I spent the next few minutes asking people where is my brother, did he go to the hospital and did anyone take the snake to the hospital for an anecdote. I woke up with no answers to those questions.


  72. Mary
    May 5, 2019 @ 4:38 am

    please interpret my dream: I dream I was walking or standing with somebody, then the wall and top of a twin house fell away without wind or anything, yet not completely destroyed, only out of alignment. I woke up, wondered if there were people inside and if they were okay, as I made to step out to reach where it fell we noticed vague movement of someone. At that point I woke up.


  73. Kay
    May 4, 2019 @ 10:06 am

    In my dream I found myself on top of a tall tree with a lot of fruits not ripe yet.
    In my second dream, a friend was convincing me to travel with him to another country. I tried to park my things as quick as possible, but finally missed the flight. What could these dreams mean.


    • Shalegra
      May 5, 2019 @ 2:25 am

      I dream my cousin was supposed to been grilling chicken but the meat looked like baby elephants. He threw them down making a big circle then we all was on our knees beside the elephant meat praying for forgiveness….


  74. Franklin
    May 3, 2019 @ 3:52 am

    I dreamt that I had sex with a girl and later I saw men entering a circle as the first one entered the second and the third entered the circle they all said they will follow me I don’t know if it was a funeral or married but entering the circle it indicated that they have agreed to follow me pls what dies it mean


    • Scott
      May 7, 2019 @ 6:28 pm

      Thanks for sharing your dream, Franklin.

      You are a man of influence, and how you live your life will affect how others live. This sounds like a wake-up call. He who sows to the Holy Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life! Others will follow your example whether you know it or not.

      Father, help us to live in such a way that honors You. As we follow You, You will make us fishers of men. Grant wisdom to lead Your people well!


    • Scott
      May 7, 2019 @ 6:41 pm

      Also, Franklin, also, a circle can represent eternity. Our decisions today can have eternal ramifications for ourselves and others!
      Father, I pray that we might let our light shine before men in such a way that You are seen for who You really are. May we represent You well on the earth!


  75. Maria
    April 30, 2019 @ 10:07 am

    driving a red convertible with my 2 year old granddaughter , her blond hair flying with the wind. I am in front of the house where I was born, major road construction, very narrow path for the car to go through. My Mother who has been dead for years standing there. I stopped, I said I give you a ride, she said no, I will walk. Then I tell my Mother, this is my granddaughter are you going to talk to her. She ignored me. Then I said it again. Then my mother hugged my granddaughter. I heard laughter and everyone disappeared.


    • Pam
      May 6, 2019 @ 5:39 am

      I’m now 62-female. I have reoccurring dreams of me being younger and there’s an older woman with blondish colored hair, gold rimmed glasses and the glasses make her eyes a little bigger. My ex-husband is also in this dream. He’s telling me he wants to come back but this woman won’t give me back MY baby girl. The baby is too heavy for me to pick up and carry. My ex and I had two boys together, no girls. So ????


      • Julie
        May 31, 2019 @ 7:35 pm

        Hi Pam,

        I sent an email to you to obtain additional information from you concerning this dream.



    • Julie Ramjit
      May 7, 2019 @ 3:29 pm

      Hi Maria,

      I believe the dream deals with things from your past as find yourself in the front of the house where you were born. The major construction making the road small shows I believe that it is difficult for you to transition as things from your past is still being worked on (or as the dreams puts it under construction). The things from your past is generational as you see your mother from the past and her grand-daughter in your car. A car normally symbolises ministry; a convertible often is symbolic of a ministry operating under an open heaven or transparency. I believe that once the generational issues are dealt with it will allow your ministry to move faster (as it the road being narrow made it difficult to drive through).

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  76. Veronica
    April 28, 2019 @ 10:28 am

    I dreamt my fiancee and I and 4 adult sons went to dinner and a movie. The movie was not memorable but there was reddish-colored stray dog roaming around the parking lot for which one son was felt compassion. I do not like dogs so, I had no thoughts of it. Afterwards, we drove to the restaurant and was seated in a booth. I went to speak to the staff about something and when I come back the children were not there. I walked through the restaurant looking for them and found them seated in a theater-like area. I said to the children you moved and no one thought to tell me? I said to a server who walked up about the same time as I why did you move us? Where will we put our plates? She said, “I’ll be honest. We moved you because you weren’t going to spend enough money. The other party will spend more money.” And she walk away. I was upset. How does she know what we will spend. We didn’t even order yet. I did not argue. We really didn’t have much money and I did not know if the children planned to ask me to cover the cost of their dinner. So I suggested we just leave. I asked where my fiancee was. No one knew. We went to our cars to head home and conversed in the parking lot for a few minutes. My fiancee called and said he left because he needed to pick his dad up and take him home. I was so confused. “You did not think you should tell me before you left? I was upset and hung up before he could answer. Yet, I could not remain upset. Allen’s father is elderly with health issues and I know Allen has a kind heart and would not intentionally disregard me. I left heading home and realized my youngest child, Malachi, and the stray dog were in the car with me. I made a wrong turn and recognized if I continued on that street I would end up on an island far out of the way. I turned around and some things flew out the car so I stopped to gather them. As I was putting things in the car, my son, who was now young, 5 or 6 years old, was throwing clothes out the sunroof onto the street. I became so upset that I wanted to reach in and pull him through the sunroof. I immediately calmed down. I did not understand why he was doing it. I said to him, “Why are you doing this. Imagine if you were there one out here working and I were in the car undoing all your work. You would not like it would you?” About then a strange man walked up and asked Malachi a few questions about mistreating his mother. I do not remember the words Malachi offered, but he told the stranger how much he loves his mother and would do anything to make her happy. The stranger said, “Wow! How can I argue with that?” and helped me get the things back in the car. So when I returned to the driver seat, Malachi had gotten comfortable and was lying on the back seat, sandwiched between two pillows and the dog was on the floor board under the passenger seat. I do not care for dogs but this one was not bothering anybody so I let him be. I asked Malachi if he wanted to sit up front with me but he said no, he was fine. We headed home… I woke up.


  77. Nonso Ene
    April 11, 2019 @ 8:19 pm

    I dream where I plot two mango’s and one child came and toke to me..


    • Cassandra Quintero
      April 25, 2019 @ 8:56 pm

      I had a dream that my kids got kidnaped but some how my mom came into the dream I had to shoot her don’t quit know why but she didn’t die, when to church and I asked for forgiveness and was crying in my dream hard. My husband woke me up because I was crying loudly!


      • Julie
        April 27, 2019 @ 10:39 am

        Hi Cassandra,

        In a dream children can be symbolic of ministry and your mum can be symbolic of the church. I believe the dream is showing you feel like your ministry is trapped and not free to grow and you blame the church for this. Shooting at someone in a dream can be symbolic of uttering negative words. I believe that in feeling this way makes you go to God in repentance.

        Please let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  78. Malou
    February 26, 2019 @ 8:36 am

    I dream, I was in the mall and looking for my daughter and my Pastor was there also and youth also searching my daughter and the end we found her in the women hairdresser what does mean?*


    • Sam
      March 8, 2019 @ 9:22 am

      I had a dream I was walking in a park with lush vegetation and there were brass statues of various shapes. They were all together and reminded me of a child’s play jungle gym. I continued to talk in the park until I arrived to two huge trees. They looked like Banyan trees from Hawaii but much larger. They were so large you could walk under them and use them as a cover. As I stood under one I looked into the trunk and chanted something under my breath. Way up in the trunk there was a small keyhole that I hadn’t seen at first. As I chanted my last word, a key fell. I remember the excitement I felt. But I was alerted that a snow storm was coming and everyone was panicking. I had to rush to shelter.


      • Julie
        March 9, 2019 @ 6:17 pm

        Hi Sam,

        Thanks for posting your dream. In order to interpret your dream I needed to ask you some questions, I hope this is ok?
        Do you remember what exactly you were chanting in the dream? To whom was the chanting directed? Are you a Christian?



      March 16, 2019 @ 5:42 pm

      Hi Malou,

      To help me to interpret your dream can you tell me if you have a daughter in real life?



      • Malou
        March 21, 2019 @ 2:19 am

        Yes I have a daughter 18 years old but she is rebellious daughter I still praying to the Lord to come back at home and with Lord that’s why I ask what the meaning of my dream. Thank you*


      March 23, 2019 @ 3:16 pm

      Hi Malou,

      Thank you for responding to my question. I believe the dream shows that you are looking for your daughter as you mentioned in your response you are waiting for her to return. Going to hairdresser in dreams is sometimes symbolic of a time of consecration. I believe that God is working in your daughter and consecration will come.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


    • Jamie Swanson
      March 31, 2019 @ 3:38 am

      my dream was I was walking down my childhood sidewalk looking for stuff that i could use to clean i grabbed a bottle of cleaner and a box as i dumped the box out so i could use to hold items i noticed the male probably dad turtle fell out then a few babies as i walked away i felt bad so i turned back then to see a bigger mean turtle eat the big turtle and i tryed to save the rest so i was tossing the mean turtle it kept trying to bite me then when i tossed it it would come back so i found a turtle hole and put all the babies snd mom turtles in it as the bigger one ended up kinda hanging out with me as we both walked down the sidewalk meanings???


  79. Lisa
    February 11, 2019 @ 11:09 am

    My dream was that a friend and I was hiking over a steep mountain with treacherous trails. I was ahead of him. We were alone on the trail. I believe I slipped and was sliding on my belly toward the edge of a cliff when I stopped and crawled back to the path. It felt damp and slippery and dangerous. I looked up and realised it was getting dark and that we made it over to the other side and was descending. Over the cliff were two small but deep, yellowish pools like sulphur pools. I was both scared but happy that we made it over. I shouted to him that we better turn back because soon it would be night. He said he’s going to jump into the pool and he’ll be back then he dived into one pool. I could see the bottom of his feet before he disappeared. Suddenly there were people around me. Two girls climbed down and dived into the second pool. I thought I should too but was afraid to jump. The girls were climbing out when I saw water flowing into the pools threatening to pull them back in but instead pushed them out. They seem to have enjoyed it. Just when I was about to panic thinking my friend drowned because he was in the pool for a long time, he resurfaced and I was relieved and happy. I woke up. Does this have meaning?


  80. Cory Cokley
    February 9, 2019 @ 7:53 pm

    My dream was about being in a schoolhouse, an old one, that had a extremely high ceilling and there were a few “ballconys” over us inside the school and they had no rails or anything they were like a second floor really high up except they only took up three quarters of the space in one level. And on one of these I saw a man who was looking down with a purple shirt and he walked up to the edge looked down then walked away. Then the “owners” of the schoolhouse that was now their home were really disturbed by this because they showed us that on the other side of the wall in front of us there was a door really high up and there was no way to get up to it and they said; “The stair to get up there were removed years ago…”


      February 23, 2019 @ 11:49 am

      Hi Cory,

      A school in a dream can be symbolic of a place of training. I believe it can represent the church as believers go to church to be grounded in the word and advance spiritually. 
      The balcony I believe represents a higher level of training, a higher level in the spirit, I believe it appears as a balcony or semi finished floor as there was a disruption in the relationship with God (symbolised by the staircase being taken away).
      The man in purple I believe is the Holy Spirit and the purple shirt symbolises His royalty. 
      I believe the man looking down shows the Holy Spirit’s desire to have fellowship at a higher level and it is like an invitation to come up higher. 
      The steps are removed means that true fellowship and worship stopped which hindered growth and relationship with God. 

      I believe that the door high up means there is access to a higher level but it would call for a new level of prayer and intimacy which is the stairway up in the spirit. The school ceiling being really high up means that there is a high level of spiritual growth that can be achieved but the staircase has to be rebuilt.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected] 


  81. Emma
    February 8, 2019 @ 11:36 am

    So I went to this school somewhere and parked there (idk which it was didn’t recognize it). I went in and did some paperwork and then I was walking back to my car and this brown truck with a trailer went and parked next to my car. And then somehow I got there and I guess I left my daughter in the car and this lady had broke in and was beating her up. So then I took out my phone got into the car and recorded it yelling at her to stop and so there was evidence. I turned on my car and started to back up and she let go of her. Then I sped away and was so scared and called the police and then they put some sort of code out so the officers knew to look out for her in that car. And then I woke up and realized I don’t have a daughter and it was all a dream.


    • Julie
      March 3, 2019 @ 4:53 pm

      Hi Emma,
      A school in a dream symbolises a place of training. A parking lot is symbolic of a place of immobility or where things are not moving. Parking your car in a parking lot and leaving your child in the car symbolises, I believe, that you have left your infant/young ministry unattended as you felt you needed training.The woman attacking your child I believe is the enemy coming in at the time where your ministry is vulnerable. This situation has caused you to become fearful and you seek God for justice (symbolised by recording the incident).

      I believe the dream also shows that you need to be watchful and attentive over your calling. Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  82. Kristine Denrow
    February 5, 2019 @ 4:38 pm

    2 yellow raincoats floating on each side of the door way speechless getting dragged up callin out for help to mom but can’t speak holding onto sister and daughter in bed but let go cause I didn’t want them to go up with me mom finally comes after my voice comes back and I call out to her and I go lay with her then woke up


    • Julie Ramjit
      February 13, 2019 @ 4:40 pm

      Hi Kristine,

      I believe the dream shows that there is a fear of going up or in other words being in the presence of God. Sometimes things like guilt or maybe a feeling of not being good enough or not holy enough can keep up away from wanting to be in the presence of God. However, I believe that God wants you to know that he would welcome you in His presence.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment or emailing us at [email protected]


  83. Austin
    January 15, 2019 @ 8:59 am

    My dream started of I was like doing some kind of special military training or something and I was like the team leader or something I woke up and went back to sleep and I was in the back seat of a red car convertible and me and my girlfriend were arguing and she didn’t do what I told her she ran the car off in a pond and it just floated we got close to the bank and I picked the front of the car up enough to get it half way out of the water then I push it out from behind I got out and walked around the car and my friend was standing there had a big weird lump on hi arm I said what is that and he scratched the spot and he said it hatched and he said if you let it go inside it will bring good luck and he stuck it in his nose and it crawled about half way in and tried to come back out so he started like flicking it and made it go in there ?


    • Julie Ramjit
      January 26, 2019 @ 3:26 pm

      Hi Austin,

      In order to assist me in interpreting your dream I needed to get some additional information. Can you tell me whether the male friend at the end of the dream was in the convertible before it crashed into the pond?


  84. Tracey
    January 10, 2019 @ 1:15 pm

    Someone above me was pouring millions of red spiders on myself and a group of people.
    What does that mean?


    • Julie Ramjit
      January 12, 2019 @ 5:55 pm

      Hi Tracey,

      I believe the dream shows that someone who you look up up to has caused you and others to experience confusion and perhaps fear and a feeling of being overwhelmed. I do not know whether you fear spiders however, because there were millions of them I feel as if this brings fear and confusion.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected],


  85. Heather Carolus
    January 8, 2019 @ 11:52 pm

    My friend had a dream that her mom’s neighbor hung out a wash line and cut her babies arms and legs off and hung them on the wash line…. whaaaaaaaaat does that mean??


  86. Violita
    December 31, 2018 @ 3:00 pm

    I dreamed I was in a Jewish home cleaning a mirror.


    • Julie
      January 10, 2019 @ 3:11 pm

      Hi Violita,

      Mirror represents the word of God.The dream is showing that God is helping you to better understand His promises for the Jewish people in the Word of God and how it relates to your life.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  87. Troy Lawrence
    December 17, 2018 @ 8:14 pm

    December 13, 2018
    Everyone at the office had to go to a mandatory meeting so we started down a long hallway headed toward the chapel. On the way we kept passing doorways or openings on the right and each one had a shrine or monument we were supposed to salute or bow to. I wasn’t sure what half of them were, but noticed that one of the guys saluted or did a hand signal to a display of items that looked Jewish, but I assumed he was a military guy, and at one point I did a typical military salute to one of the shrines. Once we reached the chapel I noticed there were no pews. Instead, the entire place was set up as individual alters or shrines similar to the small memorials you would see on the side of a road where someone was killed. They were all individual shrines and some had soft yellow and pink seats while others were made of wood. As we entered I noticed my team was headed to the far left, but I didn’t care so I headed to the right and found a comfortable spot to sit down. As the proceedings started I began to feel great anxiety and started looking around for help when I noticed some of the shrines had white buckets with bottles in them. Immediately I hatched a plan to obtain three bottles… scotch, one bourbon and another that was clear alcohol…very potent like everclear. Somehow I procured a glass and put at least one shot of each liquor into it and began stirring. I’m not sure what happened next, but at first I felt better and then I think I spit up all the liquor onto the carpet which I immediately began mopping up with a towel. At this stage I’m transported to our neighborhood and I’m trying to help my kids find our new home, but instead I find myself standing in front of 1421 Cumberland Trail (my old home) where I meet my wife Keri who is walking 5 dogs. Then suddenly I’m transported into a meeting room where an old man with his right eye blackened is speaking to my work team about the financial well being of the company. He explained how there used to be corruption and greed in the company but since agreements have been made the company is now on the right track.


    • T.
      December 31, 2018 @ 9:04 am

      I just had a dream that when I had reached home, i walked into my apartment and my boyfriend had sent his daughter to my house. She never comes over. When I went in my room she had moved all my belongings in my dresser. I felt had so violated. And then she started asking me questions that I had only confided in my boyfriend about. What could this mean? Please help. I felt horrible after the dream.


    • Sinikiwe
      January 7, 2019 @ 11:22 pm

      I dreamed about a drunk man opening a door what does that Means?


      • Julie Ramjit
        January 13, 2019 @ 5:26 pm

        Hi Sinikiwe,

        Did you know the man opening the door. Was there anything else happening in the dream?



  88. Jessica
    December 6, 2018 @ 2:29 pm

    I had a dream that I along with several other people, were walking along the beach when an angel appeared in the sky. At that point we knew Christ was returning. We walked into the ocean, under the water, and we were then swept up out of the water into the clouds with the Lord. What stood out about this dream is the JOY I felt. An incomprehensible joy. In fact, the Joy I felt is what woke me up from this dream because my heart was beating fast and hard. I don’t think my earthly body could sustain the Joy I felt in this dream.


    • Julie Ramjit
      December 20, 2018 @ 6:46 pm

      Hi Jessica,

      I believe that the Lord desires to reach the nations before His return and you are a part of that with others in some way.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  89. Loreen A
    November 19, 2018 @ 11:26 am

    I was in unfamiliar territory and had some difficulty climbing through the area. I saw a cabin with a wooden porch and a reddish/brown, overstuffed chair in the center of the porch. As I attempted to step onto the porch, the entire back side of the porch broke off falling forward and down, while the chair slid off. Instantly, I was driving through a tunnel and ahead and down below me a bridge exploded sending debris everywhere and falling into the river below.


    • Julie Ramjit
      December 5, 2018 @ 2:54 pm

      Hi Loreen,

      I believe the dream shows that you are in new and unfamiliar place and you are seeking to finding rest. I believe that you try to find rest in a place that was unstable and realised that you will not get what you seek there .

      I didn’t understand when the bridge exploded if it negatively impacted you. However, I will assume unless you advise otherwise that, the bridge did not adversely affect you. I believe this part shows that you are again in transition and it is quick transition and in a tunnel shows that it may not be that noticeable. The bridge and the tunnel can both represent transition. I believe at this juncture God has one specific way for you to transition to the new place he is taking you to.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  90. Darryl Brodie
    November 17, 2018 @ 6:38 pm

    In short. I dreamt I went into a bathroom of three stalls where 2 were occupied, and when I got the to third one there was reddish brown snake coiled up on top of the tank portion… it looked very old almost grayish like ash from a consumed cigar. And as I continued to look on, it appeared as though it tried to move and began sliding forward about to take its fall… because it was still coiled up. The head was very small in comparison to the tail which seemed like it was the size of a brick but totally and completely grey.


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 20, 2018 @ 4:04 pm

      Hi Darryl,

      A bathroom can sometimes symbolise a place of inner healing. Three is the number of God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and a snake can symbolise deception. I believe the dream shows that you desire inner healing which is hindered by the deception of enemy concerning who you are in Christ ( the reddish brown colour of the snake). I believe that the deception started from something small which has just evolved into a bigger issue.

      Let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  91. Anastiasia Vines
    November 15, 2018 @ 9:47 pm

    Hi, last year on September the 6th, I was involved in a car accident with my two cousins and one friend. I was driving, and we went over the edge on a curve and spun out, hitting a tree. For out three months after the wreck though, I had the same dream several times: I was in the car with a friend of one of my cousins that was in the car with me. Her friend was the one driving and it was a totally different car than I actually wrecked in. We went over the edge of the road on a curve and spun out just like in my real life situation, except we went over the edge of a random cliff and the car got caught on the side stuck on a limb. I got flung to the back (the cars front bumper was facing the sky) and my back hit the back doors (it was a Chevy blazer). The doors flung open and I almost fell out but I managed to grab a handle and pull myself back in. The last thing I remember about the dream is that I was climbing up through the car trying to see if my friend was okay but every time I would move slightly, the car would start to slip. I’m not sure why I had this dream so often. 🙁


    • Julie
      January 26, 2019 @ 2:47 pm

      Hi Anastiasia,

      Sometimes dreams originate from our emotions as a result of things that have happened in the past. I do not believe this was a dream from God.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  92. Keshia
    November 6, 2018 @ 3:04 pm

    In my dream my family is at a home that is not ours but portrayed as it was and a group of men was stealing from my dads work trailer (in reality the trailer is always at my dads house) But the men was taking everything my husband was standing at the door trying to do something and I’m looking through my phone to call someone and there was no one I could call and I couldnt call 911 and its like everything was silent there was no verbal words spoken and nothing we could do except stand at the door and let them take what they wanted its as if we was trapped inside the house with no contact as the equipment was being stolen. I woke up and few hours later tried to nap it was 5 minutes and during that time I dreamed a cop was driving slow staring at the door that I was standind in but didnt do anything.


    • Julie
      November 21, 2018 @ 4:50 pm

      Hi Keshia,

      I believe the dream shows that you see attacks on the work of the gospel and the church. Although you have the ability to see clearly what the enemy tries to do you feel as if you are powerless to stop this attack. I don’t believe the dream is from the Lord but shows the plan of the enemy. I believe the enemy wants you to believe that if you call out to God for help that God will not answer which is not true. I believe it also shows that you need to pray to guard against the enemy getting an entry point into your life (symbolised by the door).

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


    November 6, 2018 @ 12:08 pm

    I dreamed that I was trying to find an apartment and I pulled up at these apartments and I saw this guy name Johnny and my daughter Deonnie was trying to remember where we had been before and Johnny lived in those apartments I asked him if those were the apartments at were the cheap ones and he said yeah but the ones directly across the street and he lived in the better ones across the street, he stated they weren’t country and it came with more good stuff and it was also a white guy I didnt know him he stated since he moved in the apartments he was able to take care of his family better and was able to buy snow crab legs after dinner and he laughed. (but it was like a high rise building very nice and it had restaurants or stores in it too) then i went to a class in this building. Dr Faith was the teacher she gave me a paper to write something and it was websites but when she told me at first i didnt understand what it was for. And i asked and she gave me 3 different website addresses and she told me what they were for. I was sitting very close to dr. Faith and she was telling me how to fill out my forms and she told me that I needed at least an associate’s degree to enter into her class, and as i walked away i was thinking im gonna have to wait because i dont have a degree. The one website i remembered was for a production company and she said i was gonna use my hands. As I went to make a copy to start over, I noticed my baby boy was sitting in a desk and was staring down at this paper and would not moved he was so focused no one could get his attention he was sitting to the table with my pastors sister. end of the dream fyi (dr faith is an apostle that i have been following she does dream interpretation as well)


  94. Joe
    October 30, 2018 @ 6:24 pm

    I dreamed that the driver side mirror of my Hyundai was knocked off by a hit and run driver. Then awoke to hear news that a person driving a gray Hyundai hit and killed a pedestrian and ran. Then in the grocery store lot a lady opened her car door and tapped my driver side mirror.


    • Julie
      November 21, 2018 @ 4:57 pm

      Hi Joe,

      In dreams a vehicle can symbolise a ministry. Side mirrors on a car is needed by the driver to assist in driving the car. I believe the dream shows the plan of the enemy to affect a ministry you might be involved by attempting to make it difficult to move ahead.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  95. K. Amofah
    October 25, 2018 @ 6:28 am

    It was a place like South Africa and after coming out of the airport a group of people approached me and kidnap me. As they search for a taxi to take me away, I saw a taxi with the key in the ignition. I jumped into it and spared of. I got to a place where there were a lot of soldiers. I started looking for one that I can talk to, only to find someone like a doctor and requested of him to help me for I am a man of God. He agreed and assured me of my safety.


    • Julie Ramjit
      October 27, 2018 @ 5:23 pm

      Hi K. Amofah,

      I believe the dreams shows the plan of the enemy to detract you from your path. I believe that God will make a way of escape for you and also bring you to a place of inner healing.
      Please let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  96. ify
    October 24, 2018 @ 7:59 am

    i had a dream where i saw a baby like image planted at a corner of a room.
    when i shouted holy ghost fire the image turned a clored baby face smalling and shining light on the floor of the same room
    i keep shouting and ran and saw myself amount some men with bible the one that invited has a small bible and another was asking me to join him that he has a bigger one and it left my eyes.
    another i was carrying my friends baby and the first girls was walking infront of me but there was a promo that my friend wanted to enrol into but each was empty until i showed her the one that contains a good mark
    we took a big road going home and i woke up


  97. John
    October 21, 2018 @ 8:51 pm

    Hey I’ve been having this dream for the last couple months

    I’m wearing all white sitting on a rusty metal chair the floor is all white tiles, the walls are completely engulfed in flames and I can hear screaming but I’m smiling and completely calm and there’s a white horse that is staring into my eyes and that’s the whole dream


    • Julie Ramjit
      October 24, 2018 @ 6:05 pm

      Hi John,

      I believe the dream shows that God wants to awaken you to the authority you have to step into your assignment to win the lost and dying.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  98. K. Amofah
    October 21, 2018 @ 2:39 pm

    Hi Gary,
    In my dream I saw my former househelp fighting me to come back to live with me. I made it clear to her that it is not possible to come back to my house. What could that mean.


    • Julie Ramjit
      October 24, 2018 @ 5:36 pm

      Hi K. Amofah,

      I believe the dream shows that sometimes you are tempted to rely on the help of others rather than turning to God.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  99. Kakhi
    October 19, 2018 @ 2:35 pm

    I dreamed my daughters and I were in a seemingly abandoned town looking at a memorial for “someone” in a wall of a ramshackle store/grill. We were seated on wooden plank benches outside a window for ordering. Each daughter wandered off promising to return. As I looked at pictures (7 in a circle around the memorial) the proprietor, an elderly man began to stroke my leg under the edge of my skirt. I quickly jerked away and seated myself only to be circled by 7 very obese witches. One asked if she could sit to my right as she plopped, another cackled and said “Just sit. The girl doesn’t mind, do you?”
    I have a history of dreams coming true when my cousin (raised as sisters) dreams of the same people or subject, and we are Dom, usually resulting in the death of family. She dreamed last night of her daughter going missing and finding her body mutilated. I admit I’m very concerned.


  100. Christopher
    October 18, 2018 @ 8:12 pm

    Took a nap today, was maybe an hour. Had a dream i was driving with a coworker that I work with everyday
    It was at night and we came apon debris in the road,wood with nails. I pulled over and one of the nails was in my shoe but didn’t go all the way threw. I pull the nail out turn around and two women appear in black dresses with pig faces(unsure if were mask or actual faces) it freaked me out so I held up the nail in self-defense as they walked past me with out even acknowledging me then I woke


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 11, 2018 @ 3:36 pm

      Hi Christopher,

      I believe you are in a place of transition where at times it feels like you cannot see the way ahead. I believe on the way there has been many stumbling blocks and issues which has affected your peace. I believe that one of the stumbling block maybe because of distractions with others along the way who may not necessarily be a hinderance at all to you.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment or emailing us at [email protected]


  101. K. Amofah
    October 14, 2018 @ 12:56 pm

    Dear Gary,
    I had another dream in which I found myself in an area with a lot commotion. I found my wife around where I was and quickly found a small room with few people. As soon as I got in with my wife we locked the door. Many people came around wanting us to join the demonstration, but refused and continue to lock our selves in the room until I woke up. Can you please help me with its meaning?


  102. K. Amofah
    October 14, 2018 @ 12:50 pm

    Hi Gray,
    In my dream I was in the office of my Boss. He called me, remove his coat asked me to put it on. I did put it on. What can this mean?


      October 24, 2018 @ 5:24 pm

      Hi K. Amofah,

      Items of clothing in dreams can sometimes relate to your spiritual mantle. I believe the dream shows that the Lord is giving you a new mantle of authority and anointing.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  103. Moonsun
    September 26, 2018 @ 12:28 pm

    I was in a hallway of a building trying to get to the stairs to go up to the 4th floor with few people. There were a lot of people in the hallway going somewhere, but we were going against the crowd, and I was leading the way. Then we somehow were where we need to be so I was just resting and checking out the place. This place was like a large convention center and there was a large set of stairs that led to the next floor. The ceiling was made up of glasses so it was very bright everywhere. Then I realized that we had to go to the first floor. So I suggested to the group that we should take the elevator. We found the elevator, I think was right by the stairs, and the elevator was very large, like a size of a classroom and one side was all glass. There were few people inside the elevator already but I don’t remember interacting with them. I think I was just so amazed at the size of the elevator. We arrived at the first floor and I felt like I finally reached at my destination and was very happy and relieved. I got off the elevator and walked down the hallway.


  104. Raphael Raphael
    September 24, 2018 @ 12:10 pm

    Hello ! Hi..I really do need your help in this dream.i dreamt that my boy friend bought a brand new orange bed net for us I was surprise and then another part of the dream I told him to help me clip my toe nail so he took the nail clipper and clip my entire left small toe nail off..I started to feel pain and hurt that he did this to me..what does it mean??


    • JULIE
      October 16, 2018 @ 4:45 pm

      Hi Raphael, Raphael,

      I have sent a private email to you get some more information to assist in interpreting your dream.


  105. Jessica
    September 8, 2018 @ 1:29 pm

    Dreams about I was driving down the road when it started raining, the sun was shining. Then all the windows fogged up, the truck started spinning while i was holding hold i felt like i was being lifted up, could not breathe , there was so much pressure. I covered my face thats when i woke up


    • Julie
      September 15, 2018 @ 4:01 pm

      Hi Jessica,

      Driving down a road I believe shows that you are in transition. I believe during this time of transition you are experiencing times when you can see clearly but there are also times when you cannot see clearly. I believe that during those times you feel like situations in your life is spinning out of control and you cannot seem to catch your breath. I believe the dream is an emotional dream rather than a dream from God.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


    • Randi M.
      September 20, 2018 @ 11:03 am

      Hello, I’m a very devout Christian and last night I had a dream of a very big, black gorilla that came running at me and was attacking me. I was first running from it then tried to fight it. What does this mean? Thank you and God Bless!!


        October 1, 2018 @ 4:30 pm

        Hi Randi,

        I believe the gorilla represents negative, over whelming emotions which tries to get you out of character from who you really are. I think the dream shows that you feel like you are in battle to maintain a God like character.

        I believe that God would want you to keep your focus on the him and He will give you the victory as you keep your eyes on him.

        Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected],m


    • Mishka
      September 21, 2018 @ 3:39 am

      i had a dream last night my inlaw’s kidnapped me and my husband and when i asked why they doing this they said they are going to sacrifice us and when asked why and that what they are doing is wrong the y replied are you saying what GOD did was wrong and i kept quiet, started crying like never before and felt this sadness. when i woke up i was sweating so much that the sweat was running down my face. please can you help me understand


      • Julie Ramjit
        October 1, 2018 @ 4:41 pm

        Hi Mishka,

        I believe the dream shows that the enemy doesn’t want you walk in freedom in the Lord or joy and peace or to fulfil your dreams and desires. I also believe that the enemy wants you to think that God does not want to fulfil your dreams and desires.

        I believe these are all lies of the enemy as God wants us to walk in freedom through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross and He promises to give you the desires of your heart.

        Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  106. Robert
    September 5, 2018 @ 6:03 am

    What does it mean when you dream of dancing into power uphill then falling down hill after?


    • Julie
      September 7, 2018 @ 5:05 pm

      Hi Robert,

      I believe it shows that you need to maintain a joyful and prayful attitude during this time of testing. Once this season is over I believe the dream shows that you need to be watchful and attentive to the attacks of the enemy as we can easily lose focus of his tactics when we are busy rejoicing.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  107. theresa hughes
    September 4, 2018 @ 3:09 pm

    i dreamed i was swimming in murky water ( inside lake )then water started rising i had to get out then a floor closed up around the water but there was still water outside that my friend (who is a guy) drove through in a white vw bug i was in the passenger seat we made it safely across even though i thought and said we were going to sink he was like no we wont on the other side was a green garbage dumster he drove across the lake to throw out his garbage he said it would be faster than driving all the way around the lake


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 7, 2018 @ 5:17 pm

      Hi Theresa,

      I believe the dream shows that you have been going through a situation where you have been in an environment of darkness, compromise and a lack of love. However I believe that God is removing you from it, closing the door and healing your heart from all the hurt. I believe your healing is being fast tracked as the dream shows that you are being driven over the enclosed lake instead of driving around it. I also believe this means that God is causing you to confront the issues instead going around it.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment or emailing us at [email protected].


  108. Cintia
    September 2, 2018 @ 3:18 am

    I greet you in the name of Jesus. ..
    I dreamt the was the biggest storm ever coming…clouds kept roaring and coming down like tornados then going up again…I was trying to tell and show my family but no one listened…then I went into the house to find that thereally was some type of monster/human body but demonic/monster face I could not see…it seemed to be moving around wanting a bride but no one wants to come near it…then I decided to run and look for a safe place to be away from the storm and monster…doing that I jump next door only to find myself faced with a room full of fire then I get a way out only to be face to face with the monster then it says it wants a bride then I tell it to look deep in its mind so it can scan everyone in that town for a bride then it says it can’t Only I(me) can do that…so I hold its hand and pretend to scan then after it starts reading bible verses from my husbands diary…I don’t understand all this please help enterprit


    • Julie
      September 7, 2018 @ 6:05 pm

      Hi Cintia,

      I believe the monster in the dream represents the enemy trying to persuade you to give up on the Lord and go back to your old way of life using fear and intimidation. The big storm represents a great attack from the enemy and the clouds coming down like tornados represents attacks that bring confusing which causes things to appear as if they are going around in circles. I believe that you sometimes feels trapped because you cannot get the support of others around you and it seems like wherever you turn there is trouble.

      I believe holding the monster’s hand shows that you entertaining the thoughts of enemy as some of these thoughts appear as if they are from God.
      I am reminded of the scripture that says that God will keep us in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  109. Zanele
    August 31, 2018 @ 6:25 pm

    Hi I saw a tree in a white sand and the more it grow the more the sand crack


    • Julie
      September 7, 2018 @ 5:23 pm

      Hi Zanele,

      I believe the tree symbolises you and that God is bringing you to a place of maturity where all habits and cycles will start breaking off of you.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  110. Moonsun
    August 27, 2018 @ 9:19 pm

    I was trying to get to the airport to catch a flight around 4pm. My sister was the one who was supposed to give me a ride to the airport, but she took her good old time and I was getting upset and angry at her that I might miss my flight. Then when we were ready to leave, she took her daughter with us and as we walked out, my niece saw a food truck and wanted her mom to buy something. So she went over there to buy the food while I was getting mad. When we finally got to the airport, I found out that the flight got canceled but I could take the 6pm flight. I was relieved that the 4pm flight got canceled because otherwise, I would have missed it and was happy that I could get on 6pm flight which would work better for me. Then I was at my work and my boss and my immediate supervisor were there at the office too. My immediate supervisor was working as usual and said that she also has a flight to take at 6pm and it was the same flight as mine, so I felt relieved that I will be on the same plane with her. At some point in the dream, back in my sister’s house, I think my mom was there also trying to help me pack so I can get ready for the plane.


    • Julie
      September 7, 2018 @ 5:39 pm

      Hi Moonsun,

      I believe the dream shows that you have been ready and waiting to move forward in the Lord and in His promises. However,I believe that you have been experiencing delays and you are concerned that you will miss your destiny or what God has in store for you. The dream shows that God is working it all out for your good in spite of the delays and that God himself will accompany you to the next phase in your life. I believe that your church is preparing you for this next phase.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


      • Moonsun
        September 10, 2018 @ 4:36 pm

        Hi Julie. Thanks for interpreting my dream. Yes! You are right on! That’s how I’ve been feeling. Thank you so much for the encouragement on the last part. In spite of delay, God goes before me and with me. However, last sentence…. I am not sure since currently I am not attending any church. Thanks again for your ministry.


  111. Michelle
    August 12, 2018 @ 2:23 pm

    I’m driving through a parking lot full of cars and I see a man screaming go, move! ( I work with this man but don’t know him well) I look around and see a parked car smoking, all of a sudden it exploded. I want to drive off, I know I should but its like I’m frozen with fear. Suddenly the cars start exploding one after the other in an instant. I’m surround by a huge cloud of smoke and I know my car will explode next but I wake up before it does.


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 12, 2018 @ 3:27 pm

      Hi Michelle,

      A car is often symbolic of ministry and a car park can symbolise ministries that are not in motion (or parked). I believe the dream shows that you have received warning to move your ministry away from a volatile situation (the cars exploding) but you were not able to do so because of fear. I believe the dream is a call to pray to break fear off of your life which is preventing you from moving your ministry to a better place.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


    • Barbara Atkins
      August 17, 2018 @ 11:01 pm

      I was walking through a wilderness type area with two other people. We came upon a dead women on the dirt road we were on. We decided to follow the road to its owner to let them know. We followed the road and came to a big grand place. Went inside it was TBN. Told them we found a dead women on their road but they were annoyed and too busy with a telethon. It switched scenes and I was in a confined space somehow but there was no walls or ceiling that I was aware of and I looked down at the palms of my hands and there was clear liquid shooting out of them


  112. Hadley
    August 7, 2018 @ 11:15 am

    What does it mean when you dream of a pastor you know and he prays for you in the church and crows come out of your mouth? There was two pastors and two people whom claim they were men of God and tried to preach but as soon as the two pastors touched their backs and prayed crows came out of the two men’s mouths……I soon felt a holy presence and then I started to cry and one of the pastors touched my back and prayed and two crows came out of my mouth…..


      August 10, 2018 @ 6:49 pm

      Hi Hadley,

      I believe the crows symbolises a negative teaching of lack by some leaders which does not line up with the bible. I believe the dream shows that you have been impacted by these teachings but you will receive deliverance from the effect of this teaching in your life.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  113. Rebecca Russell
    July 26, 2018 @ 9:12 am

    Dreamnt my husband was laying in a bed getting his underarms shaven by another woman while he ignored me


  114. Max
    July 22, 2018 @ 2:15 am

    I’m not the best at description, this dream has happened multiple times since I was about 9 or 10, I’m 15 now.

    so the dream is in black and white and these thick rod-like objects push/carry me forever, well until I wake up and this dream just fills me with anxiety and fear even now, that’s about it.



      August 10, 2018 @ 7:08 pm

      Hi Max,

      It would have been great if you could provide more details of the rod like objects.

      In the meantime I don’t see the dream as being from God as the objects causes you to become afraid and anxious. As mentioned above it would be good if you can explain more about the objects however, they can be symbolic of a negative thought pattern that keeps you thinking in a certain way which brings fear and anxiety. It would be good to pray in agreement with someone from your church or your family concerning this dream.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  115. Jean
    June 28, 2018 @ 6:10 pm

    Hi Julie or Amelia
    I had a disturbing dream yesterday. I am not sure if it’s from the Lord or a demonic dream.
    In the dream I was in a vehicle of some sort possibly a coach or a lorry with my husband ( he is not a believer in Jesus at this time). The vehicle is being driven on very uneven stoney /rocky terrain. I suddenly become aware more of the vehicle and being in it. I wondered whether the driver reaslised we were on board and possibly the only passengers. The vehicle starts to go down the very mountainous rocky terrain at great speed and rocks and stones fall off and around us from either side of us because of the speed it’s going at. It’s going so fast I was thinking how I could get off because it was dangerous.
    While all this is going on and we were spiralling downwards I could hear in the background sinister laughter. It was horrible.
    I was then woken up by a member of my family so don’t know how it ended.
    Not sure what to make of it – whether it’s a warning dream. I am asking the Lord to show me if it is from Him.
    Thank you for any insights you may discern from this dream.


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 28, 2018 @ 11:26 am

      Hi Jean,

      In a dream a vehicle is sometimes symbolic of ministry. A coach of lorry could represent a ministry that has many people however, in the dream you and your husband are the only ones. The dream shows that the ministry is going downhill at a rapid pace and the driver does not appear to be of God.

      Let us know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  116. Angela
    June 28, 2018 @ 11:50 am

    I dreamed about this woman and her daughter trying to hurt this man that I worked with.i liked him but never said anything to him bout as we were repairing a pipe that people on the other end of lived.the next thing I know we were headed to his storage unit to pick up some things and the woman and daughter was in his storage unit with a fire and they started shooting at the door they almost hit me and did hit another woman we called the police when they got there they went in and only the woman and daughter were burned nothing else was . After that was done went back to help build the pipe .I asked for a pair of gloves he tosses me a pair that has writing on it I read and it says mama will you marry me . It said mama cause I was a mother of three babies what does it mean


  117. Gifty Anntwi
    June 27, 2018 @ 5:43 am

    i dreamt that i was going to give a Pawpaw and money to an Apostle who came and preached in our church, when i was going i fell into a gutter, a lady sent for ladder and i climbed it into the top. I went to pipe side washing my leg and i saw holding a bible helping me to wash my leg. later the pawpaw i was holding spoiled so i told a friend to borrow me additional money to add to the first one so l can give it to the Apostle. I gave the money to the Apostle and he thanked me.


    • Julie Ramji
      August 11, 2018 @ 4:32 am

      Hi Gifty

      Can you please clarify what was holding a Bible that helped you up?


  118. Susan
    June 16, 2018 @ 10:52 pm

    I had a dream my adult son was turned into a jellyfish by an unseen sinister enemy. I carried him in my hands, dropped him and he was stepped on. The point of view flipped from self to third person a couple times. We professed our love for each other and then he was back to person form and I was basically electrocuted by a sinister crab claw through the chest from the sky. I awoke before I died.
    The image of my son as a smashed jellyfish in my hand has stayed in my head for days.


  119. Ashley Ochoa
    June 15, 2018 @ 11:05 pm

    I was being sucked up by the wind of a semi truck speeding as fast as it could on a freeway i was at the rear of the truck not touching it arms reached out like i was trying to run away i was scared but it sucked me straight up to the top not sure if i kept going i woke up. But i was scared and it was daylight and i was watching it all happen


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 24, 2018 @ 2:10 pm

      Hi Ashley,

      Was there any more detail you remember from this dream? Also are you a Christian/saved?

      From the details you have provided, I can say that in dreams a vehicle can sometime symbolise a ministry. A truck that is speeding can symbolise I believe, a ministry that is moving or transitioning at a fast pace. Trucks I am thinking are not necessarily built for speeding and therefore the ministry maybe going faster than what it was perhaps meant to be doing. You getting sucked up can mean that you are perhaps following updates from the ministry or involved somehow but you are being adversely affected by the speed at which it is going.

      If you are able to provide more details from my questions at the start it would be great. Also, was it a dream or a vision as you mentioned in your closing that it was daylight and you were watching it all happen?

      You can post your comment here or email us at [email protected], please indicate that it is with reference to my comments here so that the email can be forwarded to me.

      Thanks Julie


  120. Kay
    June 15, 2018 @ 10:57 am

    Hi there,
    In my dream, I was seeing someone off at the airport. I spotted a passenger plane blue and white in colour taking off. In no time the plan dived down as if it has lost control back to the airport and it blasted with all the poeple on board dying. Can you please help me with the interpretation. Thank you


    • Julie
      June 15, 2018 @ 4:50 pm

      Hi Kay,

      An airport can symbolise a place of transition and seeing someone off at the airport can symbolise that they are moving out into either ministry (symbolised by the plane) or they are moving to a new phase or season. I believe that the plane that is white and blue is a ministry in the prophetic which took off the ground but was not successful as it lost control. The people dying can represent the people who were involved in the ministry who’s individual ministry as being a part of the overall ministry also got affected went this ministry lost control and went down. Dreams are normally symbolic and therefore the people dying is not literal but symbolic of what happened to a ministry and the impact on others.

      I believe the dream is a warning to pray for someone’s ministry who you may know that is just about to be launched or take off.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  121. Anna Marie M Sandoval
    June 15, 2018 @ 8:08 am

    I had a dream last night, i saw my dad in my dream, he past away in 7 years. I asked him to buy Coffee for me, then when im giving him money, to buy that coffee, i saw i have lots of bills dollars in my wallet, 200, 20, and others, when he hand it to me ,i saw also he have lot’s of money bills in his hands , some left it in my hands.
    what do you think meaning of my dream.


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 24, 2018 @ 2:01 pm

      Hi Anna,

      I believe your dad in the dream is symbolic of God the Father. I believe the dream is talking about the provision of God for your life.
      I believe that God has given you faith (the money in your wallet) to receive on a level higher than what you are asking for, as the notes in your wallet were more than sufficient to purchase a cup of coffee. The money in your dad’s hand I believe also shows his provision for you.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  122. Mary
    June 15, 2018 @ 6:25 am

    So I had this dream where I was in my living room at home in the night and while i was about to sleep I felt something strange around me. Then I got up and started praying violently. This is not the first time I’ve actually prayed violently in the dream.
    I also had a dream where a friend of mine took me out and bought some snacks for me, but she asked me to choose just one and I picked a doughnut. But I never actually ate it in the dream.


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 19, 2018 @ 3:30 pm

      Hi Mary,

      I believe the dream shows that you need to pray, as you did in the dream, against the enemy and his attacks over your life. I believe that he tries to affect you when you vulnerable symbolised by feeling the presence before you go to sleep.

      Let us know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  123. Robert
    June 14, 2018 @ 11:13 am

    I had a dream last night that I was in a airport. While I was walking in the airport, I saw Jesus and we hugged. Laugh and talked. The. I walk off and found other people who I didn’t know but I hugged them. Talk to them and then gather them together. I told them we are waiting on Jesus. His plane will arrive soon and then we can all leave together. The. Jesus show up again and we talked. The people followed behind us as we left the airport for the departures. The airport was very busy, lots of shops and people walking by. The only people who came with us where those I gather together. Jesus was wearing a white robe with a brown like scarf. He was tall and his hair was brown. Green eyes. He also was very happy to see me. We talked about what I had been up too. We laugh a lot and we were glad to see one another again it was Day time . Most people in the airport didn’t see him.


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 19, 2018 @ 2:39 pm

      Hi Robert,

      Being in the airport shows that you are in a place of transition where you get a revelation of who God is. I believe that the white robe symbolises the Holiness and Purity of Jesus. The brown hair can symbolise His love towards humanity while his brown scarf shows His humanity even in His great strength. I believe when you get a revelation of God’s joy and love you spread this love to others which causes them gravitate towards you. The plane coming again soon can symbolise the coming of Jesus. I believe that you sharing your testimony and witnessing to them will draw people to God as they will not be able to see Him even though He is right there.

      Let us know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  124. Aaron.
    June 14, 2018 @ 6:22 am

    Literally the most strange dream I’ve ever had.

    I was walking through a unspecified city at a unspecified year and time. (my guess is Japan because my girlfriend and I are planning on going to Tokyo in 2020.) As I was walking I saw two Asian men fighting. And two more showed out of nowhere, broke the two fighting up, and then all four started to fight. I turned around and kept walking. My real life Asian stalker showed up outta nowhere and said “good choice, they’d kill you” I turned to look at them again and he said “keep walking, keep walking, I’ll walk you home”. Home was apparently the next city over and to get there you had to go through a club, and through a walkway. When we got to the walkway, it had a huge line and was going slow. Behind me was a blonde girl who to my memory I’ve never actually met in real life and my childhood friend destiny who I haven’t seen in 8 years. The blonde asked if my girlfriend was pregnant and I said no. Then with my back turned she started digging through my backpack, and I turned around and asked “are you seriously digging through my backpack right now?” To which she replied with a smirk “yup”. Next suddenly I woke up at home. Seemingly home was my parents apartment. My girlfriend and I were in the same room, but sleeping separate and it was nine am with the sun up. I told her about what happened and my mother walked in and said “you slept in awfully late Aaron, did you stay in bed all night?” To which I liked and said yes. And she said “ok well, get and come out for breakfast soon.” My girlfriend explained how weird my night sounded and we got dressed. (she was in on something with my mom but I have no idea what) When we walked out of out room them next room was the kitchen and it was now dark outside and pitch black in the room. There was one soft light on and standing under it was my mother in front of me, my girlfriend to the left, and the blonde in between them. In the background round there was a dark figure I couldn’t see any detail on, I could only assume it was my dad. My mom asked again “are you sure you stayed in bed all night?” And I told her the truth about my walk home. She replied “I knew you’d lie to me (she reached into the cabinet and grabbed a clear glass bottle with brown liquid, a yellow lid, and a label on it I couldn’t read) as she grabbed this she proceeded “your girlfriend is pregnant, and this is why” holding up the bottle. Then my alarm went off and I woke up.

    Thank you in advance for helping me interpret this, I understand all dreams are public, but if it’s not too much trouble please email me the response too. Have a great day!


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 19, 2018 @ 3:23 pm

      Hi Aaron,

      I emailed you to get some clarification about your dream.



  125. kk
    June 12, 2018 @ 4:09 pm

    Hi Gary, i had a dream of sleeping with a male. what can that mean?


    • Julie
      June 14, 2018 @ 5:10 pm

      Hi kk,

      I do not believe this dream is from God.


  126. Geneiveve
    June 8, 2018 @ 7:19 am

    Hi ive had a few dreams in the last 5 days hard to understand 1) being our Bishops wife was lying down on a park bench she had her feet on my lap and i was rubbing them??explain that my second dream2) was i dreamt the Queen Elizabeth was lying there and I was told in dream she will pass tjis year and third dream Prince Harry was throned to be King soon last one fourth was alot of animals especially birds&cats visiting me talking?These have baffeled me please help


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 9, 2018 @ 8:30 pm

      Hi Geneiveve,

      The dream with the Bishop’s wife on the park bench could symbolise humble service in ministry/the church.

      The second dream can symbolise the transition of authority from one person to another it maybe in other scenarios not necessarily with the Queen and Prince Harry. It does shows however that the authority will not go to the person that was in line to receive it as in real life the Duke Cornwall is next in line to the throne as Prince Harry is now sixth in line to the throne.


    • Haley
      June 10, 2018 @ 11:52 am

      Hello I have this recurring dream since I was young it starts with me and my family being in this dark room with a door way well then we line up me my supposed to be bed older brother as a baby sitting on my hip then it’s my dad my brother my sister my brother in law and my mom as you look out this door way there is nothing but suddenly 500ft or so away a wright white door opens reaviling shiny black panels in the space between No one talks I just start tuning and jumping panels with my family follows the as I go my family starts to not make the jumps and falls from last up until my dad then I’m alone with my brother still on my hip I fall to my knees 2 panels before I get to the light then i jump not being able to bear the pain. I wake up every time with the feeling of falling my hart pounding while I’m crying


      • Julie Ramjit
        June 12, 2018 @ 5:39 pm

        Hi Haley,

        There are some bits of the dream you posted I didn’t quite get ( as there might have been some grammatical issues) however, I hope I still got the essence of the dream. I believe the dream shows that there have been generational issues which has kept you and your family in a state where you are unable to see or move ahead ( as you mentioned that the dream was taking place in a dark room). I believe that even though you see a way out to the light that it requires you and your family to take leaps (jumps) of faith. The dream shows some of your family find it difficult to move forward but it shows that in spite of how difficult it was that you continued to the end. I believe your brother on your hip is perhaps symbolic of future generations that will be impacted by your steps of faith.

        Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  127. Katie
    June 4, 2018 @ 8:37 pm

    I keep having a recurring dream that im in the cinema and then the chairs fall away into this pit as if its in 3D but then i wake up before i find out. Everyone is screaming and is terrified like something bad is happening and I’m just sat watching the screen as if I believe it’s just the movie in 3D


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 8, 2018 @ 10:35 pm

      Hi Katie,

      Being in a cinema shows I believe that you have a prophetic anointing. Sitting and watching the cinema screen when everyone else is terrified that something bad is happening shows I believe that you are focused on what is happening in the spirit and you are unphased by what is really happening around you.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  128. Alan Sparks
    May 30, 2018 @ 2:02 am

    I had a dream that I was driving over a hill and on the other side was too steep. I went over the hill and fell straight down to the bottom of the street before it straightened out. There were other cars going down to but they didn’t fall. Then after I crashed I felt being pulled up and away from the crash.


    • Julie
      June 8, 2018 @ 10:44 pm

      Hi Alan,

      I believe the dream shows that you are having a bit of an uphill struggle overcoming something. It also shows that when you feel as if you have conquered it you that somehow you fall back into it again while you see others who do not face the same challenge.
      In spite of what happened the dream shows that even when things did not turn out positively that God will deliver you and bring healing to you.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  129. Sss
    May 26, 2018 @ 1:13 am

    Hi dear
    In my dream I was about to fall from a wall but then a man came and built a vertical iron bridge or ladder type thing for me and take money from me. What does this mean?


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 26, 2018 @ 7:26 am

      Hi Sss,

      Thank you for visiting the Dreams Network and posting your dream.

      Is there any more detail you can provide on the dream like why you were on the wall and did the man steal the money from you or was that payment for building the vertical bridge?



  130. Kathleen
    May 25, 2018 @ 6:35 am

    Dream watching a huge tree trunk (did not see the top) gently falling slow motion on upper bedroom, slowly the room started to fall away so that the walls broke down and could see inside of the house….then another huge tree trunk falling from the other side damaging and bring walls down…I am sitting on the outside looking in……


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 26, 2018 @ 7:38 am

      Hi Kathleen,

      I believe a tree trunk can represent things from your life that use to exist and flourish but for whatever reason isn’t there anymore. A house in dreams is often symbolic of our lives. I believe that there maybe things in your life which were once flourishing but is now not as it use to be. I believe this may have caused you to put up emotional walls and I believe the dream shows that these walls will begin to come down.

      I believe that you should pray into the dream and seek God to bring healing and restore intimacy with him as your bedroom in dreams can be symbolic of intimacy with the Lord.

      Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  131. Michelle
    May 21, 2018 @ 3:52 pm

    Hi There,
    I had a dream last night that I was lying down and I saw jellyfish peacefully and beautifully swimming around my head and around the room. They were made out of white smoke though…didn’t look like the real life version. I didn’t feel threatened, only calm and almost hypnotic. Then a big cloud of white smoke twirled, danced and whooshed it’s way into my chest. I started getting extremely warm…actually almost uncomfortably hot in my chest. And I started to feel like I was floating above my body. The heat in my chest alarmed me and I woke myself up. It was almost like an out of body experience…


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 27, 2018 @ 6:10 pm

      Hi Michelle,

      I believe the dream shows that something that is potentially dangerous ( as jellyfish stings can be quite serious) has distracted you in the place of intimacy with the Lord (your bedroom is usually symbolic of a place of intimacy with the Lord). I believe that the dream shows that you should pray against a situations that might appear to be calm but when in fact it has the potential to be harmful.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  132. Jane
    May 16, 2018 @ 12:41 pm

    I dreamt carrying a key in my pocket. This was immediately after asking a Servant of God to Pray for our Ministry since I am a Pastor’s wife. What does carrying a key in my pocket mean. What does God want to do in our Ministry?


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 23, 2018 @ 1:04 pm

      Hi Jane,

      Symbolically a key can mean kingdom authority as the Bible says that God has given us the keys to the kingdom that whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven…. I believe that God has given you spiritual authority as the key was already in your pocket and I believe by faith you should start walking in the authority that Jesus has given us.

      Let us know if this makes sense to you by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  133. Laura Horrorshow
    May 15, 2018 @ 10:49 am

    Last night I dreamed that my fiancée and I were trying to close the back door to our house, but it fell off its hinges. He tried to fix it, but a black cat with a stumpy tail got into our house. It seemed friendly, if not a little dirty, so we didn’t shoo it out, assuming it was a stray. As I was petting it, it rolled over onto its back to expose a large hole in its chest. It looked to be an old wound that healed into a gaping hole exposing its inner organs, but it didn’t seem to be in any distress. I also noticed it appeared that someone had obviously tried to treat it, making me question whether or not it was a stray at all. Later, our house becomes overrun with stray cats and dogs. We find out that people from the next town over just started dumping their unwanted pets in our town. One dog in particular that I noticed was a beautiful white German Shepherd. It seemed to be in better shape than the other animals and I wanted to keep it, but the rest of the animals I knew I would have to take to a shelter. I felt angry at the people who dumped them, and sorry that I couldn’t care for them all. Then, from my home, I was kidnapped by two strange men. They didn’t try to harm me, but were keeping me against my will. I remember trying to beat them in the head with a hammer, but it felt like I could hardly lift my arms, so it had no affect on them. Finally, however, I did manage to escape and go home, where I saw that all but a few of the abandoned pets had been rehomed, which was a great relief to me. If you could help me interpret any parts of this dream, I would be so very much obliged to you! Thank you in advance for your time and assistance!


  134. Jean
    April 24, 2018 @ 3:54 pm

    Hi Julie
    I dreamt I was holding hands with someone ( can’t describe) them and we were dancing around and round. We then laughed and laughed hysterically. I then woke up.
    It felt like a prophetic dream.


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 28, 2018 @ 1:31 pm

      Hi Jean,

      The first thing that came to mind is that the joy of the Lord is your strength. Holding hands with someone can mean unity. Dancing is a form of worship, David danced before the Lord. I believe the dream shows that when you are in unison with God that he will bring joy.
      Let me know if that makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 23, 2018 @ 12:46 pm

      Hi Laura

      I think the animals symbolize broken people who overwhelms you with their needs that you can’t possibly meet and with hurts that can be so deep that they are not really open to your help. The nice dog I believe symbolizes those who you have been called to minister to
      I think it means that because of your past it’s hard to set boundaries.

      Let us know if this makes sense to you by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


      • Jean
        June 28, 2018 @ 5:49 pm

        Thank you Julie for this interpretation. I agree & also think that this shows a longing in my heart to belong somewhere in a fellowship where I can experience unity & joy. So I am praying that I will find this.


    April 24, 2018 @ 2:16 pm

    1st time. I was getting paged at work where I transport patient. The page awakened me and I ran past children in a classroom setting finding myself without my glasses. Return to where I was resting, the glasses were with me. I found myself at a crowded theatre with an amusement style setting, like Bush gardens. Before seating I had acquired a man’s wallet. I still had mine. How did I get it? Should I return it? It had a lot of money. I stuck it in my front pocket and took a seat next to a young woman. The tight seating pressed us together. She moved. I was board and wanted to have privacy to check the wallet. Upon my exit I discovered I had a womans pink wallet. Quickly securing it in my pocket I searched for a private area. How did I get these? What do I do? I awoke and did a Google dream search. I’m a Christian but I don’t know interpretation. Please explain. Thank you


    • Julie
      April 28, 2018 @ 2:44 pm

      Hi Timothy,
      Thanks for posting your dream on the dreams network I see it’s your first time visiting our website.

      A wallet in dreams often symbolises your identity. Finding other people’s wallet in your possession I believe shows that you try to meet others expectation rather than being yourself. A theatre is a place where people act or pretend to be other people or things they are not and I believe this also shows that you may feel at time like you cannot be yourself. Finding the wallet with lots of money in it, means, I believe that you should not judge yourself by what you think others have that you do not.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  136. Mia
    April 21, 2018 @ 9:16 am

    I was watching a bear and like 30 cats take a picture. A man brings out a hexagon of black monkeys, they began to attack the bear and cats but the bear and cats kill the monkey! Then the man brings out a hexagon as big as a city building all filled with black monkeys! The monkeys begin to destroy everything! Last thing I remember is one monkey jumping on a little girl trying to get away up stairs made of rope and she falls because the rope breaks but an old man catches her before she hits the ground! I felt like I was watching the little girl from a distance at first but when she fell I felt like it was me falling!


  137. Natalia
    April 11, 2018 @ 10:12 am

    I woke up a dream today hyperventilating that has never happened to me before. I dreamt that my child was missing I was looking for her for a few days. I live in an old building and I noticed a crack around my window and I looked in between the crack and in between the crack in the wall I noticed it was a hole and I looked through the hole which became bigger . I live on the second floor and I seen I noticed on the bottom. I seen a leg and a body and it was my child and I called 911 I let them know that she was down there she came out alright she was bruised up and I have a lot of scratches and dehydrated but I just want to know what does that mean I woke up didn’t feel good at all.


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 8, 2018 @ 3:05 pm

      Hi Natalia

      Thank you for visiting the dreams network. In dreams a child can represent ministry and your home can symbolise your life. I believe that there may be areas in your life which has left an opening to the enemy and because of this it has caused your ministry to suffer. The dream also shows that there was a progression from a crack to a hole and I believe that it being close to the window shows that somehow your ability to see In the spirit was affected (as windows can symbolise revelation) which may have led to a crack developing into a hole.
      The dream shows that your ministry was not actually missing but it fell and it although it lacks water which is symbolic of the Holy Spirit it is still alive. Calling 911, I believe, shows that you call onto God to save your ministry. I believe the dream shows that you need to pray into this and as in the dream call upon God to deliver your ministry.

      Let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  138. ghanshyam Joshi
    March 26, 2018 @ 7:00 am

    this is a dream which i saw that i am sitting in top of terrace with my wife and showing down about my childhood where in park we used to play cricket and old ladies are sitting just side of the park may be mother also but don’t remember and suddenly a group of bees are attact on me only my wife was very safe i am shouting to led down but she is happily sits, what is that meaning of this dream


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 2, 2018 @ 1:43 pm

      Hi Ghanshyam,

      I believe the dreams shows that looking back into your childhood past can open you up to a swarming attack of the enemy. This attack really only affects you while others around you do not sense that you are being attacked.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  139. Jean
    March 25, 2018 @ 1:03 pm

    I dreamt that I was looking at a little bird. I can’t really recall the colour of the bird. However the birds wing was broken by a person . I saw a hand appear and snapped the wing in two. I was feeling a sore/ pain in the dream feeling how the bird felt. The same person also clipped the same wing that was broken/damaged.


    • Julie
      April 2, 2018 @ 1:24 pm

      Hi Jean,

      I believe the dream shows that you have been given revelation to see where other believers have been intentionally wounded by others which prevented them from functioning in their ministry or calling (as birds needs their wings to fly and this bird’s wing was intentionally broken and clipped).

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


      • Jean
        April 24, 2018 @ 3:49 pm

        Hi Julie
        Thank you for your reply. Sorry I have taken long to respond. I do have a desire to pray for people and minister to people who are sad/ hurting.
        I am praying for opportunities for this to happen. They are all around. Just need to be aware. Thank you


  140. Doreen
    March 20, 2018 @ 10:34 am

    First let me say i loved your book “The Fugitive Prophet” learned some new things about Harriet Tubman
    My dream was short. I was handed a small white gift box and when I opened it , it contained a very beautiful necklace. The necklace was silver and had two circles around the star of David. It was from a Jewelry company that I am very familiar with. The bands and the Star were filled with Swarovski Crystals. I do not need another necklace and was not even thinking about Jewelry. Is there anything in this dream?
    Blessings Doreen


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 14, 2018 @ 7:35 am

      Hi Doreen,

      A necklace symbolizes your humility in desiring to do Gods will for her life. The Star of David shows that like David you stands as a warrior but walks in intimacy with God and the 2 circles I believe symbolizes the eternal commitment God has toward you as you are his bride.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  141. Freya
    March 7, 2018 @ 6:39 pm

    Okay so this isn’t so much a dream, it’s more of a recurring nightmare I had my entire childhood up until I was about 10 or 12 then only a few times after that. This dream would terrify me I would always wake up in a panic and it has really been burnt into my memory because of the fear it brought me. Basically all I would see was a white room but it wasn’t 3d it was like a piece of paper or like I could only see the wall or the floor, on the white there was a piece of orangey-brown clay (nowadays I would say it looked like the same colour and texture as the morph character but I didn’t know who he was back then). The ball of clay would move in and out, as if a camera was zooming in and out, and it would look like someone pressed it with their thumb then it would reform into a ball. Along with this I would repeatedly hear the phonetic sound of someone says ‘t-h’. Every time I had this dream or think about it I feel like I’m going to throw up. I know it’s really weird, I really want to know if there is any meaning behind it because I’ve never been able to work it out. If it helps at the moment I’m suspected of having ocd, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks – freya


    • Julie
      April 14, 2018 @ 6:26 am

      Hi Freya,

      A room similar to a house can be symbolic of your life, where a room is symbolic of a particular aspect of your life. White can symbolise holiness. I believe the dream shows that there is an area in your life where you are not seeing yourself the right way (as you were not seeing the room in 3d). I believe the morph character (which when I googled seem to be a kids character who can change into any shape), represents something from your childhood times which was supposed to be childlike and fun but something happened which caused it to change into a negative experience instead of a positive one. The organgy-brown can represent things of the flesh. I believe this experience often came to your mind and affect you in a negative and perhaps how you see yourself in God as it came from the white wall.

      I am not sure it is a dream from God as I cannot see a redemptive message but I feel the dream shows how you were feeling at that time. Sometimes even if dreams are not from God they can give us clues into areas of our lives that might be leaving doors open to the enemy.
      Let us know if this make sense to you by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


    • Doreen
      April 15, 2018 @ 2:33 pm

      Thank you, yes that is a conformation, have been seeking to move closer and allow the Holy Spirit to use me. Did the gift box mean that it was a gift from God, complete package?



  142. Jay
    March 4, 2018 @ 10:02 am


    Meeting Todd White

    I was going into some building and Todd White was coming out. There were concrete steps going into the building. I said hey Todd. He said what’s up? I started talking to him and he sat down on the steps to talk to me. During the conversation I said I would love to be able to talk more and he said here let me give you my number. He started writing it down on a piece of paper that had a whole bunch of scribbled stuff. I said why don’t I give you a quick call, so you have my number in your phone. I’m not sure what happened but I think his number was missing the last digit when he was writing it down and I’m not sure if I got the paper. I was thinking how am I going to get in touch with him. It would probably be so hard to get him by email or contacting his ministry. I wanted to tell him my story about heavily pursuing God and the miracles and then how I stopped believing in Him and then how He brought me back. I wanted to tell him about the physical healing, inner healing, and dream ministry I’m involved in. Most importantly I wanted to ask him if could see dreams as part of his ministry to reach people.

    I was in a mall with a guy and 2 girls. We were talking about a bunch of different things upstairs by the railing. I said to the guy who was my friend I think oh man I met Todd White a little while ago. I was then going to say how I actually met him before in 2014 walking out of a conference when I told him he had a cool shirt, but I had no idea who he was until the next day when he was speaking. I ended up not saying any of that because after I mentioned his name the 2 girls got very quiet and started to listen and I felt weird and self-conscious, so I didn’t get into the story that much.

    After talking about a bunch of different stuff the girls said we gotta go but we would love to hang out again and said let’s exchange phone numbers. They were doing something weird with their phones that I wasn’t familiar with like putting the phones towards each other and the numbers were transferring through the air I guess. I went to take mine out, but it wasn’t working right. My friend said his iPhone hasn’t been working properly and I said wait because they were leaving and I didn’t get my phone to work, and I felt left out. (kind of defective).

    The girls left, and they started walking to the left of where we were sitting, and I noticed there were some bags there, so I said hey someone left bags. I think one may have been one of the girls. I then noticed 3 black leather pouch type (like the size of a small phone pouch how they used to be). I remembered we were talking about them for some reason maybe business or something but not sure. I was thinking they didn’t even really care about them even though they seemed so interested. They were sort of scattered around. There were 2 by the railing and 1 by the chair. I also noticed the place we were sitting was a complete mess. There were chairs all around and food (popcorn) on the floor and it was real messy so I started putting the chairs back and organizing and cleaning up. Then one of the girls was coming back like she had forgot to talk to someone and was walking fast by us going to towards the grocery store Waldbaum’s. The strange thing about this was that in real life Waldbaum’s was connected to a mall that I used to go to and hang out a lot as a teenager but the mall we were in was not that mall. That mall was very small, and the mall were in was huge.


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 8, 2018 @ 4:33 pm

      Hi Jay

      Thanks for visiting the dream network. I believe the dream shows that you having a problem maintaining contact with people in ministry and also from life outside the church. I believe it also shows that even though you are coming into contact with these people and you are wanting to share with them experiences and things you are either going through or have been through you feel like you are not able to do so. In the dream you mentioned that you were going to talk about Todd Hall with the people you met after Todd Hall but then changed your mind as the girl got quiet. I believe that sometimes you feel uncomfortable being yourself as you observe other people’s reaction around you. Also, in the dream, you mention that your phone did not work while the others phone did and you felt left out. Again this shows I believe that you feel perhaps you are not up to being able to communicate with others and you feel bad about yourself because of this. The phone pouches strewn about shows also that what other people take for granted you value and appreciate.

      Let me know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  143. Jay
    March 4, 2018 @ 10:02 am


    Car Accident at the Mall

    I was at the Hudson Valley Mall in Kingston, NY where I used to have a wireless phone store (in real life). I was interested in possibly opening another store and Tom Holloway from Global Awakening, who I met a few weeks ago at GSI, was either the leasing manager or general manager of the mall. I had a fear that the mall might not have enough traffic for a new store since for the last year it has been drastically dying due to anchors and many stores leaving and close to being closed. I was walking through the mall and taking pictures of the corridors with nobody in them. Then I got to the movie theater and it was a much bigger lobby than it used to be and had hundreds of people waiting there. I was shocked.

    The next scene I was going to the mall either on a Saturday or Sunday and I was going to see if Tom Holloway was there. When I got to the mall I was walking towards the entrance and he was walking on the side of the building. I said hi Tom and he looked like he was in a rush. He acknowledged me very quickly and said hi but hardly looked at me. He was walking towards a man that it looked like he was meeting. He looked very different somehow almost like it didn’t look like him. Maybe it was his hair I’m not sure.

    The next scene I was on the drive that goes around the mall and my car was flipped upside down. I somehow had another car there too that was parked in the other lane. I was trying to find the keyhole to the car but it was hard since it was upside down. I think there was also either snow or dirt around the car that made it hard to find. Then somehow, I turned the car from being upside down to its side. Then I saw a Jeep Cherokee coming towards my cars and I was nervous because both of my cars were now blocking both lanes. The Jeep slammed on the brakes but slid into my car that was tilted on the side (which somehow was now upright) for a long time and pushed the car down the drive and up a hill. There didn’t to seem to be any damage to either cars.

    The next scene I was in the middle of the mall parking lot and there were a whole bunch of junk cars being crushed and flattened like they do at a car junkyard. A police car showed up and I was saying to one of the officers I hope my car isn’t in there being junked. He said yes, it’s already junked and that it had been there for a few days. I said how can that be and told him my car just got here. Then I saw my car in there but it kind of looked like a Jeep now with hardly any frame left. Everything was missing. The doors were gone, roof, windows, and even sides. All that was left was a partial frame.

    The next scene we were in an ambulance and the officer was holding the woman’s hand that hit my car. He was being very compassionate to her towards her and I was being compassionate towards her too with my hand on her arm. Then I was thinking my insurance is going to go up with all this damage and I had just had an accident less than a year ago (in real life). Then the officer said when you’re in an accident you shouldn’t move your car like you did and block traffic.


  144. Wanda
    January 25, 2018 @ 10:30 pm

    My sitee in law had a dream that i waa on a beach someone waa praying for me and i recieves the holy spirit again.


  145. Bailey smith
    January 17, 2018 @ 1:07 pm

    I had a dream I was on a bus and my ex’s best friend was sitting next to me and then my ex go on and sat in the very back and then we was going down the road and stuff started flying at us and attacking the bus. We ended up in a building running from whatever was after us and then we went into a small room and my moms ex husbands daughter jumped out and tried to scare me and then I joined with her to scare someone and then i woke up.


    • Julie
      January 29, 2018 @ 9:38 am

      Hi Bailey,

      I believe the dream shows that you are being impacted by things from your past as the dream highlights your ex’s best friend and your mum’s ex-husband. I believe it also shows that there might be things from past relationships that still affect you today.

      I believe that maybe you need to seek God for his intervention and resolution so that you can receive freedom to move forward.
      Let us know if this makes sense by leaving a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  146. Chinyere Ikenna
    December 30, 2017 @ 3:21 pm

    I have been praying and fasting for my testimony to be complete. I had a dream where I was dinning happily with my children and a man i call my destiny helper because he was God sent to me. This man has played a vital role in making my testimony complete and i am expecting results next week.
    What does this mean


    • Julie
      January 7, 2018 @ 5:35 pm

      Hi Chinyere,

      Did you have any other details pertaining to this dream?

      Thanks Julie


      • Chinyere Ikenna
        January 9, 2018 @ 4:36 pm

        Thanks Julie,
        For now those are the details I have on that dream.
        I had another dream last night in which I was under a fruitful mango tree with my husband. The Mango tree was quite large and looked like an umbrella with numerous ripe fruits. I was happy and wanted some of the juicy fruits, but my hand couldn’t reach them. I needed a long stick to be able to pluck them. So we left saying we will get one of our relations to look for a long stick to help us pluck them.
        Are the dreams related? What can this one mean?


        • Julie
          January 13, 2018 @ 5:21 pm

          Hi Chinyere,

          Fruits can be symbolic of the fruits of the Spirit and a tree can be symbolic the cross. I believe that the dreams shows that you are under the covering of the blood of Jesus and in a place of fruitfulness but you feel as though you are not able to access them. I believe that God is wanting you and your husband to reach out in faith to him (the stick ) as you are already in the place of an abundance of fruit.

          Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


          • Chinyere Ikenna
            January 28, 2018 @ 10:10 am

            Dear Julie,
            Many thanks. Your interpretation makes absolute sense to me.

  147. Michaela Joslyn
    December 14, 2017 @ 8:30 am

    I had a dream I was visiting friends in a far away state. I was first with a male friend (in female and in a relationship) as we hung out I had forgotten he got married so I remembered and asked him. He told me his wife cheated and it was awful now they’re getting divorced. Next I was with another girlfriend and her friend asked if he could court me. She told him I’m being taken care of already (in a relationship) in the dream I hoped she wouldn’t have told him that. I wanted to see if this relationship could’ve went somewhere. Then in the dream my friend and I go into a restroom where there are fancy stalls you can pay for or free. We went to the free and two young men stole my wallet. I wrestled and fought with them and it was exhausting I did all I could then finally bit off two finger tips of one of them men so I could then grab my wallet and run away.


    • Julie
      January 13, 2018 @ 5:12 pm

      Hi Michaela,

      In a dream a boyfriend is sometimes symbolic of a relationship that takes the place of God in your life. Your wallet can symbolise your identity and the bathroom is sometimes symbolic of inner healing. I believe you went in search of inner healing (usually in church) but you instead ended up facing an attack of the inner for your identity in Christ.
      I believe the dream shows that you tried to fight off these attacks, teeth symbolically means your ability to chew or understand the Word of God. I believe in applying the Word you were able to be freed.

      Let us know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  148. Kimberly McDonnell
    November 6, 2017 @ 11:59 pm

    This dream was from 5+ years ago and I had it after asking GOD for a prophetic dream for me to remember (I don’t usually remember my dreams). In my dream, I saw a football field and under one of the goal posts, I saw a lion wearing a purple cape and he was sitting under the goal post. Then I saw 2 cherubs and their faces kept morphing into different faces and then the two cherubs each held on to one of my arms and flew around with me.


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 9, 2017 @ 4:37 pm

      Hi Kimberly,

      I believe the dream shows that when you have Jesus (the lion symbolising the Lion of the Tribe of Judah) on your side, you are always on the winning side and you will always win as He is your prize/goal. The lion wearing the purple cape symbolises the royalty and majesty of God. I believe that as the scripture says He will give His angels charge over you in Psalm 91:11 , that God is reminding you of this promise.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  149. Kimberly McDonnell
    November 6, 2017 @ 11:52 pm

    In my last dream, I was walking across a busy street and as I stepped on the side walk, I saw a semi truck lose control and jackknife and it was coming towards me. I saw the semi truck in slow motion and saw myself in slow motion turning to run toward a house.


    • Julie
      January 7, 2018 @ 5:33 pm

      Hi Kimberly,

      I believe the dream shows that you are in a season of transition (crossing the stree) and the that you need to pray against attacks of the enemy (the truck coming towards you).

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  150. Elridge
    November 3, 2017 @ 9:03 pm

    what do a dream mean; i dream my neighbor was sitting in his carport stairing at me. The dream cost me to wake up.


  151. Jean
    October 27, 2017 @ 5:56 pm

    I dreamt that I was in a large house/ building. I was with other people in the dream but cannot recall now what their relationships were towards me. The main focus of the dream was that I and the people I was with were constantly trying to get out of this building or large house but we could not find the way out. There were no doors as such there were walls with gates in front of them. In the dream I tried different ways to get out but no exits were available. There were also dogs that growled when I walked towards possible exits. The dogs looked asleep and placid but once I got closer to them they growled.


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 1, 2017 @ 4:35 am

      Hi Jean,

      I believe the dreams shows that you and other believers have been affected by religious spirits which keep you bound. Although you desire to be freed you are unable to do so as you feel some level of fear and perhaps intimidation.

      I believe the dreams shows what you are dealing with and with this clarity you can pray into the situation so that God will give you and others the breakthrough you desire.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  152. Ken
    October 25, 2017 @ 10:47 pm

    Over several decades I’ve had this one theme of a dream that comes up from time to time. At least a half dozen or so times. Each time I’m walking along a certain area and i look down and see a coin. I reach down to pick it up and I notice there is another or other coins. So I pick them up. As I’m picking them up I continually look and see more and more coins. So I keep picking all of them up. This goes on until I can no longer find any. But by then, I’ve picked up numerous amounts of them. Sometimes it’s just quarters. Other dreams it’s a mixture of nickels, dimes and quarters. I had one where I was finding and digging up out of dirt really big coins about 3 or more inches in diameter. I think they were $5 or $10 silver coins. And where I start to see the coins is always different. One time they were in a gutter on a street in my childhood town. Other times they’ve been along a chain link fence or in a grassy lawn. The one with the big coins were out in a forest area with lots of dirt and near a river. It was drizzling the whole time and I was pulling them out of a dirt bank that they were buried in but sticking out so I could see them.

    My latest one is a dream in which I’m running to practice for long distance races. Along the side of this big street, maybe even a highway, I see two dimes. I stop to pick them up and i see under the dirt near them some more dimes. I reach to pick them up and there are more. Then I discover that someone had put them there and they were lightly glued in a mozaic/tiling pattern — right up against each other flat on the ground and many rows and columns of them. Some appear to be old dimes with more value than just 10 cents. I pick them all up and there are no more. I put them in my sweater pocket and jog off. I was very aware that someone had been living there next to the freeway and put this dime tiling there some time ago and left it. There was loose dirt that had been lightly covering them, so I had to brush away a little dirt to find them all. Some dimes looked like they had been flattened or bent and had been slightly cut, maybe by being exposed there or these were just the wide range of dimes the person was able to find and put there. And of course I’m always excited to find so many coins when at first I thought there was only the initial first one I saw. Thank you!


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 2, 2017 @ 5:03 pm

      Hi Ken,

      We would not normally provide an interpretation without all of the detail of a dream. I would say however (with respect to your summary of various dreams), that the coins I believe represent God’s provision for you along the journey of your life. I also believe that God has been providing for you in difficult situations and in situations where you would not have expected to get or find blessings (finding the coins in a dirt bank etc). I believe that are able to see these blessings and although they may appear small or insignificant as you pick them up God continues to provides.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


      • Ken
        November 10, 2017 @ 2:48 am

        Thank you! That clarifies the questions I’ve had for so long! Grateful for your ministry!


    • Julie Ramjit
      November 10, 2017 @ 5:54 pm

      Hi Ken,

      Here is the interpretation for the dream you posted in the latter part of your post above.

      Running to practise for long distance races shows I believe that you are in a place of training. I believe in this dream it shows that (whereas in the past you stumbled upon blessings), I believe that you are entering into a season where God has lined up blessings for you (coins glued in a moziac/tiling patter). They being glued together I believe shows that God will keep your blessings together and that they will not get lost. In the dream you felt as if someone who lived in that area before might have owned the dimes and I am reminded of the scripture that says the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous (Proverbs 13:22).

      This is not in your dreams but I feel as if your expectation of these blessings (as you mentioned you are always excited to find these coins) or your that your hope and trust in God for these unexpected blessings gives God pleasure and creates the atmosphere for him to continue blessing you.

      I also needed to mention in my first comment (published 2 Nov) that I felt like the account between Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 2:16), specifically where Boaz instructed his workers to Purposely leave grain behind for Ruth mirrors the heart of the Father towards you in that he intentionally blessed you (the coins) along the way.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


      • Ken
        August 15, 2019 @ 5:10 am

        Julie, I wanted to get back to you on this dream about the dimes. I had been struggling with a job that had seasons of mostly unexpected downtime that made it difficult to make ends meet. After this dream, I felt inspired to look into different types of work using my car for deliveries. I had applied to a couple different places and was waiting to hear back. One day on my current job I looked down and found 2 dimes (just like in the dream). When I got home, I got a message that I had been accepted and approved to deliver for Uber Eats. I ended up making around $20 an hour (2 10’s/dimes like in the dream). The deliveries are whenever I need to earn money and I go from one delivery to the next all lined up, just like the dimes are lined up together in the dream. I go to all sorts of neighborhoods – rich, poor, old, new just like there were all different types of dimes. I can start and stop anytime I want on any day. What a blessing it has been for me. Funny thing I remember from the dream was jogging up a road that leads to out of our town. The only thing up there is an Indian Casino. I decided to go up there one night and play some slots with my delivery money. I hit two jack pots within minutes of each other and won over $14,000! The Lord truly has blessed me just like the dream showed.


  153. Jean
    September 26, 2017 @ 6:14 pm

    I am posting a second dream. I dreamt that I was opening the boot of a car. The car had lots of items in it. I was wearing a kind of knacki coloured waterproof which had a pocket on the front over my chest. I then picked up from the boot two little green budgarigars. I noticed they were very plump and put them in my front pocket. I then notice that there was another budgie that was not looking too good. It had ruffled feathers , was thin and had laboured breathing. I can’t recall whether I put this one in my pocket. I woke up by then.
    Bless you


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 30, 2017 @ 6:59 pm

      Hi Jean,

      Thank you for posting your dreams, did you know why did you decided to pick up birds and what was the overall feel of the dream?



      • Jean
        October 2, 2017 @ 7:13 pm

        Hi Julie
        Thinking about the dream again I was trying to get the birds out of the car out of the messy car boot into the security of my pocket. I did not feel stressed.The dream felt quite calm. I was concerned about the thin bird.
        Thanks to


      • Julie Ramjit
        October 7, 2017 @ 7:03 pm

        Hi Jean,

        In a dream a car can represent a ministry. I believe the dream shows that you have a heart to help believers that are involved in ministry but either not given the attention to grow (the thin bird) or are ready to launch out into ministry but are not free to do so ( the healthy birds also in the boot of the car).

        Let us know if this makes sense to you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


    • Beverly
      October 5, 2017 @ 12:14 pm

      I dreamed I was in a huge airport waiting for my luggage to come down the belt, and a man walked up to me. He had a long robe on that had big stripes on it. They were like a sage green, then burgandy, then a dark tan, and each stripe had a little thin brown stripe going down between them. This man had a long beard and long hair. It was a reddish brown, with lots of gray in it. He had a cape made of burlap and the hood upon his head. He had a big package in wraped in brown paper, and taped. It had tape all over it to seal it. He started to hand it to me and I noticed it had Hebrew writing on the front in big black marker, but then he took it back and held it to his chest, and tears in his eyes, he said, “These gifts are so precious to me. ” He just stood there, and then I looked across the isle, and there was an older man sitting on a chair, and he had blue jeans and a brown tee shirt on. He smiled at me and put his finger to his lips like he was saying, ” Shh, Don’t say anything.” , and a huge crowd of children came up to the man in the chair, like they were just drawn to him, then he got up and turned to go down a long hallway behind him, and the children followed. I was thinking, ” That could have been Jesus, in those blue jeans and tee shirt. Then a few seconds later a man appeared from that same hallway, and he was dressed in a beautiful long white robe, with a blue sash over his shoulder. He came and stood on the left of me, and the man in the striped robe stood on the right of me, and put their arms around my back. If this dream is too long, I will understand, but I was hoping to get an understanding of the message.


      • Julie Ramjit
        October 11, 2017 @ 3:42 pm

        Hi Beverly,

        I believe the dream shows that you are in a place of transition (the airport). I believe the man that looked like a sage represents a religious spirit and the man in the jeans represents Jesus. I believe that the dream shows that he does not always show up as He truly is at first but you will know Him by his expression of love for His children. The man changing colours holding a present represents I believe a belief system that God is meant to look a certain way and that He finds it difficult to give his children gifts. They both put their hands on your left and right showing that on the left is to depend and do things in God strength and not your own, on the right shows doing things in your own strength. I believe God is wanting you to trust and depend on Him knowing that He longs to give good gifts to His children.

        Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


        • Beverly
          October 16, 2017 @ 2:30 pm

          This that you said is awesome. That was God that showed you that, as well as the interpretation, because I honestly couldn’t figure out who the guy in the striped robe was and why he took the gift back. Now it’s clear and it’s true.


          • Julie Ramjit
            October 19, 2017 @ 3:59 pm

            Hi Beverly,

            It is really wonderful that you have a personal witness to the interpretation. We are truly grateful and thankful to God to be able to use His gift of dream interpretation to help others on their journey.

    • Beverly
      October 24, 2017 @ 11:57 pm

      I had another dream Oct.23,2017:
      I am in this church that I truely feel God called me to be a part of. A young preacher is preaching that Sunday night, and he is one that has respected me highly as a person in the Lord. I go to hear him preach and he did a really good job of bringing the sermon. After the service was over he was talking to a few about the offering. Said it wasn’t good. Said we needed to take about $7,680.00 out of the church account and that we would put it back in later. I’m thinking to myself, why take money out of the church account if we are going to put it back in. Sounded like an unnecessary move to make, but I didn’t question it because I thought he must know what he’s talking about.

      Later I got set up. He told them that I took the money out of the account but they never saw it again. I was wandering how I ever got set up when I never had anything to do with it. I had never stepped foot in that bank in my life, and had no clue what the number of the church account was, so I told the cops that I stand before God as my wittness that I had nothing to do with it. I thought he was the one that took it out. I never stepped foot in that bank or touched any money, and they were taking me to jail.
      The last words I said before waking up was, ” Well, if I go to prison for the rest of my life I would have to say I had nothing to do with it because I really didn’t.” I realized I had a court day coming up and then I woke up. That was rough and confusing.


      • Julie Ramjit
        November 2, 2017 @ 3:33 am

        Hi Beverly 
        I believe the dream shows that someone in a position of authority whom you trust will try to device you.
        I don’t know that the dream is necessarily about the pastor you mentioned but I believe it is someone acting in a similar capacity.I believe 7,680 relates to Psalms 76:8 which speaks of God’s judgement.
        I believe the dream has been given to you so that you can pray and seek God’s wisdom and discernment.
        Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


        • Beverly
          November 4, 2017 @ 12:40 am

          Thank you, Julie, for the interpretation of this dream. It’s amazing what God can reveal in a dream. God did say that he would let us know things before they happen. Now I will just pray and be ready for what ever comes up, and believe God to give me wisdom and discernment.


  154. Jean
    September 26, 2017 @ 4:05 pm

    I was inside. The scene changed and I headed outside.
    Outside I could see all around me tall fire trees. I suddenly noticed something moving in the tops of the trees camouflaged . As my eyes adjusted I saw two military aircraft flying they moved swiftly and confidently by now I could see them perfectly.
    The aircraft suddenly transformed to look like the roofs of two houses among the tall trees. I was all of a sudden in the room I walked out of at the beginning. My deceased mother was there. I was telling about the aircraft rubbing my hands seemed troubled then woke up.


    • Julie
      October 19, 2017 @ 3:32 pm

      Hi Jean,

      I believe the trees symbolises church leaders and the hidden aircraft symbolises false teachers and leaders who at first are hard to discern, but God will give you revelation to see things as they are. Going back to the place where your deceased mother is shows I believe that you are going back to of former beliefs. In dreams your mother can represent the church.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


      • Jean
        October 26, 2017 @ 6:20 pm

        Thanks for your reply. I am still thinking and praying about this. I never thought of it as false teachers and hard to discern
        situations. Does this refer do you think to where I am worshipping or more general. Or it could be a person in my life?
        Re former beliefs could relate to being drawn to types of worship.


  155. rose
    September 5, 2017 @ 6:11 pm

    a bunch of us were in line to take senior class pictures. a girl named mia was behind me, I kept telling her to help me pull down my dark pink/purple dress because i felt like it was too short. we went to go sit down for the pics. they were telling us that each of our names would be written on the book cover real big but because we were seniors we would not have to pay for it but the junior class who were also there would have to pay to have their names put on. the book covers had our pics and name in large gold writing


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 26, 2017 @ 4:48 pm

      Hi Rose,

      This dream was submitted for a private interpretation.



  156. Margaret
    August 31, 2017 @ 11:58 pm

    I only remember parts of my dream. There was water streaming through the ceiling as I was standing in my kitchen. I was relieved it was not coming down the walls and since there was no carpet, the floors were wet but not ruined. My feeling in the dream was relief, I was only going to have to fix the roof. The same night I dreamt that my car was parked in the driveway and had a flat tire (not just flat but totally blown out). My feeling in the dream was confusion as to what could have happened. There was no fear in either dream that night.


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 2, 2017 @ 7:35 am

      Hi Margaret,

      The second dream shows I believe shows that you need a time of refreshing from the Holy Spirit to deal with the blown tire. A car is normally symbolic of ministry and the tires is what you need for movement, the dream shows that you are unable to move in ministry as you have suffered something that now needs to be renewed before your ministry can move ahead again.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 2, 2017 @ 9:09 am

      Hi Margaret,

      In the first dream the roof getting damaged, I believe shows you are going through a hard situation but it will be ok. Fixing the roof would I believe symbolises getting your mind refocused.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  157. Faith
    August 29, 2017 @ 2:07 am

    This morning I woke up from the troubling dream, my spirit is still troubled this evening as I type. I was on my way somewhere, maybe work, not sure, had left my daughter behind, maybe home. She was very young maybe between 5 and 7. For some reason she managed to follow and found me in some kind of house where there were other people. She told me she was hungry and started to yawn and you could see by looking at her face that she was really hungry. I did not have enough money but I opened my wallet and took about $6 and I remembered that on my way I had seen Jack in In The Box {fast food restaurant} where my daughter could buy something to eat as she goes back.I don’t remember giving her the money but I remember giving it to another lady in the presence of everybody. After giving her the money, she just denied that I gave it to her, I was really upset and was trying to argue with her. That was the end of the dream.


    • Barbara Pierson
      September 1, 2017 @ 8:32 pm

      i was sitting on my couch and my dads head was floating in front of me


      • Julie Ramjit
        September 2, 2017 @ 7:27 am

        Hi Barbara,

        What were you doing on the couch and what did you feel when you saw the head of your dad floating in front of you?
        Was this a dream or vision?



    • Julie Ramjit
      September 26, 2017 @ 4:35 pm

      Hi Faith,

      In a dream your child can symbolise your ministry. A ministry that is starving is lacking the word of God. I believe you see that your ministry is lacking in some area and taking out the $6.00 symbolises that, you try, in your own strength to make things better. I believe the enemy is the person who took the money as our efforts is never sufficient to do what only God can do.

      Please let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  158. Faith
    August 28, 2017 @ 7:52 pm

    DREAM: I was standing on the left side behind the lady who was about 2 -3ft in front of me. I noticed that on her left ear she was wearing a very large golden circle ear ring. Part of the ear ring, which was inside the circle, was the golden menorah and I woke up. What does this mean?
    In the natural I love and pray for Israel.


    • Faith
      August 28, 2017 @ 8:02 pm

      **Correction, I meant to say I was standing on the RIGHT side**


  159. Troy Lawrence
    August 28, 2017 @ 4:58 pm

    My wife sent us shopping for 2 sheep and 1 goose. She told us specifically where to go, and at some point in the trip my traveling companion and I decided to stop at an outdoor college party and have a beer. A girl passed by and my friend asked, “What is your name?” The girl had been talking about credit and my friend was interested in joining the conversation. However, the girl refused to engage my friend and promptly walked away. We decided to go the long way to get the sheep and goose by taking Loop 820, but somewhere along the way we considered going back to the main freeway to reduce time. When we arrived for our shopping expedition we were told to get on a 4 wheeler and drive slowly through the animals telling them to “shoo” or “go away” as needed. We arrived peacefully, were given a piece of cardboard and a sharpie marker and told to write our order down. So, I wrote “2 sheep, 1 goose” and waited.


    • Julie Ramjit
      October 19, 2017 @ 3:55 pm

      Hi Troy,

      Your wife in a dream can symbolise the church. I believe the dream shows that you have set out on a journey of soul winning (sheep is symbolic of believers) but it appears that along the way you have strayed off the course either by the things of the world (going to the pub with your friend) or by deciding wilfully to come off course. I believe taking Loop 820 refers to Psalm 82 where the Psalmist questions God about allowing the wicked to go unpunished and I believe that at some point you felt as if God was not addressing or delaying his judgement and so you again came off course. The dream shows that you arrive at your destination and though your assignment was to get 2 sheep and 1 goose I believe part of what you are called to do is soul winning as you have been given a four wheeler (which is sometimes symbolic of a ministry). I believe you will get to the point where God will ask you what do you want and you will get the time to tell God and then there will be a waiting period.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  160. Johanna Catherine
    August 15, 2017 @ 3:49 pm

    Hi,In my dream I am in my church at my home town. My Sunday school teacher is sitting next to me and she asks me you went to UK right ? I told her no I went to South Africa to study not the UK. As she is asking me I was wondering that I never thought about going to UK. In real life I told everyone that I wanted to go to Australia.
    Then I tell her that I am going to UK now.

    I had a desire to go to UK. I prayed about it a long time back but eventually I forgot about it. I felt it was not possible for me. So I stopped thinking about it.

    I had a another similar dream. This time I am in a supermarket. I was going to buy some fruit. I see people around me. I check the price for that fruit. To my surprise it is more than it should. One of friend was with me. So I told her the fruit was more than it was supposed to have been.


    • Beverly
      August 18, 2017 @ 3:40 pm

      June 11, 2017, I dreamed I kept going into this tiny closet that was just big enough to fit one person standing up. It was in a big building. I went into the closet 3 different times and prayed in the Spirit. The first two times I went into pray, the atmosphere turned a glowing red. The last time (which was the third time) the atmosphere turning a glowing yellow. I was praying all three times, “Let the glory of God come down upon the saints of the Most High, and that they be filled with His glory.”


      • Julie Ramjit
        August 28, 2017 @ 1:31 pm

        Hi Beverly,

        Three is number of God and going to your closet normally symbolises
        spending time with God in pray. I believe the dream shows that you are called to intercede on behalf others. I believe God wants you see that things will change when you pray and that you are called to pray for others to
        experience and be filled with His Glory.

        Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


        • Beverly
          August 28, 2017 @ 5:24 pm

          I do intercede for others, so that is what I have been doing for the last 2 years that I’ve been in this church, but that was just a confirmation that I’m doing what I am supposed to do in this season. It’s one of the things anyway. Thank you, Julie.


    • Julie
      August 26, 2017 @ 2:07 pm

      Hi Johanna ,

      I believe the first dream is reminding you of a desire and perhaps also a calling for you to visit the UK.

      I believe that the dream is reminding you of a desire you once had and prayed about but eventually gave up on it and perhaps the time is at hand.

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  161. Leticia Ruiz
    August 2, 2017 @ 3:45 pm

    Hi , in my dream I recall that I was pulling out weeds with their roots, and as i pulled them I walked a little further foward and a bee stung my finger, as I went to take the bee off it was hollow, like when a snake sheds it looked as if the bee shed. but the stingers stayed in my finger as I pulled the bee away.


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 4, 2017 @ 5:20 pm

      Hi Leticia,

      I believe the dream shows that you have been dealing with issues that have been affecting you by going to the root of the problem. I believe however that as you try to move forward you are affected by an attack of the enemy (which may not be a significant attack as a bee is tiny) which is from something that happened in the past (symbolized by the bee being hollow) but which was still potent enough to sting you or cause you pain which has stayed with you (the stinger remaining in your finger).

      I believe that God is wanting you to know that He is your healer and instead of you trying to deal with the issue on your own you can seek Him for the help and deliverance that you need.
      Let us know if this makes sense by leaving a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


    • Beverly
      August 7, 2017 @ 3:35 pm

      I must have been dreaming and I heard this voice , I don’t know if it was audible or not but it seemed like it was, because I sat up quick in the bed. It woke me up. I heard the voice saying, ” Release the water!( You’re holding back the water!!) It startled me,and when I sat up in the bed, I was so shocked that I swung my arms out wide, and when I did, it created an ocean. I couldn’t believe I was holding back that much water. I didn’t even know I was holding any water back. Then God spoke to me and said, ” Release the people!” (Free them!!) I was looking around for the people, and found them hidden in the tall grass and weeds. They were in cages with iron bars. I said ” God, how do I rescue them? I have no key?” He said, ” You don’t need a key! Just open them!” So, I did and found out they weren’t even locked. So I freed them, and then I heard his voice say ” Go rescue them! ” I looked around and they were flailing around and spitting and sputtering in the water. I said ” Oh, God, they are in the water and they are drowning, and I don’t even know how to swim! ” I was panicing then. Then I saw a big hand, light blue, but transparent. It was point at a little row boat on the shore. He said, ” Go get that boat, and go rescue them.” I thought the water might have represented the Holy Spirit, but why were they drowning in it. Help me understand the whole dream and what he is trying to say to me here.


      • Julie
        August 17, 2017 @ 5:57 pm

        Hi Beverly,

        I believe the dream shows that God is ready to launch you into ministry.The waters of the ocean coming out of your mouth symbolises I believe a high level of power and authority.The dream shows that you are unaware of your anointing and also your calling to a large extent. Part of what you are called to do is to bring deliverance to others. The dream shows it will not be difficult to free the people but it shows your calling will also involve providing a safe place for the people being delivered to recover and then be trained to live a spiritual life in God.

        Let us know if this makes sense to you by leaving a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


    • kathleen
      August 12, 2017 @ 7:08 pm

      I dreamed I saw my own car parked and some one dented the right-hand side while parked when I saw the car it was off the road on a tow truck with a ticket on it for no warrant for bald tyres. I bought new tyres for car and got them fitted ( when I was buying the tyres I felt the man was telling me off for having no warrant again ). I believe we were in Christchurch, i was with my son Justin, and my mum Gail. Justin wanted to drive home as he is only a learner driver I said no and I drove home which seen to be 4 – 5 hours away.


      • Julie Ramjit
        August 26, 2017 @ 1:45 pm

        Hi Kathleen,

        A car is usually symbolic of ministry and a parked car means that the ministry is not moving or doing what it was made to do.
        The right can sometimes symbolise doing things in our own strength, I believe that ministry has slowed down perhaps due to you trying to do things in your own strength instead of waiting on God.

        The tires is what is responsible for taking the car/ministry places, the tires being bald means that the ministry can lose control as there is no traction to keep it from going out of control in some circumstances.
        The tires and balding of the tires refers I believe to the leading of the Holy Spirit not being present and as a result the car or ministry must go through a period of restoration before it will be operational again.

        The man with the ticket I believe is the Holy Spirit who cautions you of the state of your ministry.

        I believe the last part of the dream shows that you become more cautions of your ministry and who you give control to after you go through a period of restoration. Being 4-5 hours away shows I believe that the state your ministry was in has caused you to be delayed and I believe God will bring your ministry back on track..

        Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  162. rose
    July 31, 2017 @ 8:23 pm

    i was in a subway station, i was walking down the ramp to go up the escalator and on the right i noticed some boxes (used), several chest drawers and a desk w/plastic drawers. I was like someone was having a garage sale or as if a storage unit had been sold and this was the remaining stuff. (another lady had stopped by and was looking at the stuff as well) i opened the top drawer of one of the plastic drawers and i said hey this is my stuff. i slightly remembber back in the dream that i had given this desk to someone. i looked around and sure enough it looked like all of my stuff. bu tthen i opened the drawers again and evrything was gone from them, they were empty. i was no longer looking in the plastic drawers, this was like a wooden chest with drawers


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 12, 2017 @ 2:09 pm

      Hi Rose,

      I believe the dream shows that you are about to transition to a new season in your life but just before you do so you will first have to go through a period where you will have to deal with some issues that you had not been dealing with. I believe when you deal with these issues other people will see as the dream shows that the clothes were out in public in the drawers.

      The dream shows that you will successfully go through this season and it will be by the grace and power of God which is symbolised by the plastic transitioning to wood. Going from plastic to wood also symbolises going from human effort and struggle with the past to placing those at the cross and trusting Jesus for a fresh start.

      Let us know if this makes sense by
      leaving a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  163. Nataly S.
    July 29, 2017 @ 3:36 pm

    I dreamt that the ocean finally gave in and wanted to kill us. The buildings were flying, the ocean was coming towards our house, but I rushed to duck down with my family and soon as we heard it come towards us. I woke up in my dream as soon as that happened. The scenario repeated, only to have actually waken up this time right when it was about to hit us.


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 30, 2017 @ 2:46 pm

      Hi Nataly,

      I do not believe this dream is from the Lord as I cannot see a redemptive message.
      Some dreams can be emotional dreams and can be a result of things that are currently happening in our lives. I believe the dream shows that you are perhaps dealing with a situation in your life that you find overwhelming.

      Psalms 91 reminds us of God’s protection in the day of trouble, verse 15 lets us know that when we call upon God he will answer us and be with us in trouble.

      Let us know if this makes sense by leaving a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  164. laud wilson
    July 26, 2017 @ 6:41 pm

    I dreamt of a great man of God in my country offering me a seat to sit infront


    • Julie
      July 27, 2017 @ 1:24 am

      Hi Laud,

      Usually when someone dreams of someone like a pastor it can represent that they have a similar anointing to that person.

      I believe the dream shows that you have been given a similar anointing and calling to the person in the dream and will possibly be working in a similar capacity (not necessarily with the person you have dreamed).

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  165. Lana Dee
    July 24, 2017 @ 11:26 pm

    A reoccurring dream: In an attic. Everything in it is mine. Go to open a drawer to see what is inside. I wake up. Location changes but the situation is the same over the years. The final similar dream: I am in a large warehouse. Boxes are stacked floor to ceiling. Once again it is my warehouse. Go to open a box to see what is inside. I wake up. Never do get to see what is inside.


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 26, 2017 @ 5:44 pm

      Hi Lana,

      Recurring dreams usually brings confirmation, clarity, focus or emphasis to the message of the dream.

      An attic usually symbolises memories of the past. I believe the dream with the attic shows that there has been things which has been affecting you which you have not yet dealt with, almost as if you have stored them away (opening the drawer to see what is in there).
      The warehouse in the second dream is like the attic in the first except that it shows I believe that the things that have been affecting you has increased as warehouses contain more than attics.

      I believe the dream shows therefore, that God is wanting you to focus and seek Him in order to deal with the things that have been affecting you which you have not yet dealt with.

      Let us know if this makes sense you by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  166. Roland
    July 21, 2017 @ 6:28 am

    I dreamt that I saw my wife’s pastor in a dream lying on a bed , asking me to help him Iron his white clothes .( I’m a pastor too)


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 28, 2017 @ 6:32 pm

      Hi Roland,

      The white shirt symbolises holiness and the person’s mantle, the bed symbolises the place of intimacy with the Lord. I believe the dream shows that this pastor needs to have the fire/power of the Holy Spirit which will remove the creases in his white shirt as in the natural to remove creases from clothes we need heat which in this case is the fire of the Holy Spirit.

      I believe that he longs to have intimacy with the Lord but feels that he feels like he is unable to get to that place.

      In reality God longs for relationship with us and I believe that instead of looking to man he must look to God for the relationship he desires the bible says if we seek we will find .

      Let us know if this makes sense by posting your comment here or emailing us at [email protected]


  167. Lauren
    July 13, 2017 @ 11:49 am

    Please help! This was a while ago but it’s bothered me ever since. Had a visitation dream from my older brother. We were in what looked like a camp in Afghanistan (where he died). He was dressed in a dress and wig (fancy dress wasn’t unusual for him) but he had a gold pocket watch that he was insistant about. He didn’t speak though so I don’t know what the watch means but it seemed really important to him. I’d love to know what he was trying to tell me.


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 17, 2017 @ 8:01 pm

      Hi Lauren,

      I believe the dream shows that God in his perfect timing is restoring something that you thought the enemy destroyed. I believe it also shows that it will be in an unconventional way symbolised by your bother dressed in a dress and wig.

      I believe that while the dream was not really about your brother God used his image to show you that although he is gone there is still great purpose remaining for you.

      Please let us know if this makes sense by leaving a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  168. Kathy Grace
    June 28, 2017 @ 10:04 pm

    I dreamed my 22 year old son whom I haven’t seen in 4 years was with my husband and I in our home. As I got closer to him I saw that his teeth looked funny. I asked him to open his mouth and all of his teeth were missing with what seemed to be some kind of plastic molding around the roof of his mouth with square cardboard pieces stuck in place for teeth. I asked him what the people had done to him and I went to take a picture of his mouth and I woke up.


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 16, 2017 @ 1:00 pm

      Hi Kathy,

      I believe the dream shows that you have received revelation knowledge to see that you son has been believing false doctrine (symbolised by plastic molding in his mouth). The teeth that were made of square cardboard also shows that his ability to comprehend (chew) the word has been affected as these too have been influenced and based on something that is not stable (plastic moulding).

      Let us know if this makes sense by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  169. Beverly
    June 17, 2017 @ 9:52 pm

    i’m supposed to meet someone to cut her hair at 1:00. She gave me an address to go to. I arrived early to get settled in. When I get there, it was a school house. I thought that strange, but I went in to sign in. I was sent to the principle’s office to sign in. I did that, and I turned around to go out and wait for the lady, and my Dad was standing right behind me. I was shocked, because in real life, he was dead, but I was glad to see him, and I asked him to come with me. The building seemed familiar, but at the same time I was seeing it for the first time. I took my Dad to see some animals that were supposed to be upstairs, so we go up stairs and down a hall to the room I thought they were in, but it was an empty room with an otter, a seal, a jelly fish, and a dolfin flip flopping around. I was looking for the puppies and the kittys. Someone told me where to go, so we went down a little further, and found them. We petted them. We left to go back down stairs for the appointment, and the bell rang and students were running down the hall to their next class. We had to jump a rail to get out of their way. Sat down to rest, and little train cut through where we were and almost ran over us. It was full of children. My Dad got faint and started to pass out, and a man in white came out of nowhere and caught him. I was late getting down to my appointment by 3 hours, but they brought out all this money to me and told me thank you for cutting hair for them. They said they saw me laying hands on people and they were being healed every one, but I wasn’t there. I was upstairs.


    • Julie Ramjit
      July 16, 2017 @ 1:03 pm

      Hi Beverly,

      I believe the dream shows you at different points in your life, the ending of the dream appears to symbolise that you are gifted with a healing anointing and that you will also be a spiritual mentor for others (symbolised by being a hairdresser). In order for you to move to this next stage in your life, you appear to have a specific time with God (number 1 and 3) to go through this training. The dream shows that you come upon various types of sea creature which is believe symbolises the various types of people of the world that you will encounter though gravitate towards the people that you know and are familiar with (puppies and kittens).

      I believe your father being there shows that there is a calling to minister to others in your family line and you will carry it forward. I believe being 3 hours late shows that you feels like you have missed God’s timing but in reality you are on course. The room being empty shows that many people in Church need healing, restoration, etc which they aren’t finding in church but you will see the need and step out in faith.

      Let us know if this makes sense by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


      • Beverly
        July 20, 2017 @ 3:09 pm

        Julie, I could not put all of the dream together, but when you interpreted this, I felt in my spirit, a joy rising up within me, and I just wanted to shout. It all made sense in what the Holy Spirit revealed to you. It makes all the sense in the world to me. It also strengthens the faith in me to go do what God is revealing to me to do. Thank you so much for being on here and helping people like me to understand how God speaks in dreams to us. Thank you!.


        • Julie Ramjit
          July 25, 2017 @ 5:21 pm

          Hi Beverly,

          Thank you for your wonderful feedback it surely is the desire of Pastor Gary to reach many through the gift of dream interpretation which God has gifted him with. Please feel free to submit any other dreams you might wish to be interpreted here or by visiting Pastor Gary’s website



          • Beverly
            August 3, 2017 @ 1:10 pm

            Thank you. I will.

  170. Abiel
    June 4, 2017 @ 2:58 am

    Hitler and the Nazis were taking kids to a camp to kill them. But the kids and other people didn’t know that they would be killed there. A boy was to be taken to the camp the next day to die a horrible death (I think being skinned alive). I was to be taken after the boy, but since I knew what was going on, I knew I wouldn’t go. But I didn’t want the boy to be taken so I started praying for him. I was praying so hard I woke up praying intensely for him!


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 17, 2017 @ 2:16 pm

      Hi Abiel,

      I believe the dream shows the plan of the enemy to blind the eyes of the younger generation. I believe that you have been given revelation knowledge concerning this as the younger generation has been blinded to the deception of the enemy. I also believe part of your calling is to pray and intercede on behalf of the younger generation that their eyes will be opened to the plan of the enemy in their lives. I am reminded of the bible scripture (Hosea 4:6) that says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge; and just as your life was saved in the dream from the power of darkness so will their lives be saved as they walk from darkness into the light of God’s word.

      Please let us know if this makes sense to you by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  171. Jessica
    May 28, 2017 @ 4:27 pm

    Hi guys,

    So in my dream, I was on an airplane tarmac staying overnight in a very, very huge old airplane. No one was flying this airplane as it was very very old but also very big. I was in my underclothes because I was going to sleep overnight in this airplane. I was sure to be careful not to touch any of the buttons on this plane since I didn’t know how to fly it. My cousin Antonette decided to visit me and she came into the airplane. I told her to be careful. She walked to the front where the cockpit is and accidentally touched a button. The airplane started to move and turned by itself unto a highway that goes into Queens, NY. I just held my head and prayed quietly that we wouldn’t be hurt. The plane ended up in a ditch off of the highway and I was relieved that we did not get hurt. We walked back to the tarmac. THank you


    • Gary Fishman
      May 31, 2017 @ 5:36 pm

      Hi Jessica,

      Being in a very old huge airplane shows I believe that you felt stuck in the old Church wine-skin where you often felt alone and overwhelmed even though you were ready to transition into your fulfilling your destiny. Sleeping in the plane shows that for a time you gave up on moving forward. Being in your underclothes shows you came to a point of not walking in the anointing and calling God gave you. Your cousin pushing the button shows that other people in your life have distracted you or taken you off course. Walking back to the tarmac shows that you are now set to transition into a new wine skin where there is freedom for you to step out in your gifts and know you are not alone in ministry. Time to leave old Church junk behind and step into your ministry.

      Let us know if this makes sense by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  172. E
    May 18, 2017 @ 5:23 pm

    Hello, my friend had this dream and wanted to know what it meant. He said:
    “I was at an AA meeting and went outside to take a break. I met 2 people who I thought where lost. One Spanish girl who was actually looking for a meeting but was late. We went to 7-11 and I bought a beer she didn’t want one. I found out she was from Chicago and going back tomorrow. We went back to the meeting and at the end I saw her in the kitchen with long cleaning gloves on and a bus tub full of dishes in her hand. And then next she was cleaning the base boards. I wanted her to stay but I told her I only had a single bed. She said she had to be at work at 7am in Chicago. She was beautiful in her own way. Brown shoulder length hair. Brown eyes. She was very calm and warming like an angel maybe. I wanted to be with her but not in a romantic way but in a caring way. It was a great dream. I woke up feeling like everything was going to be okay.”

    (My friend who told me this dream has been struggling with alcohol for some time. Any insight and prayer for this dream would be much appreciated.) Thank you


    • Julie Ramjit
      June 1, 2017 @ 6:34 pm

      Hi E,

      I believe the dream shows that the dreamer is in transition symbolised by the 7-11 (perhaps with respect to the dreamer’s AA sessions) and I believe that God is sending him help via the church. This will be for a season to assist with his transition to a new season of restoration and wholeness.

      Let us know if this makes sense by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  173. Ruth
    May 11, 2017 @ 12:50 am


    Last night I dreamed that I was driving my car and all of a sudden the fuel tank would be empty and the car would stop. Then when I looked again, the tank magically filled up again and I continue driving. In the second part of the dream, my current boss was giving me a personal training session. After the session, he gave me a big block of chocolate. To give you some context – I have recently quit my job and will be going full time in my businesses from 1 July. Thank you 🙂


    • Julie Ramjit
      May 16, 2017 @ 5:40 pm

      Hi Ruth,

      I believe both parts of the dream are linked. I believe God is taking you through situations in order to test and strengthen your faith and to equip and prepare you. In both scenes of the dream God comes through where he provides the resources for your business to move forward (the car) and the second part of the dream he rewards you with wisdom/innovation and strategies for your business (big block of chocolate).

      Let us know if this makes sense by either leaving a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  174. Bella
    April 27, 2017 @ 8:41 am

    This is one of the direst dreams about my friend. I am driving my friends family van his children are in back, he is in passenger side. I make a right turn and it’s a boat ramp driveway that goes right into the water. I backup and apologize and, that I am not familiar with area. He is ok with that. We stop for me to use public restroom and I think he is holding my bike. A the entrance of the restrooms are maybe four or five pregnant women and the focus is their full term bellies blocking the door entrance.


    • Julie
      May 1, 2017 @ 1:21 pm

      Hi Bella,

      Can you please clarify for the last dream you posted above whether, the friend you are referring to is the same guy friend from the earlier dreams posted below? Also, are you able to explain what you meant when you described the dream as “direst”, above?

      Thank you


      • Kathie
        May 1, 2017 @ 4:02 pm

        Hi Julie,

        I ment earliest not direst…and yes, same friend. Sorry about that.


    • Julie
      May 4, 2017 @ 5:36 pm

      Hi Bella,

      Thank you for clarifying the bits on the last dream you submitted.

      I believe this dream shows that you have allowed yourself to be put into a position where you are leading others which you are not prepared for as although you may have the ability to do this (you drive the car in the dream) you do not yet have the revelation knowledge to properly guide you.

      I believe at this time you are meant to stay focus on the path God has put you on. The bicycle which is what you owned in the dream shows I believe that God wants you to be concentrating on your walk with him at this time…. A bicycle can be symbolic of individual ministry.

      The dream also shows I believe that there is a need for inner healing ( symbolised by the toilets) but I believe you maybe hindering yourself from accessing this healing as you focus on others who are at a more advanced stage in their life ( as pregnancy can be symbolic of a ministry about to be birthed).

      Let us know if this makes sense by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  175. Bella
    April 21, 2017 @ 11:29 am

    Next i dream I am in a public place resturant maybe and there are young men in a band and they don’t want to dance/work with me. Then I can’t find my two coats one white, one red…someone has taken them. Next I have to get in their white car with them and they are not crazy about it.


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 26, 2017 @ 3:48 pm

      Hi Bella,

      I believe the dream shows that you are called and anointed by God but you do not believe that you are qualified to walk in this calling. I also believe the dream shows that there were times when you worked with others but you did not feel accepted.

      Please let us know if this makes sense, you can either post a comment here or email us at [email protected].


  176. Bella
    April 21, 2017 @ 11:22 am

    Dream my guy friend and I are in backseat of car, he is driving the car from the backseat driver side and I see him stretch his body to the front. He asked me where do I want to go and I tell him and I say I don’t know how you do that. I see him stretching his body to control the car. He takes me to a entrance to a mall or store. I am pleased and at peace that he is helping me. I have my arm accross the backseat of the car over his shoulders.


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 26, 2017 @ 3:51 pm

      Hi Bella,

      I believe this dream shows that you feel as if you are unqualified to walk in your purpose and calling. I also believe it shows that you have allowed others to take control of your purpose and destiny who are not qualified or in the right place to do so but you allow them to as you feel comfortable about it.

      Please let us know if this makes sense, you can either post a comment here or email us at [email protected].


      • Bella
        April 27, 2017 @ 8:34 am

        Yes..that is true. I have been used, abused and rejected on an extreme level for quite a period of time and have finally gotten free. I am unclear about my white and red coat.


        • Julie Ramjit
          April 27, 2017 @ 5:20 pm

          Hi Bella,

          I believe the two coats of white and red which you have misplaced symbolises that you appear to have lost sight of the fact that you have been made holy (symbolised by the white coat), by the blood of Jesus (symbolised by the red coat) which makes you new and forgiven.

          Let us know if this makes sense, by either posting a comment here or you can email us at [email protected].


  177. Bella
    April 21, 2017 @ 11:19 am

    Dream I am in a tent, maybe set up in a garage? I am with a guy friend and he is laying on a lower cot and I am forward on a higher cot and I don’t see him but we are comfortable and I think we are watching tv. Something goes on outside and I go out and come back in. I lean down next to him and he tells me he got dr report that says he has nodules on his throat. He starts praying in a low voice and binding sickness. I just listen. Then he says he wants to know me.


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 22, 2017 @ 6:48 pm

      Hi Bella,

      Thank you for submitting your dreams, I am working on the interpretation but also wanted to enquire whether you go to church.

      Also, because your dreams seem to consistently include your guy friend, can you please let us know whether he is a Christian or actively involved in ministry in his church?



      • Bella
        April 24, 2017 @ 4:50 pm

        I am not currently planted in a church. He confesses he is a Christian I don’t know much more about his practices.


        • Bella
          April 27, 2017 @ 8:35 am

          Do have insight on this one please. It was a white tent.


          • Julie Ramjit
            April 27, 2017 @ 5:14 pm

            Hi Bella,

            I am still working on this dream we will get back to you soon.


  178. Elizabeth
    April 18, 2017 @ 10:04 pm

    Hi, In my dream I was my church. My Pastor was standing ot the left side of the rostrum with a huge redand black snake coiled around her midrif up to her chest. there was a gold sword floating near by. She managed to free her right arm and held it up, as she did this the snake uncoiled and slithered along the left side of the wall and stopped under the radiators. It was a little shorter than the hall. Ilooked at the snake, not sure if it was dead, and realized it had a fishes head. I woke up asking the Lord if it was dead. Im unsure of what this means. Can you help.


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 22, 2017 @ 12:26 pm

      Hi Elizabeth,

      I believe the dream shows that there is a work of darkness that has been affecting a spiritual leader/ pastor in your church. I also believe that it has been in the form of a religious spirit where outwardly it appears to be of God but it is really of the enemy.
      I believe the effect on the leader is that they haven’t been able to properly digest the word of God (symbolised by the location of the snake on their body).
      The dream shows however, that as the leader reaches up to God the Word of God (symbolised by the golden sword) will bring deliverance to them. This spirit of deception remains within the church even after the spiritual leader has been delivered. I believe the snake going under the radiator speaks of the enemy deceiving other believers who are luke warm.
      The fishes head on the snake could show that the deception targets the minds of believers.

      Let us know if this makes sense by either posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected].


  179. Lisa
    April 14, 2017 @ 8:46 am

    My pastor gave me a gold pocket watch in my dream.


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 17, 2017 @ 5:19 pm

      Hi Lisa,

      I believe the dream shows that in the fullness of time that God will fulfil his promises concerning your life. It being a pocket watch which is normally attached to ones garment (as opposed to a wrist watch ) I believe, symbolises that it will not be by the works of your hand.


  180. K.A.
    April 4, 2017 @ 6:45 am

    I need your help. My dream.
    I happened to be in the house and spotted a yellowish snake. I followed it and found it coiled at a conner. I got a stick and attacked it. While killing it, the snake started talking to me. That I am lucky, it thought I would not kill it and if it knew that was my intention it would have attacked me first. But I continued to hit the head of the snake till it died. While killing the snake, I realized it had horns which I did not see first.

    What could this mean. Thank you


    • Julie Ramjit
      April 5, 2017 @ 1:36 pm

      Snakes are normally symbolic of the deception of the enemy and yellow (as a negative symbol) could mean fear or caution. I believe that there is an area of your life where the enemy has been deceiving you and this deception could have been greater but God opened your eyes to see it. I believe it is in the form of fear and when your eyes had been opened to the deception of the enemy, you did not listen to the voice of the enemy but you sought to drive out the work of darkness by the authority given to you by virtue of the cross (the stick).
      The horns I believe, symbolizes the hidden aggression of the enemy which God is showing you which was previously lying dormant.

      Please let us know if this makes sense, you can post a comment here or email us at [email protected].


  181. Krystal
    March 23, 2017 @ 7:41 pm

    I prayed and ask God to show me if my bf is my husband. I had a dream me and my bofriend were in a restaurant and he saw one of his friends and went over to hail them. He took long to come back to the table where we were sitting and i asked him if hes comming back he said no hes staying over there. In the dream i did not want to go to the table where he was sitting so i stayed where i was. After a while he came over and started shouting at me and said hes tired and that this year is the last year. The dream switch where i was holding him and i was crying on him like someone died thats how much i was crying. Then the dream switched i was n a school and i still was crying on my boyfriend B4 the dream end it was sitting by a class and i was looking through the dòor r window and saw children walking into a banquet like they were graduating


    • Krystal
      March 23, 2017 @ 7:48 pm

      I had a next dream last night. I prayed and ask God again to show me if my bf is my husband. I dreamed my cousin was roqing her bf ( boyfriend) saying how he is no good etc… and i said i thought u all had the perfect relationship. All of a sudden my cousin wanted to go and fight her bf and there was a baby on the railing near the stairs and i was panicing because if the baby had moved the baby would of fell and died. When i went closer to crab the baby she fell into someone arms and i was lile whoa. But my cousin was still upset and rowing her bf….. i dont know if these 2 dreams are signs r it was because it was on my mind


    • Julie Ramjit
      March 28, 2017 @ 5:52 pm

      Hi Krystal,

      The first dream I believe is an emotional dream (not from God) I believe it shows that there appears to be issues surrounding your relationship with your boyfriend. I also believe the dreams shows that you are perplexed and deeply concerned about the relationship ending as you have preconceptions your boyfriend will end the relationship. The children graduating symbolises I believe that you see others progressing in their lives or perceive that they are and that you too would like for your relationship to go to next level (marriage).

      Let us know if this makes sense, you can leave a comment here or email us at [email protected].


  182. E.S.
    March 19, 2017 @ 5:39 pm

    Hello, in my first dream I saw my old highschool but it was ten times the size it is in real life. The building was huge and the little chapel connected to it was no the size of a cathedral. In my second dream I saw my old college but it was ten times the suze it is in real life. In both dreams I was not inside but just looking at the buildings. They had morphed into gigantic structures. Thank you.


    • Julie Ramjit
      March 22, 2017 @ 4:54 am

      I believe the dreams show that you are looking back to a time in your past I believe when you were in high school and college where something might have happened which was not dealt with which has now grown into a bigger issue.
      I believe the chapel growing into a bigger church or catherdral shows your greater need for God to deliver you from your past.


      • E.S.
        March 24, 2017 @ 5:24 pm

        Thanks for your reply Julie! I see what you might be saying – however when I saw the buildings they look magnificent. It was like both buildings (highschool and college) were morphed into large, beautiful, magnificent structures. I was amazed (in a good way). I will pray however about the interpretation to see if they are any issues from the past this dream could be referring to. Thank you


        • Julie Ramjit
          March 25, 2017 @ 9:31 pm

          Hi ES,

          Thank you for coming back to us with more details of the dream as these do affect the interpretation.

          In light of the additional details you have now provided (the buildings being beautiful and magnificent) I believe the dream shows that you have been through times of testing and difficulty but out of this something beautiful is coming, increase is coming and what the enemy meant for evil God will use it for good in your life.


          • E.S.
            March 27, 2017 @ 11:37 pm

            Thank you Julie~

  183. Kizi
    March 15, 2017 @ 12:38 pm

    My dream, I saw myself taking off my nail polish. My nail color is blue and white. My nails were designed differently in dreams. (In real life I have no desire to redo my nails) In the dream, I take off the white polish that’s on top of the blue on my thumb, then I took off the blue polish on my thumb, on my right hand. Then on my ring finger, on my right hand, I took off the white polish only.
    In real life: the next morning, I broke the nail on my middle finger on my left hand, having now to redo the entire nail. My question is, is the devil trying to imitate the LORD to distract me; By having me break my nail; Or is all symbolic of something; From the dream to the incident?.


    • Julie Ramjit
      March 20, 2017 @ 2:25 pm

      Hi Kizi,

      Symbolically the right hand represents human strength and the left hand represents God’s strength in our weakness. I believe the dream shows that you are operating in your own strength instead of God’s strength. White is symbolic of purity and blue symbolizes revelation or authority from heaven, I believe you maybe trying to be holy in your own efforts rather than through the grace of God which makes you holy and gives you the power to walk in victory.

      I believe God instead wants you to come to Him where you will find all you need to continue in his purpose for your life.


  184. Ingrid
    February 27, 2017 @ 8:27 am

    I dreamed that I was giving birth to a baby girl via C-section but i didn’t know I was pregnant. I also was very surprise she weight 9lbs and my boyfriend and I were thinking to name the baby either Faith, Ruth or Naomi. In my dream there also dogs happy dogs and I went to my neighbors to tell them that I just had a baby but my tummy was flat.
    The next day I dreamed with a Gorilla that was hugging me and we were in a Zoo but he was very gentle to me and the zookeepers were right there but I was sad. Please, help me I know God is always with me but I don’t know what to think of these dreams means. I have never been a mother either but that’s one of my biggest dreams to become a mother soon. God bless you and thank you


    • Gary Fishman
      March 7, 2017 @ 1:57 pm

      Hi Ingrid,
      In the first dream 9 is the number of the Holy Spirit and a c-section (or see section) is symbolic of prophetic ministry. The happy dogs shows I believe that you will be surrounded by friends who really value you and your ministry.


    • Kizi
      March 21, 2017 @ 11:59 am

      Thank You Julie. That makes sense. I have been told before I do anything take it to God first. I have alot of things on my mind and making decisions that I think is right but it may not be what God wants. I think I should begin to put everything in God’s hand, no matter what it looks like or makes sense to me. Thanks again…God bless


  185. Napinder
    February 23, 2017 @ 6:16 am

    Hi Gary, I dreamed that I lifted a bit of my floorboard up in one of my rooms and saw some snakes, they were just slithering on each other, they didn’t see me and I did not feel threatened. I put the piece of floorboard back. I think the colour were of a brownish colour only.


    • Julie Ramjit
      February 27, 2017 @ 7:35 pm

      Hi Napinder,

      I believe the dream shows that there is a part of your life where there is deception and dead work of the enemy perhaps because of past hurt that allowed the enemy an opening into your life. I believe that you are aware of this part of your life even though the enemy thinks you live in ignorance. It also shows I believe that
      you choose not address the inner issues that you face as you cover it up perhaps because you feel it does not affect you at this time.
      I believe God wants you to come to Him to obtain healing and deliverance from what might seem to be too hurtful or difficult to overcome. God has said in His word that when we are weak then we are strong as his strength is made perfect in our weakness. I encourage you to pray about the thing that you do not confront as God has promised all his children an abundant life in Him.

      Please let us know if this makes sense to you, you can leave your comments here or email us at [email protected].


  186. Brenda
    February 22, 2017 @ 11:48 pm

    I dreamed I was sitting in a meeting with around ten other people. We were handed a glass vase and then a bag of sand was passed around asking us to take what we wanted and place in the vase. Some had a lot, some had very little and some had none. All at once a windstorm came through and pulled all the sand out and disappeared.


    • Julie Ramjit
      March 20, 2017 @ 2:39 pm

      Hi Brenda,

      I believe the sand symbolizes human effort and attempting to do things in your own strength instead of trusting in God. The wind symbolizes the Holy Spirit removing what is not of God. I believe the dreams shows that God offers you the choice to walk in Him and his strength or walk in our limited strength.


  187. Julius Manuel Pareja Valencia
    February 15, 2017 @ 10:23 pm

    Hello, my name is Manuel. I went to your website to ask your opinion on my dreams.

    In my dream, I saw snakes moving under my bed. So I thought of catching them one by one and putting them into a sack. But when I finished, one of the snakes had struggled to come out of the sack through a narrow opening at the mouth of the sack. The snake bit my hand while I was holding the sack. After that, my body was turning into color green from my feet to my head. And when my whole body was color green, I had died. Immediately right after this dream I had another dream. I was walking on a seashore where I had seen dead snakes and a big ship made of wood. My dreaming ended there.


    • Julie Ramjit
      February 18, 2017 @ 6:25 am

      Hi Manuel,

      If you are saved/a Christian then
      I believe the dream shows that the enemy has tried to deceive you in many ways within the place of intimacy with God. You have revelation knowledge concerning this but instead of going to God so that he will deal with the deception you try to do it in your own strength and in so doing the deception affected you to the level that Spiritually you died – (Not Physically as the plan of the enemy is to destroy your spiritual life).

      I believe the second dream relates to the first as it shows that the snakes can be destroyed by the power of God. I think the ship being made of wood symbolises the power of the cross and that God has already defeated the power of the enemy by Jesus dying on the cross.

      I believe God wants you to choose to walk in his strength and power and experience a victorious life in Him.
      Let us know if this makes sense to you, you can respond here or email http://[email protected].


  188. K.A.
    February 15, 2017 @ 8:19 pm

    Just had a dream. I was in very important gathering with my school colleagues for an influential King. Among my colleagues was a guy who was very mean to me. Insulting me at all times not to stand or sit close to him. While at the gathering, I heard my name and was called to dance with the King. After the dance the King was so excited that he gave me a scholarship with so many opportunities and it brought tears to my eye.


    • Julie Ramjit
      February 23, 2017 @ 3:39 am

      I believe the dream shows that you are favored by God and that you are called to be a worshiper. I also believe that your worship pleases God to the extent that he gives you the means or provision for you to advance to the next level in your walk with him. His favor over your life causes you to advance in Him in spite of others who try to treat you as inferior and put down.


      • K.A.
        February 23, 2017 @ 4:19 pm

        Thanks Julie, God bless you


  189. K.A.
    February 13, 2017 @ 4:34 pm

    Hi Scott,
    I had a dream about a group planning to kidnap my daughter in crowded area. I perceived that from afar and was able to rescue her. Can you please help me understand this. Thank you.


    • Julie Ramjit
      February 27, 2017 @ 7:55 pm

      I do not believe that this is a dream from God but rather an emotional dream perhaps born out of worry/concern.

      Thank you for your comment above, blessings.


  190. K.A.
    February 8, 2017 @ 2:00 am

    Dear Scott,
    I has a dream where I saw a big fruit tree with a lot of fruits on it. When I attempted to climb it and have some of he fruit the branch I held broke off.

    Three days later in another dream, I was to get on a plain to somewhere with my boss. On my way to the airport my boss informed me that the flight has been canceled and we will be called at a later date.

    Can you please help me understand these two dreams.


    • Julie Ramjit
      February 13, 2017 @ 3:58 pm

      I do not think this dream is from God as I do not see a redemptive message in the dream. The first dream shows that you are in sight of the gifting and all that God has in store for you but when you try to access them there are setbacks.

      The second dream shows that you are in a prepared state to move into your ministry but there are delays.

      I believe God is wanting you to know instead that he has ordered your steps and that your blessings and ministry is in Him and that the enemy cannot steal what God has planned for you. Keep on persevering in pray believing that God will bring his plans into fruition in your life.


  191. Patricia
    February 7, 2017 @ 7:49 am

    I have been having a series of dreams, in one l was at a park sitting on a man(over) lap and everyone disappeared at 5:30pm to go to campus for dinner, then few days later was in a friendly football game at the number 333 was on the score board, a few days ago i saw lsiah6, yesterday it was lsiah/Ezekiel 21. I just woke up btw 5:30 and 5:39 crying over the body of a childhood’s friend brother who had died in a car accident. These have been in the last 2 weeks. Thank you.


    • Patricia
      February 7, 2017 @ 12:50 pm

      I went back to sleep and I cant remember but there were either 3 sources for an answer or 3 answers. In the dream I saw them byt when i woke up l could only remember thar there was something about Genesis.


  192. Minuka
    February 7, 2017 @ 6:30 am

    my dream was It started at a meditation gathering at this woman’s house and all this complex stuff was happening there (I lost my computer and was randomly and vaguely looking for it the whole time, I picked up the wrong bag at one point and started looking at this phone that ended up being someone else’s). It was totally dark there so quite confusing. Then my sister there riding a scooter down this road and there were these very sick dying elephants sort of writhing around on the ground. She were paused in between the two and I was screaming at her from the top of the hill to get out of the way as I ran down. Then her bike got knocked over by the elephant who was lying there writing, and she escaped getting hurt but jumped onto this ship that had just pulled up as they were going to help her and treat the wound. I arrived down there at the edge of the sea just as the boat was pulling away and I’m yelling at her to come back and she were saying they’re just helping her and I was trying to get her to see she were going away. The seas were wild and I had to move quickly out of the way as another huge boat was crashing in and then she was gone on this boat. So intense!!

    On a side note, my sister lives in a different country than me. (i am in Indonesia and she is in Canada) I recently saw her a few months ago and had a great visit and everything. Does this dream reflect my sister, or do you think it is a extension of myself? I am currently moving to a new house, and my daughter is moving out, so lots going on in my life. Any insight would be greatly appreciated! Thanks 🙂


    • Gary Fishman
      February 19, 2017 @ 3:45 pm

      I believe that with all the changes in your life you fear on some levels that things will happen to family members and that darkness and confusion will prevail because of confusion and things you cannot control. In reality in spite of the changes you can trust God to do what is outside of your ability.


  193. Stella Epperson
    February 3, 2017 @ 11:34 pm

    I was praying in church and someone was trying to pull my panths down


    • Julie Ramjit
      February 6, 2017 @ 8:03 pm

      I believe the dream shows that while you are focused on seeking God there are believers who try to bring you down and cause you shame and embarrassment to distract you from seeking the face of God


  194. Doreen Tucker
    January 24, 2017 @ 2:35 pm

    In my vivid dream I saw 12 Israeli Soldiers (I instinctively new they were Israeli) walking in a straight line in the deep snow. They stopped by a snow bank and reached down and rescued an ageless kind of faceless women/girl dressed in a beautiful green sparkling party dress. She stepped out of the deep snow and I marveled that the snow had not harmed her. She was not cold or wet.


    • Gary Fishman
      March 17, 2017 @ 3:12 pm

      Dream was interpreted on this show


      • Doreen Tucker
        March 22, 2017 @ 11:42 am

        Thank you so very much. I was able to glean some new meaning to my dream.
        Just want to add could soldiers mean warfare, the green dress restoration, snow hinder . Blessings Doreen


        • Gary Fishman
          March 22, 2017 @ 12:37 pm

          I believe the 12 soldiers symbolize the apostolic movement coming to rescue the bride that has been stuck in cold dead religion and is ready to release the life of God into a lost World


          • Doreen Tucker
            March 24, 2017 @ 4:41 pm

            PTL, that is so encouraging, thank you for taking the time to help me understand this dream. I have had many concerning the church, with respect to the “religious spirit”. This I believe is a message of breakthrough. Blessings to you and the team.

  195. Rose
    January 10, 2017 @ 11:09 am

    In real life, Im in the market for a new apartment. In the dream I went to see an apartment. A girl in the rental offc showed me a place. I was in the master bedroom, a dresser was to the right, to the left was a window. She opened the shade and I said wow- it was separated by three panels. She had to climb up on each panel and open the window to give me the full experience. the view opened up like it was opening up to the beach. at the end of her showing me they said the charge would be 18.98. they then gave me a key that when i put it in the computer with my password it would show me my apartment showing again. Blessings to you


    • Julie Ramjit
      January 26, 2017 @ 4:28 pm

      Hi Rose,
      I believe the dream shows that you are seeking a change in your life and in order to come into this new season you will need to spend more time with God. It also shows I believe that you will go through a season where at first the focus will be on you as your life changes according to God’s word. I believe it also shows that once you have received inner healing that you will then go through a gradual period of growth which will bring out your prophetic anointing where I believe you will see things relating to the nations of the world. In order to get to this new season in your life I believe that you must let go of the past before you will be able to fully embrace all that God has for you. I am reminded of the scripture verse Philippians 3:13, forgetting those things which are behind I press toward the mark of the high calling of God. I encourage you today to release the hurts and disappointments of the past to God and focus on the new things that God is about to do in your life.


  196. Matthew
    December 29, 2016 @ 4:42 pm

    My mum dreamed a bomb was imminently about to explode, friends and family were trying to escape but getting stuck as they were trying to leave. My mum and father decided to step back and told myself and the others to leave knowing they wouldn’t have time to leave them selfs, I insisted I would stay and they wouldn’t let me. Apparently I reluctantly began to leave, befor I left I picked up a prosthetic arm it had a red sleeve and it belonged to a woman (I had both my arms by the way), I put it under my jacket and left. Apparently I needed it?


    • Julie Ramjit
      January 2, 2017 @ 1:52 pm

      The dream shows I believe that you are facing a situation that is volatile and feels as if it can explode. Family and friends around are aware of this and try to get away from it. I believe your parents decide to take the brunt of responsibility for what is about to happen and although you at first wanted to stand with them you decide to leave also. Arms speak of power and strength and you picking up a replica of one suggests that you are leaning on the strength of man which will give you temporary relief for your situation but it will not be a permanent solution as you will only find true strength for what you are dealing with in God. Red deals with forgiveness and the blood of Jesus the red on the prosthetic arm suggest perhaps that you are wanting to find strength for forgiveness in something that is not real.


  197. Jose Rios
    December 26, 2016 @ 6:46 am

    hi I had 3 dreams that happen back to back. 1st dream was me driving a car and I missed my turn by a little bit. Then it seamed as i had jumped forward a few yards in the middle of the street, so I put the car in reverse. the 2nd dream was me in a walk- in cooler and 2 big pasta boxes one on top of another one on the shelf, The first one broke from the side, i try to stop the pasta from falling and stop it but then the top box broke,so I put the pasta from the top box to the bottom box that was some how fixed and went to the floor to pick up the pasta on the floor. the 3rd dream was me in darkness but not scary like a calm. then i hear a screaming of my name as coming from like a few feet a way it sounded like my mom screaming yelling my name JOOOOOSSSSEEEEEEEEEE in distress. plz help this is the first time i share any of my dreams with any body. thank you for any help information I can get.


    • Julie Ramjit
      January 3, 2017 @ 6:19 pm

      Hi Jose Rios,

      For a Christian, driving a car is symbolic of a ministry (car) that you are in charge of which you appear to have gotten the timing wrong about the direction in which the ministry was meant to take. Even though you appear to have made up for lost time ( jumped ahead) it seems that missing your turn earlier made you apprehensive and so you instead take steps that took the ministry backwards because you fear you make another mistake. I believe that it is important in moving forward that you not let a sense of past failure prevent you from moving forward and even more so purposely set yourself back from forward movement when God may have purposely caused you to advance.

      The pasta boxes represents food or the word of God but it shows that the word is not only in a non–edible form (as pasta must be cooked before consuming) but it is also in a walk in cooler which shows that it is word in an environment which is cold and not conducive to edifying or feeding others. The pasta breaking out the box shows that the word must not be contained any longer but it should be used for the benefit of others. I believe at this juncture you are called to prayer and spending more time with God as you require the fire of the Holy Spirit to bring the word alive or in other words to bring revelation to you so that the word, when shared with others will impact lives and cause change.

      The last dream shows I believe that your mother, representing the church is calling out to you to bring the word to people. It shows also I believe an element of desperation (as your mum screams your name in distress), where people need the word/God for situations and circumstances they face and they cry out to you to point them in the direction that God would want them to take.

      I believe the dreams are linked and you are called to bring the word of God to the church/place of worship but that you must first fortify yourself with the word and the presence of God/Holy Spirit before you can effectively help those people seeking after God for the things they are dealing with.


  198. Matthew
    December 4, 2016 @ 11:20 am

    I do not remember the first half so this is a part dream. It was night there was a number of people with me I think we were trying to get away I’m not sure. I saw a sports car on a trailer, then I was driving it at night along a road, the head lights flickered then went out. I tried to switch them on, then I realised that the car had stalled so I turn the key and it started it again the lights then came on and we’re very bright. The car began to shrink till it was a go kart. The road turned into a farm track, it’s still night. The road became narrower and narrower there was a crop growing next to me. The track ran out And so I got out of the go kart and walked through the field coming almost immediately to a large tree there was no way to the left or right, I began to clime the tree, I noticed a vine covered in sharp thorns was wrapped round the tree and I new I had to be carful. I woke up.


    • Gary Fishman
      January 2, 2017 @ 1:28 pm

      I believe the dream shows that there is a progression where you have your own ministry which took time to get started leading to a large tree which in this case I believe symbolises becoming a leader in the body of Christ and trying to navigate through difficult circumstances in the process. In other words all you are going through is preparing you for things to come, so stay on course.


  199. Elise
    November 30, 2016 @ 12:49 am

    I dreamt I was holding a gold pocket watch . Please what does this mean?


    • Gary Fishman
      November 30, 2016 @ 11:51 am

      I believe it means that You are approaching God”s perfect timing for the fulfillment of his promise that you have been waiting for.


  200. Jamie
    September 18, 2016 @ 6:49 am

    I had a dream and woke up. Everytime I closed my eyes afterwards I saw a new picture.

    Dream I was filling up a small yellow bucket w a garden hose in the garage of the house I grew up in.. I coiled it up in the bottom of the bucket and it sprayed water out towards my face. So I argued w the person who was w me and got a five gallon bucket. There were ferrous shavings in the bottom. Somehow the water was caustic that was in the bucket (I didnt fill it up…it just appeared). I knew this because the bucket was hot. In my mind I thought it was full of vinegar and it was reacting to the metal shavings. I placed three locks in the bucket to unlock them. The locks didn’t have keys…buy fit together on the sides like a puzzle to open like a hinge. One lock floated to the top. I was warning the person not to just randomly reach in there they needed yellow gloves up to their elbows.

    I’m awake in real life. Close my eyes to go to sleep.
    A car w the passenger side tire off on a jack stand… But looking at it I knew it was the drivers side rear tire.

    Open my eyes. Close em.

    I see tears being collected in a light turquoise plastic penny counter.

    Lol I just want to go back to sleep… I open my eyes and look around… Then shut em..

    I’m holding a container that shouldn’t have a drinkable liquid in it and Im standing Infront of my basement door in the kitchen and I have spilt the coffee all over myself.

    End of experience.


    • Jamie
      September 18, 2016 @ 11:06 am

      *** I knew the lock was aluminum in my dream? I’m not a scientific person. Lol… But the words ferrous and aluminum wereade clear in the dream.


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 30, 2016 @ 9:03 am

      I believe the dream shows that you desired to have more of the presence of God in your life but you are restrained by issues from the past. You arguing with the person with you for another bucket causing them to give you a five gallon bucket shows that God through his grace has given you the ability to experience more of his presence The dream also shows I believe that although God enabled you to experience more of his presence that there were residual emotions in your life which prevented you from experiencing the fullness of God’s presence and glory. The vinegar water and iron shaving I believe refer to the emotions that you carry that causes the presence of God to be diluted in your life, as vinegar is symbolic of bitterness and iron is symbolic of stubbornness. Throwing the locks into the hot caustic water I believe means that there are areas in your emotional life that needs to be set freed/delivered and you throwing them into the water shows I believe that you are believing that you will still be delivered from the negative emotions that you feel. I believe you telling the person to not put their hands into the water shows that other may attempt to help you but you are worried that they can become hurt in the process.
      I believe the visions again show that there are issues from the past, the flat tire in the back, that needs to be addressed in order for your ministry symbolised by the car, to get back on track.
      Tears being collected shows that God is aware of the pain you feel and for you to know that he is your healer
      Holding a container that shouldn’t a drinkable liquid is linked I think to the dream where you desire to experience more of God’s presence but you first need to deal with the emotional issues from the past.
      Spilling coffee is symbolic of a wake-up call and standing at the door of the kitchen in the basement I believe speaks of hidden or repressed issues (perhaps emotional) that you need to deal with before you can fully take hold of the word and God.


      • Jamie
        October 3, 2016 @ 6:59 pm

        why do you block people’s responses to your interpretations?


        • Russ
          October 3, 2016 @ 9:47 pm

          Hi, we have to hold responses for moderation because if we didn’t this page would be filled with all kinds of inappropriate stuff. I’m not aware of any, but if we’ve missed approving one or more of your responses, please let us know. Blessings, Russ


  201. jamie
    September 17, 2016 @ 10:11 pm

    I dreamed this last night, and it felt like I had dreamed this before?

    I was going down a road on steep hill in a very old mack 1950’s B series dump truck. The road came to a tee. It felt like I wouldn’t stop in enough time…and once I had finally stopped it felt like I could fall over the edge .

    On the other side of the perpendicular part of the road were rail road tracks set up on a high gravel embankment. There were two other old mack work trucks sitting on the tracks… one was a semi looking one w a flat bed for hauling trees, and facing it nose to nose on the track was another mac truck. There were men down in the ditch excavating the gravel the tracks sat on trying to find a problem.

    As I turned left, there were a set of flashing railroad lights. They were perpendicular to the road…instead of horizontal like they should have been… they were flashing as if a train was coming…but if you took the turn that the lights were marking there was no road to continue onto?

    **this road in real life (minus the rail road tracks…is the house my deceased grandparents house sits on.. its call britton lane. This is the second dream I’ve had in relation to their home this year.

    Thank you for your help with these dreams.

    God bless.


  202. jamie
    September 15, 2016 @ 3:51 pm

    The first part is a dream ( I think I was asleep and it was at night?) but the second half was clearly a vision.

    Dream: I was sitting in my bed looking at my walk in closet. On the back wall was an old beige piece of paper with the number 127 written in bold black letters. Then a stone with 127 carved into it w ornate numbers was handed to me. It was pretty big.

    Vision: About a month after the dream I am walking through my livingroom and turn to see that same cream colored piece of paper pinned to the right post of my front door. It was rectangular…and the same size…and the edges were not “even” just like in the dream…and I knew it was the same piece of paper…but the numbers were not on it.

    I dream *ALOT* I understand many of them, but sometimes I need confirmation of what the dreams mean? Some of the dreams blow me away..I can’t believe God would show me things like that…and more than anything I really just need encouragement that I am not crazy lol…God truly is speaking those things to me.

    thank you so much for taking the time to help interpret these dreams.


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 28, 2016 @ 2:00 pm

      Hi Jamie,

      I believe the dream shows that God is revealing to you in the place of intimacy with him that it is he who keeps, protects and provides for you. I believe that the paper being replaced with stone is symbolic of God solidifying this word to you.
      Seeing a vision of the paper which originally had the 127 imprinted on it but it was no longer there I believe shows that God is reminding of the word from the dream but the numbers missing shows that the thing he wants you to be reminded of is now imprinted on your heart.
      I believe that God wants you to be reminded of his Word in Psalm 127 that he wants you to depend on him in all areas of your life rather than being dependent on your own strength to sustain and protect you.


  203. jamie
    September 15, 2016 @ 3:45 pm

    I was in a school parking lot watching lines of vehicles being loaded up with people. A lady looked down at her clip board checking things off and directed me to a black suv. I was the last person in the parking lot to get in a vehicle.. but there was not room for me and my children. So I said I couldnt remain in the vehicle and I got out. The vehilces pulled out. I went inside the school building. it was dark. I was on the landing of one of the stair cases watching everyone pull out. In the next scene I was watching the highway split violently open and a huge caterpillar come out of the ground and swallow the caravan of vehicles up. People begin walking back to the parkinglot where I was at…as they arrived they told me their story. Then I am back in the school in the dark staircase. I know people are moving up and down in the stair case i can sense them and sort of see their dark shadows. I don’t want to turn on a light and be found. I keep watching out the window waiting for my mother to show up. I call her on the cell phone. She said she was running late working at the red cross building back in ohio (states away) she was leaving now and was in the parking lot but she thinks she waited too late because shots had been fired. (I saw a picture of a black man shot in the chest bleeding in the parking lot) I waited for my mom to show up, but I wasn’t sure she was going to find me. I was worried she would get lost. She shows up as the sun is setting and i turn on a small small light and go out to the volks wagon bug she was driving (she doesn’t drive that in real life btw) Thank you in advance for your help with this dream.


  204. jamie
    September 14, 2016 @ 6:43 pm

    First part of the dream: I was sitting in a chair in the middle of the clothing section of Kmart listening to someone tell me about a job opening. I was seated, and you wouldnt be able to tell, but my pants were pulled partially down and i had no underwar on. They lectured me that I would need underwear, perfume and new clothing to go to the interview. Second part of the dream :I was shopping at Kmart pushing a cart around. I put in a pink shirt and black pants. I was looking at the perfume. Someone came up and told me I needed this shirt instead (it was the same pink long sleeved sweater except it had a grey heart in the middle of the chest w a grey line across the front of the shirt under the star) I was told to hurry up for the interview… and I saw the woman who i was to interview with. she was in between the circular clothing racks taking tabs off the sleeves of clothing. I was to meet her in the parking lot where she would give me the receipts? (i have also had dreams about cowboy boots w stars on them) thank you in advance for your help with these dreams.


    • Scott
      October 16, 2016 @ 1:11 pm

      Hi Jamie, I have a question about the pink sweater…you said there is a gray heart on the chest, and a line under the star…where was the star?


  205. jamie
    September 14, 2016 @ 6:34 pm

    I was standing on the side of a tall red brick building where I was watching myself give chest compressions to a lifeless body on my knees in the middle of the street. Someone else was giving the “breath” part of the CPR (I couldn’t see them) then my hands turned green and glowed and the green went into the body. The body went back and forth from wearing pants to wearing a skirt.


    • Scott
      October 16, 2016 @ 1:03 pm

      Jamie, it sounds like the the Lord is speaking to you about a calling to bring healing outside the walls of the church (you were in the street). As you are doing your part, laying on of hands, you are releasing life on men and women, the Lord is doing His part, releasing his spirit. It is not only physical healing, but it speaks of salvation. Those who were dead (in trespasses and sins) will be brought to newness of life!


  206. Rita sehr
    September 13, 2016 @ 1:45 pm

    Rita sehr

    In my dream the highway was before me and it was somewhat hilly but the yellow line was marked very clear and there was a car in the distance coming towards me and I was traveling towards them and my car kept pulling towards the line and very hard to steer and I could not make it stay on my side the other car was getting closer and it was right in front of me and I could see heir bumper for a head on collision so I took th ditch of which their was a big snow bank I landed on abruptly, the van pulled up and a lady as a passenger in the front with her hair pulled back in a French twist and was older with a very solum face was starring at me. I was crying uncontrollably and with my window down yelling I am so sorry, I didn’t think she or others in the car could hear me so I rolled the passenger window down and crying uncontrollably blurted out I am so sorry.


    • Julie Ramjit
      September 21, 2016 @ 8:45 am

      Hi Rita,
      The dream shows I believe that you were in ministry and you found it difficult to keep your ministry on track. The road being hilly and marked with yellow lines shows that the ministry was going through challenging times and that there were warning signals from the Holy Spirit pertaining to this.
      I believe that you found it difficult to keep your ministry on track perhaps because you relied on your own strength to lead the ministry and not the leading of the Holy Spirit. The dream also shows I believe that because you found it difficult to steer the ministry forward that it threatened others and in order to prevent clashes you terminated your ministry to your distress. Your distress however is not as a result of the loss of your ministry but the effect that you may have had others.
      The older woman with the French twist stopping to look suggests that other believers with a traditional and legalistic spiritual view point see the state of your ministry and while they stop to look do not offer to help you.
      Landing on the snow covered bank I believe, shows that although you have ended your ministry that God has kept you by His word.
      I believe God gave you the dream because he wants you to know that he never asks his children to do anything he knew they couldn’t handle and although your attempt at ministry was at first not a success this does not determine your future. I believe that you will grow stronger from this experience and when you again feel ready under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to try again, you would be more sensitive to his leading which is what you need to walk in your calling.


  207. Dacia Cobb
    August 24, 2016 @ 9:37 am

    I dreamt that my boyfriend was going with the pastor and bishop in a car.


    • Gary Fishman
      August 25, 2016 @ 11:35 am

      Do you have more details on the dream?


  208. Lauren
    August 17, 2016 @ 11:45 am

    My husband woke up with this spoken to him in his sleep-

    1 Chronicles 2:45….that’s it. He woke up and emediatly read what the verse says-

    The son of Shammai was Maon, and Maon was the father of Bethzur.


    • Lauren
      August 17, 2016 @ 11:47 am

      Or Immediately


    • Gary Fishman
      August 21, 2016 @ 7:26 pm

      Shammai means desolations which means that he went through a very difficult season. Maon is the wilderness. Bethzur is the road to Jerusalem which means he is coming out of the season of difficulty and out of the wilderness and is on the road to great breakthrough in the Lord. Please let me know if this makes sense.


  209. Crystal
    August 11, 2016 @ 3:34 pm

    Hi. I was looking out of my apartment window in my dream and looked up the street to see many people on stretchers in a yard..then two aircarts/planes. Came around and started firing towards the yard the people were in on the stretchers but nothing else was felt like i was really there.


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 20, 2016 @ 7:54 am

      Looking out of your apartment suggests that you have been given revelation knowledge concerning a situation that is occurring. People on stretchers in the yard, suggests that there are people that are hurt and need healing. The two aircrafts that starts firing toward the
      yard suggests that there is a level of spiritual warfare taking place which is causing people to be spiritually wounded thus requiring healing.
      I believe God has given you the dream because he has called you to minister to hurting people and has given you revelation knowledge to see the attacks of the enemy on others.


  210. Doreen
    July 27, 2016 @ 12:05 am

    I dreamed that my husband and I were at some type of dinner, and I recognized our Pastors as well as a few other AeLders from our church was there. In the middle of eating my husband began to cough as if the food had gone down the wrong way, he tried clearing his throat but the cough became progressive to the point that he began to actually choke on whatever he had eaten, I then stood up and attempted to try and help him, I hit him on the back a couple times, and then I bend him over to try to do the heimlick maneuver on him, but now he’s really coughing profusely and at this time I’m hysterical, crying and trying to help him,and as this is happening I look across the room and there stood my Pastors and the Elders and no one came to help, the look in their eyes was one of sadness and as if they were saying to just let him go. I continue trying to help him and he took one last effort to breath and he dropped dead right at my feet, I kneeled over him weeping and I could see hi eyes were now fixed, he was dead. I woke up from this dream crying and praying in my heavenly language. Thank you for your help in interpreting this dream.


    • Julie Ramjit
      August 9, 2016 @ 12:11 pm

      Hi Doreen
      I believe the dream shows that you and your husband have attended a church and are being exposed to the word of God however, it appears that your husband has been experiencing some difficulty in applying the word to his life perhaps because of a trial or situation he may be facing at present. The dream also shows that the spiritual leaders are aware of his struggles and although express their sympathy regarding his situation they are not moved with compassion to provide the spiritual support he needs at this time. I believe the dream shows that his inability to correctly discern and apply the word does NOT result in physical death but instead affects his relationship with God which causes him to lose his spirituality, the dream shows you try to help him but that you are overcome with emotion at this occurrence.
      I believe the dream is a warning dream as God wishes to let you know of the situation your husband faces so that you can pray and also seek pastoral guidance and mentorship which appears necessary at this time.


  211. Carol
    June 10, 2016 @ 7:43 am

    I had a. Vision of my Pastor droving down the street and her left back tire blew out and it roll off


    • Scott
      June 13, 2016 @ 6:25 pm

      Hi Carol,
      It sounds to me like a head’s up, that the enemy wants to try to somehow derail some aspect of the prophetic in your pastor’s ministry, but have no fear, what the Lord reveals, He heals, and you have authority in your prayers!


  212. Quinc
    May 30, 2016 @ 9:45 am

    Had a dream about a group of crows surrounded me 3 times but didn’t hurt me I just ran after the 3rd time a dance instructor told me that you have a strong spirit over you. So what does it means


    • Gary Fishman
      August 9, 2016 @ 8:36 am

      Crows coming 3 times shows that the religious spirit wants to rob you of your freedom, joy, liberty, etc in the Lord. The Lord is saying to focus on worshiping him and walk in all he has given you.


  213. Lettie vaughn
    May 29, 2016 @ 9:29 pm

    I dream of a old car and it was parked and it had a row bar on it like on race cars.. The right rear tire had no tire just a rim.. I dreamed got in it drove it off their were people standing all around.. Pulled out. Then I seen girl in sobr know if it was me. sitting at a red light waiting .. Then their was fire beginning from the back I seen it coming to the front and I heard someone needs to tell her shes on fire.. Then I seen a guy hovering and he had fire on him.. Then I seen she got out and was talking with people about the fire. But it was like this guy came to her..


    • Scott
      June 13, 2016 @ 6:47 pm

      Hi Lettie,

      A couple of questions…

      You were in a car with a roll bar. Was it a convertible?

      Also, could you repeat what you said about the woman at the stoplight? Do you know who she was?


  214. Matt
    April 1, 2016 @ 2:57 pm

    Hi guys, I have been in a ongoing situation which if it goes the wrong way I stand to lose a great deal it isn’t business related but could affect the business. not sure if this dream is to with this? I was in a house with my brother who is my business partner we were cleaning a mansion for a customer, there was a lot to do in a short amount of time I looked at my watch it had past into evening and we know we would need to work through the night. We had just completed the work when the owner was returning I went outside to greet him and I sore all my family they were overjoyed to see me and we embraced. The owner approached me and i sore a close up of the brick steps leading up to the house they were crumbling and in need of repair. The owner said why have you not fixed these steps as agreed. I sent my family down to a patio area. Then I explained to him saying “I’m sorry you thought this was included in the price” then I woke up


    • Scott
      June 13, 2016 @ 6:32 pm

      Hi Lettie,
      A couple of questions for you. You were in the car with a roll bar. Was it a convertible?

      Also. Could you repeat about the woman at the stop light, I don’t understand what you wrote?



    • Scott
      June 13, 2016 @ 6:41 pm

      Hi Matt,
      Please forgive the late response.
      I was having trouble with this dream, and I don’t really see it as a dream from the Lord. There is nothing really redemptive in it. Perhaps it was a reflection of some pressure you were feeling job related?
      But I pray God’s favor on you with clients, joy in your work, and complete understanding with your clients!


  215. Bella
    March 7, 2016 @ 5:12 pm

    I dreamed short scene in November i am in the deep ocean, i am a bridesmaid to a unknown couple who just got married. Our attire is non descript. Guy in the party tries to take me with him, says to everyone let’s get a drink. Two days later, i again dream am bridesmaid in wedding. This is an old friend and she is finally marrying the guy she has lived with for many years. I am her bridesmaid. She and i are seated on a bench after the ceremony. I see the groom, throwing a bucket of water on me and is laughing. End of dream.


  216. Bella
    March 7, 2016 @ 5:11 pm

    I have been praying for breakthrough….in the spirit and in the natural. I am getting “nothing”. Went through months of drain caring for my ailing parents and being restored to them somewhat. I had gone back to the prophetic place in real life a few months ago and dreamed I was looking for my clothing, purse, etc..Then I went again and dreamed I had found my purse and money and went next door to resturant and gay couple drove up and kissed in front of me. (there have been problems with a perverse spirit plaguing me there in the past). I have not been back to the prophetic meeting place recently. I have not been back because I got a prophetic word that they don’t want me and it’s not my fault. I have been waiting on God. I know I have an angel assigned to me there as we have been through many battles in that place.
    The reason I post is this is same or similiar scenerio dream two days in a row. Now I dream I enter a families home and we are going to fellowship and have dinner (break bread)..there are children in the house. I go to restroom and place my purse down. Somehow it goes amiss but I find it in another room, it’s a brown purse this time. When I awake I have a knowing it’s a member of the prophetic church.
    Next night I dream that I am staying in a room and it’s time to go, some younger women come in and bring their stuff while I am out. I return too gather my stuff to go and can’t find my purse. They tell me they took it and it’s no use looking for it. They giggle. They have an earring display they are going to merchandize. I ignore their words and start looking. I see my bible and a black emply credit card purse under the bed..they have emptied out my belongings from it.
    Both of these dreams were vague and kinda far away as far as recall.


    • Scott
      June 13, 2016 @ 7:02 pm

      Hi Bella,
      I believe theses dreams relate to your identity. Who you are as a person, a woman created in God’s image, dearly beloved, purchased with a great price. The Lord is helping you to see yourself as you really are. Ask Him to give you more revelation of how He sees you!
      Perhaps you’ll want to check out some teaching by Francis Frangipane. He’s helped me tremendously!


  217. Matt
    February 27, 2016 @ 6:08 am

    Hi ya, last night I dreamed I was in a house looking out of a window. I think it was at night time but it was light out side, people were sleeping but I was awake. There were small tornados all over my village I was amazed it looked like an amazing sight (some what dangous tho). One tornado headed right at me and hit the house and passed over shacking the window violently. Then I was in a car driving along looking out the window at all these tornados some where joining together making larger tornados some were small and I sore one die leaving a white cloud shape joining the ground to the sky. Some where big and looked violent there were hundreds all around me. Then I was viewing the tornados from the sky, it was a sight to behold.


    • Scott
      April 4, 2016 @ 5:09 pm

      Hi Matt.
      I believe this is a good dream. Tornados in this case I believe represent God’s raw power. Especially with the white cloud. You are observing through the window and from the air. I believe that you are invited to release in prayer what you are seeing in the spirit prophetically!
      It’s a sight to behold. You are behlding (and releasing) from heaven to earth. You are at one point driving in the midst of it. This speaks also of you in the midst of, and part of ministry of powerful signs and wonders! A sight to behold. 🙂


  218. KA
    February 25, 2016 @ 9:35 am

    Dear Scott,
    Its been a long-time.How are you doing? hope great by the grace of God. I need your help.
    I had a dream. I was in an estate where I live. I realize with a group of people that almost every house has been robbed. We began a search for the missing items and finally found them in one of the house in the estate. We managed to find two black guys who were involved in the robbery. Further, we realize that there were some white guys also involve in the robbery. Later, we realize that all the people involved in the robbery left the estate in a procession. Can you please help me with this interpretation. Thank you.


    • Scott
      April 4, 2016 @ 5:00 pm

      Hi KA,
      Sorry for the slow response on my part.
      Can you clarify for me. Are all of the houses on the same estate?


      • KA
        April 14, 2016 @ 1:11 pm

        Yes Scott


        • Scott
          April 18, 2016 @ 7:01 pm

          Hi KA,

          I believe this dream shows your heart for those who for whatever reason, have wondered from the faith.

          The houses were robbed, the enemy who comes to kill steal and destroy is represented by the thieves, various spirits are represented by the thieves. The possessions are the people God (and you) loves…”a people for His own possession!”

          The good news is the possessions were recovered! Don’t loses heart, continue to seek and save that which is lost. The Lord is with you, and you won’t be disappointed.

          I’m actually seeing this as a partnership, you are “equally yoked” with the Lord, and He puts someone on your heart, and you seek Him for the divine strategy to love them back to His heart!


  219. Evette
    February 24, 2016 @ 10:50 am

    Hello, my dream involves my pastor (Bishop-Designate). I don’t remember where we were, but I’m assuming at the church. We were looking at something (not sure what), and he was standing close to me with his hand on the lower part of my back. He then moved his face closer to mine so his cheek touched mine. My husband walks in and says, “That’s too close.” Pastor moves his face away but keeps his hand on my back. My husband was okay with this. This dream woke me up in the middle of the night because it bothered me a little. I’m not sure what to make of it or if I’m reading too much into it.


    • Scott
      April 4, 2016 @ 4:56 pm

      This could be a warning from the Lord about inappropriate behavior by some spiritual leaders. It is surely a matter for prayer. I believe for your specifically, but all of us.

      You represent the bride of Christ, your husband, the bridegroom is Jesus.
      With that in mind, I believe there is a strong admonishment for us here:

      It is clearly inappropriate for us to have the kind of closeness or devotion for a spiritual leader which is right only withour spouse. In the same way, we must beware of allowing those we view as spiritual leaders to take an inappropriate place in our spirit.

      I was in a church once where unwittingly, the flock was so devoted to our pastor, that when he began to get off track with the Lord, many followed blindly.

      Paul said, I believe of the Macedonians, “They did not do as WE had hoped, but submitted themselves FIRST TO GOD, and unto us by the will of God.


  220. Matthew
    February 19, 2016 @ 2:26 pm

    Hi there, I dreamed I shot a man through the cap of his scull I thought it might have missed his mind I new he was my enemy. Then I saw him as a swan. The swan walked over to a tree stump and layed on it, about four or five trees stood to the left of the stump and I watch the swan take its last breath and die. It was quite sad to see. I then noticed I was a swan, I walked over to a black dust bin and pulled out a couple of handfuls of feathers from my stomach area and through them in the black dust bin. It then walked away.


    • Scott
      April 4, 2016 @ 4:35 pm

      Matthew, I am reminded of the story of the ugly duckling. It was rejected by the other young ducks, but the reality, as it turned out, is it was a beautiful swan!

      Sometimes in real life, those who appear to be our enemy, is really a swan, waiting to come out (as we all are…you also are a “swan”)

      I believe the Lord is saying that you, Matthew, can see beyond a rough exterior in others. You can find, and bring out the gold in others, prophetically.

      As you ask Jesus, rivers of living water flow from your innermost being, bringing life to others.

      Beauty from ashes!


  221. Krystal
    February 18, 2016 @ 5:05 pm

    I was asleep and I woke up and I heard this. Abraham must tell Isaac about you. Do u have any idea what this means


    • Scott
      April 4, 2016 @ 4:25 pm

      Krystal, I hope you heard Gary’s awesome interpretation live a few weeks ago, but if not, here you are…

      The Lord sees your sacrifice in service, is pleased, and is bragging on you!

      Abraham and Isaac know about sacrificing what and who you love, so the Lord is putting you on a pedestal, in a good way!


      • krystal
        January 9, 2019 @ 8:59 pm



  222. Kim
    February 16, 2016 @ 6:34 am

    Hi there:
    My dream has been about me being trapped in several buildings trying to get out. I am being hunted by someone or something VERY scary. Maybe demonic. One person who I just met in real life and had immediate strong feelings for is in these dreams trying to help me. I have also had another dream where i am eacaping a deadly vehicle accident. Same person in the dream along with other loved ones. This has all been in the past week since i have met this special person. Any suggestions would be so great. Thank you!


    • Scott
      April 4, 2016 @ 4:20 pm

      Hi Kim,
      Buildings often represent the church, and vehicles can represent ministry, so I believe the message is similar.
      I believe the Lord is making you aware that of course our enemy is real, he does prowl like a roaring lion, and we need to be alert…even in church!
      Jesus promises to be with you always, and you are not alone. He is teaching you how, as in Ephesians 6, as you strengthen yourself in Him, you can stand and avoid, even thwart the plans of the enemy.
      It seems that you may have sensed the enemy’s presence in several churches, but He’s calling you to stand in Him, with the friends He aligns with you!


  223. Willie
    February 15, 2016 @ 10:08 pm

    I was in the passenger seat and the minister of music was driving. We were headed down the road when all of sudden he lost control and we ended up in a lake upside down. We both manage to get out with a little struggle but i was confused on how did we end up in the lake so sudden.


    • Scott
      April 4, 2016 @ 4:03 pm

      Willie, I am reminded of the early church turning the world upside down. Like Jesus, they did and said only what they heard and saw from the Father! I believe there is a breakout of freedom in the Spirit, beginning with worship, particularly your minister of music giving complete control over to Him!


  224. krystal
    January 16, 2016 @ 7:11 pm

    I dreamed a female prophet (not my pastor) were driving and someone was in the passengers seat and I was in the back seat and while she was driving the car was getting out of control. her breaks stopped working and she was running into a bunch a trees. We ended up on the beach and it was breezing very hard and we came out the car but had to go back inside because when the breeze blew it was so strong we moved with it. When all of us went back in the car all of a sudden the car began to work she tried reverse and drive but when u reversed u could not stop. Couple men in black told u to drive forward but when she did the road was gone all of a sudden and if she had driven forward we would have drowned because that’s how close the water was to us


    • Scott
      February 1, 2016 @ 5:15 pm

      Hi Krystal,

      Looking at the typical meanings of the symbols in your dream, they seem to fit together in this way:

      It speaks about you being in a ministry that is lead by a prophet, but the ministry is going out of control, and people (trees) end up being hurt.

      When people are out of that particular ministry, they are moved by the Strong Wind (Holy Spirit), not the person driving the ministry. Getting back in that particular ministry is only going backwards spiritually, and there is no road ahead, or no future in any ministry lead by any human other than Jesus!

      I want to be clear, here, Krystal, I am only interpreting this dream based on the symbols. I don’t have a sense if this is speaking about a present ministry, or future, but surely the warning is true no matter where we are.
      Personally, I was in a ministry years ago in which the pastor slowly became the one who was the one leading the church, and Jesus was no longer truly the head. It ended in disaster, but thankfully the Lord brought some of us out of that situation to greener pastures!

      As you endeavor to hear what specifically He is saying to you, surely He will be faithfull to guide you into all truth!

      Jesus is indeed your good shepherd, I pray grace for our spiritual leaders to encourage our dependence on Him, and encourage our walk with Him!


      • Krystal
        February 5, 2016 @ 8:51 pm

        Thank u so much this is confirmation


  225. Bella
    December 7, 2015 @ 8:24 pm

    Hi, Is this considered your chat box to email a dream for live interpretation? My dream, I am in my mom’s house, in my childhood bedroom. I am in bed with a well known pastor/leader in the body of christ. We have not been intimate. He lays up next to me, not in a sexual way so much as to get me use to him being close to me. Next I am in bed with my younger sister and she starts singing and I tell her she has a wonderful voice and should be singing publicly. Next scene I am with my sis in mom’s kitchen to that childhood house where mom still lives and the kitchen is messy. I start to make coffee. That pastor is steated at the table and announces he is going to marry my mom. I stand there a bit surprised as he was just in the bed with me. End of dream. Thank you so much.


    • Scott
      December 13, 2015 @ 1:11 pm

      Hi Bella.

      There is a blue chat box on the screen you can hit when we’re on the air for a live interpretation.
      We resume in January, if you’d prefer it live, otherwise, let me know,here,and I’ll be happy to respond later this week!


      • Bella
        December 15, 2015 @ 10:30 am

        Hi Scott, yes if you could reply here please.


        • Scott
          December 20, 2015 @ 1:29 pm

          Hi Bella,

          Although this dream may have ramifications for you, I believe it primarily is a message for us all as the church.

          The bed/bedroom typically symbolizes our rest in the Lord, our intimacy with Him. Sometimes when we listen to a gifted teacher, we may find ourselves becoming devoted to that human ministry in place of pressing in to know Jesus better for ourselves.

          Paul addresses this in 1 Cor. 3. In verse 4, he writes, “For when one says, ‘I am of Paul,’ and another, ‘I am of Apollos,’ are you not mere men?”

          Consequently, the place which should be one of preparing a fresh word from God (the kitchen) can be a mess, when we instead are merely rehashing words of man, no matter how gifted he/she is!

          Because the setting is your childhood home, there is hope, because the Lord is saying these are the ways of the past, behold, He is doing a new thing! I believe there is a fresh move of His Spirit moving in His Church. We are recognizing nothing can replace our relationship with Him!


  226. roni
    December 2, 2015 @ 11:58 am

    I dram that the world was ending and i was watching it from a window with my brother and a friend I’ve not seen in years and at the end of my dream i was falling and my husband caught me I landed on top of him and kissed and hugged each other


    • roni
      December 2, 2015 @ 12:01 pm

      please send interpretation to [email protected]


    • Scott
      December 13, 2015 @ 1:35 pm

      Hi Roni,

      I believe this is a prophetic dream not just for you, but for all of us! So I’ll share my take on it here, but I’ll send to your email, too.

      You represent the church! Jesus is your/husband, the bridegroom…

      The church sees prophetic revelation of future things and discuss our opinions of what they mean, and what will happen. Sometimes it gets us in trouble if we mis-interpret what God is really saying (the falling). Sometimes we jump to our own conclusion, or someone else’s, but He’s patient with us, teaching us to press in for the revelation AND the correct understanding.

      He’s always there to catch us and embrace us if we fall!

      However Jesus is always there to catch us.


    • Bella
      December 24, 2015 @ 11:07 am

      Thank you and i pray the Lord speak to and through His Body in Spirit and Truth that we may all be built up into the Head which is Christ! Merry Christmas as we who know the truth continually celebrate and may we manifest our risen Lord in and through the Glory of His praise to the measure of our gifts and callings to His Praise throughout all regions where Christ is named and that he may be known among all nations. Even so come Lord Jesus!


  227. Bella
    November 24, 2015 @ 7:18 pm

    IRL I visited a ministry..that night I dreamed the leaders wife was at a podium giving people admittance, it’s a large house/building and there are many people in different rooms, full of people and she asked me if I had been drinking, told her no and then she handed me a purple glass vase. Next scene I am in a white half slip and beige camisole, plain. I am looking for my shoes, I look in a pile of other peoples shoes. I then look for my purse, someone offers me a burgandy or maroon leather one but I know that it’s not mine. I also know that the leader is getting dressed for this meeting/event but he hasn’t yet shown up. *I thought in real life this was where I was suppose to return.


    • Bella
      December 2, 2015 @ 12:35 pm

      I new I had a wine/burgandy leather purse but it was not mine they offered.


    • Scott
      December 13, 2015 @ 1:03 pm

      Hi Bella,

      Based on your feeling that you should return to that ministry, I believe the Lord is saying, of course that it is your choice, you have freedom. If you are comfortable there, I believe the encouragement is that there will be changes in your anointing (changing of clothes) and even the way you see yourself, your identity (similar purse, but not the same).
      If you’ve experienced something of God in that ministry which feels like it’s something you want more of, go for it!


  228. Jacquie
    November 19, 2015 @ 1:39 pm

    I walk by a manmade pond with an island in the middle (the ones in restaurants), I look down into the water and say “Oh, that’s hell” nonchalantly. Then it cuts to another scenario of me waiting for the train with my ex boyfriend. The dream cuts to another scenario where I go up to another level, and there is a huge body of water, like an ocean, with no borders. I look at it and the waves stopped in motion. I was amazed by it. Then my ex boyfriend jumps into the water. Knowing he can’t swim I tell this lady to go save him, but I end up jumping in. I can’t swim either and I start sinking. I see that my ex boyfriend has reached the bottom and there is a ladder that he is climbing back up. That’s when I feel relieved. End of dream.


    • Scott
      December 13, 2015 @ 12:53 pm

      Hi Jacquie,

      I believe this dream is speaking of transition in your life. From the limitations of living according to the wisdom of man (man made pool, this is hell) to a newness of adventure with God. There may be times that would bring fear and doubt, but have no fear, the Lord is for you, even if life looks overwhelming, He will always provide.


  229. Lisa
    November 16, 2015 @ 11:06 pm

    Dream nov. 16, 2015 morning
    My daughter, grandson and I were in the living room ….the electric company came to our house and they had a big truck with a bucket but it also had a back hoe ……..there was a hole in the ground in our yard and there were circles of something….they pulled it out and it was a skeleton of some kind of animal ….they pulled out another kind of skeleton…..these skeletons were from ancient times…. as they were digging I could see inside the hole and everything they were looking at and I said how can I see all of this and I thought our surveillance cameras are letting me see inside the hole …but I thought how… the cameras can’t turn that way….as all this was going on I was in the kitchen starting breakfast I ran out to the living room cause they had found the first skeleton and the My grandson who is 2 years old went to the kitchen and I went back to the kitchen and the gallon of apple juice was leaking all over the table so I poured the rest of the apple juice from the container into another gallon


    • Scott
      December 6, 2015 @ 2:44 pm

      Hi Lisa, thanks for calling in with this dream. Hope the interpretation made sense!?



  230. Matthew
    November 14, 2015 @ 7:21 pm

    I dreamed the fire alarm went off at (FEH bible college) in the hallway. The front door flew open and suddenly a wind rushed in and every room in the house including the hallways caught fire. The students left outside and assembled at the tree (which is the fire point). I wondered if everyone had managed to get out and thought I best check round the house. I ran up stairs and went across the landing, flames licked through the floorboards. Suddenly I fell through the floor, as I fell I sore a orange sofa beneath me and it was a soft landing. There was flames all around me and I had no where to go. I felt as if I could control the dream to a degree from this point. I was burned alive in the fire it was very painful and my body reeled in pain till my flesh was burned black, then two people came and carried me outside on a stretcher. I remember thinking I must move my arms to let them know I am still alive, I wanted them to give me some morphine to take the pain away, tho I thought they may give me a overdose if I asked, as I was a lost cause (past the point of saving).


    • Matthew
      December 19, 2015 @ 3:57 pm

      You missed me?


      • Scott
        December 20, 2015 @ 1:50 pm

        Yes, I apologize Matthew. I was perplexed, and moved to another dream, intending to return. 🙂

        I don’t believe this is a dream from the Lord. Why? Because it doesn’t reflect His heart of hope, redemption, new life from the ashes!

        Usually, fire and wind are symbols representing a mighty move of the Spirit of God. A good thing! We know that the enemy is a liar, and a liar would say that a move of God will end in disaster. Not true!

        In the name of Jesus, we break any fear associated with a fresh move of God on campus! Bring Revival Lord, we pray! Pour out your Spirit. Bring a refreshing mighty wind that brings life and the fullness of joy!


  231. Lisa
    November 12, 2015 @ 11:01 pm

    Night of november 9th 2015
    I had a dream of breaking glass everywhere tall sky scrapers made of only glass where falling down and shattering into little pieces

    Morning of November 10th 2015
    I had a dream that my cousin wanted to pay for a treatment to take away my puffy bags under my eyes…so she called and found out how much…I was excited to get that done…..then I was waiting in line at a car repair shop and A friend from high school was working there …then My husband and I were in the car and he was driving..we both had our seat belts on and I was looking at all the parts they didn’t put back on …we had taken the parts off for them so it would be easier for them….then all of a sudden an alarm went on…it was very loud so we looked at the dash board and to the left of the steering wheel was a big alarm of a seat belt sign flashing …. I looked at my seatbelt and it was on…then I looked at my husbands and it was on…so we looked back at the sign it was still flashing and the noise was loud then I woke up


    • Scott
      December 6, 2015 @ 2:40 pm

      Hi Lisa, I hope you heard The interpretation live on the program the other week. If not, check it out or write back!




    • Matthew
      December 19, 2015 @ 6:43 am

      You missed me out?


  232. Lynn
    November 9, 2015 @ 8:11 pm

    I had this dream that I cannot stop thinking about.

    I was picking up sand on my bathroom floor and placing the sand in my bath tub, while i was placing the sand in my bath tub, it expanded into this humongous hole in the earth to hold all of the sand. My bath tub was now the size of 10 football stadiums that was filled with sand! I picked up a flower pot that only had a spider in it. I hit the flower pot against the sand for the spider to come out but it stayed in the pot. This huge area of sand was instantly filled with water so I submerged the pot in the water & the spider came out and hated the water. I then wRalked around the whole diameter of this area that held the sand. I can’t tell how deep it was, but I got to an area where there were workers with hard hats on building the framework. I see a construction truck backing up to the edge to pour something out but the wall couldn’t hold this truck so it was about to fall into this area. All the workers quickly ran behind the framework for safety. The truck did fall into this area but not near the construction of the framework. To describe the sand: Everything was made out of sand the floor, there was so much sand it was compact and strong, the walls were made out of sand as well and very strong except that one area where the truck fell because that one area of the wall was not strong. I couldn’t measure the depth but it was in the ground of the earth & it was like 10 football stadiums. Started out as my bathtub then instantly this huge area.


    • Scott
      December 6, 2015 @ 2:37 pm

      Hi Lynn,

      The bathroom often symbolizes repentance, renewing of our minds.

      I believe the dream speaks of an incomplete repentance, like if I make a mistake, then say, I’m not going to do such n such again. That may be appropriate, but I believe this is an invitation from Jesus for something better, something deeper.

      I am reminded of His words, recorded in Matthew 7, that he who has my teachings an acts accordingly, they will be like a wise man who builds on a rock, a firm foundation. However, not building our lives on what He teaches us is foolish, like building on sand…then there is a great fall!

      Does this make sense?



      • Lynn
        June 13, 2016 @ 9:42 pm

        Hi Scott,
        What does the sand represent and the construction workers?


  233. kay Moore
    November 9, 2015 @ 1:46 pm

    Before I went to bed I prayed to dream of clarity in my life, including my dating life. I dreamed that I got pregnant by a guy I know (I have two children now, and do not want anymore any time soon.


    • Scott
      December 6, 2015 @ 2:20 pm

      One thing for sure, Kay, if this dream is from the Lord, He is NOT saying that you should get pregnant by ‘a guy you know’. He loves us, and desires the best for us, including the security and joy of the lifelong commitment of marriage.
      If a relationship is moving toward marriage, that’s awesome. Anything else brings confusion. It’s great that you prayed for charity in relationships! Know that he cherishes and is honoring that request.
      I find great clarity and wisdom in the Bible, especially Proverbs.
      I do believe God is birthing something new in you…SYMBOLICLY !
      As you continue to put him first in your life, you will be amazed at the clarity you will be walking in, and you will help others walk in it, too!


  234. Kathy
    October 31, 2015 @ 3:06 pm

    My son’s dad dreamt dat he saw me worried and confused, leaning on him and we were planning how best to make things ok


    • Scott
      December 6, 2015 @ 2:01 pm

      Your son’s dad is a father. He is symbolic, that if ever we feel overwhelmed or confused, we have a good Heavenly Father we can turn to, and together ill be ok.
      We are more than conquerors through Christ Who strengthens us!


  235. Chayanne Auston
    October 27, 2015 @ 2:15 pm

    While I was living in our old house, I kept having the same dream over and over. In the dream, I was running away from the house, what looked like I was I think 7-8 months pregnant, and there was this scary dark vibe/aurora coming from the house. This dream is driving me crazy


    • Scott
      December 6, 2015 @ 1:57 pm

      Hi Chayanne,
      I believe Amelia gave you an interpretation on the air a few weeks, I remember the idea that God was birthing something new in you. 7 can mean completeness, and 8, a new beginning. Forgetting what lies behind, we press on to know Jesus better!


  236. Elisha
    October 12, 2015 @ 2:49 am

    This has been driving me a little crazy. I had a dream I was in a row of seats in an empty church. It was empty except for two of my friends, one being a girl I liked at the time. They were in front of me, one row ahead, looking back at me. One of them gave me a golden pocket watch, I looked at it. Engraved on the pocket watch were two things. First, a tree to the left with wind blowing through its branches, pushing the leaves away. Second, to the right was what looked like Jesus with his arms open wide, looking away from the tree, he looked joyful. I explained something to my two friends and pointed to a door behind me. The door was open and it looked like gold/treasure/light was shining from inside of it. It ended. Thanks for any and all insight!


    • B J
      October 19, 2015 @ 5:46 pm

      Hello, I dreamt that a freind and I Were committed to be at this church service, to be witnesses as a part of their service, I was told to go too the front, as I get to the front I could feel some people not wanting me up there, then all of a sudden, I am over to the side where you actually go up the 2 steps to speak ,There was a man with his arm around me as if I Were the only one there, It was comforting being that I was alone. But They never called on me to do my witness. They called on the others. I also thought I saw my ex Apostle seated in the very back. There was a freind that was also supposed to be with me but as we arrived she was no where to be found.. She was also supposed. To be a witness. Can you help me?


  237. Matthew
    October 11, 2015 @ 6:26 am

    Hi Scott, another interesting dream think I get this one but I’m not a expert so here goes.

    I saw my ex-partner walking along a road and in front of her was a crocodile or alligator it looked old I wasn’t sure weather it was that dangerous. As she approached it, I saw a large monkey on the other side of the road. It seemed friendly and it perceived the alligator as a threat. It ran over to the alligator and positioned itself between the alligator and Chloe and moved round the alligator till Chloe had passed by. Then it took hold of the alligators tail and swung under it. Chloe continued, then walked off the path and came to an old snack pit. I cried out to Chloe to be carful then I could not see her. I shouted out again and a voice said “she is in the pit” I looked in the pit there was stagnant water some snakes and a pile of rubbish on one side but I couldn’t see her. Chloe then spoke and said I’m hear and she didn’t seem to bothered, she was covered in rubbish, I couldn’t see her through the rubbish. I rushed over and was about to Wade into the water when a women quickly passed me by and retched her hand through the rubbish taking her hand, and crossed her arms over each other and took my hand and I pulled and pulled, they both came out.


    • Scott
      November 1, 2015 @ 1:52 pm

      Hi Matthew,I hope you heard Gary’s interpretation on the program a couple of weeks ago.
      Basically, the Lord is showing you helping (along with others in the body of Christ) your ex-partner and others who for what ever reason, may have strayed of the path. It’s a calling or invitation to restore others to the joy of walking with Him!


      • Matthew
        November 1, 2015 @ 6:43 pm

        Hi there Scott, just listened to the Broadcast, the interpretation is pretty spot on and sounds right to me. I have been warning her of a relationship she has recently got involved in (the man is not a Christian). I had another dream involving Chloe, Her new boyfriend was standing next to his father (dressed in a black suit) he was holding his hands out in a religious way worshiping buda there was a sense of false peace in the room the boyfriend was copying him. Then I went into another room in the house, I saw Chloe sitting in the lotus position with her hands out doing the same religious worship, and opposit I saw my young daughter copying her. Another regarding Chloe, I saw myself going back to law school the night before I left for bible college, whilst at law school I passed my exam getting a (B) not as good as I could have done as I only flicked through my books (I wondered weather this would effect my final result), then I found myself on a train surrounded by students suddenly I saw an old friend I hadn’t seen in years she had lost her beauty there were wrinkles on her face, I was pleased to see her regardless and went to embrace her she hesitated for a second as if to say you don’t know what’s happened. Sorry this is so long. I dream most nights with a lot of clarity, I’m trying to interprete them myself but still a novice.


        • Scott
          December 6, 2015 @ 1:32 pm

          Hey Matthew,
          In the first one with the boyfriend’s father, I’m reminded of Jesus’ words to the religious leaders, that their father is the devil.
          The Lord is showing who the real enemy is, and your prayers, as 1john5:16,17 says, will be effective bringing salvation, deliverance, and healing, not only for Chloe, but others, even the next generation. The dream shows the plan of the enemy, to deceive, but we break that, and release healing and victory in Jesus’ name!


        • Scott
          December 6, 2015 @ 1:50 pm

          I believe the second is cautionary. The old friend and going back to “the law”, I believe are symbolic of the old ways before tasting the joy of relationship with Jesus. As you persue Him, the season can be one where you ace the spiritual lesson of justification by grace through faith (relationship) rather than skate by adopting a little justification by works of the law. I think this is a lesson we all deal with from time to time.
          For you this can be a strength, you will ace it!


  238. Judy F
    October 5, 2015 @ 6:51 pm

    Last night as I was drifting off I awoke with a start….I dreampt of a crash…thats all just a crash and the words CRASH in front of me. I prayed in tongues then checked the clock to tell ( my granddaughter) to come home..It was 10 o’clock.she informed me she didnt have to work until 3 today I said o.k. and dropped back to sleep and she stayed out till around 11. As I was waking up this a.m. I had a vision type dream of Al, my deceased husband, sitting up in a casket…he was dead but came alive, he layed down again and sat up again, he layed down again and sat up again. several times………….Al loved to party and run around and just have a good time…party after work with girls and guys from the office and seldom came home completely sober. I prayed again but as my granddaughter was leaving for work today she said Gram what can I say you raised a party girl….Is this totally self explainable….need to break the root if it is!


    • Scott
      November 1, 2015 @ 2:00 pm

      Hi Judy, I agree that the meaning of the dream seems obvious, but remember that although the Lord can redeem every dream, He is not the SOURCE of every dream.
      To me this reveals the plan of the enemy to visit your husband’s shortcomings on the next generation, but what the Lord reveals, He heals, so we can pray with confidence and gratitude that your granddaughter will walk in newness of life. She will know the fullness of Joy in the Holy Spirit. What the enemy means for evil, God WILL turn to her good!


    • Scott
      December 6, 2015 @ 1:31 pm

      Hey Matthew,
      In the first one with the boyfriend’s father, I’m reminded of Jesus’ words to the religious leaders, that their father is the devil.
      The Lord is showing who the real enemy is, and your prayers, as 1john5:16,17 says, will be effective bringing salvation, deliverance, and healing, not only for Chloe, but others, even the next generation. The dream shows the plan of the enemy, to deceive, but we break that, and release healing and victory in Jesus’ name!


  239. Jethro
    October 3, 2015 @ 6:02 pm

    Throughout my life ,whenever i could remember a dream, they were always weird and vague but I felt that it always meant something. One dream still confuses me even to this day. Please help me, i think the meaning is important. This dream happened approximately to years ago. That night i specifically prayed to God for a dream of my purpose in life, or atlas some direction. I desperately wanted to know why i was here on this earth and what he wanted me to do. I also asked him to help me remember it and i still remember so clear as if it happened yesterday.;
    It started out with me and a group of people running from what appeared as demons or monsters in a stone temple setting. For some reason the group was trying to protect me, it felt as if i had something the demons wanted, but they all ended up being killed by the demons. I was the last one left and they cornered me in a room where a well was located in the middle. As they got closer, i leaned up against the well and not knowing what happened next , i said,” i trust u God” and jumped into the dark well. It felt as if i was falling for a while then….. I all of a sudden appeared in a boat surrounded by a calm river or body of water. The sun was out and the sky was a brilliant blue. But i wasn’t inside of my body , instead i was above what appeared as a women in white robes just laying in the boat (which is weird because I’m a guy). I couldn’t recognize her face. I felt an overwhelming sense of peace then a coin started falling from the sky. I can’t remember the color of the coin, but it had a square hole inside. It was either gold or silver. The coin landed in the women’s hand and i felt as if I had to make a wish. So i wished, ” I wish the world was safe and at peace.” Then a soft but found booming yet gentle voice echoed through the whole area. It said, ” Everyone has an excuse to live” Then i woke up. Please someone help me , what does this mean????


  240. ragdoll4christ
    September 28, 2015 @ 6:28 am

    Hi. I need help interpreting two similar dreams. About a month ago, I dreamed that I was standing up and glanced down at my stomach and I saw a hole in it. The hole ran so deep that I could see deep inside the hole. I tried to pull my stomach in to close the hole. Then an egg that had not been digested floated to the top and I tried pushing it back down and closing it again. Well last night i dreamed that i looked in the mirror and saw that there was a hole in the side of my neck. When i looked inside i could see my tissues and my breast then i looked in my eyes and they were turning to a beige color. I looked at my mom and told her that i was going to the doctor because i was sick.


    • Scott
      October 10, 2015 @ 11:34 am

      Hi Ragdoll,
      Not all dreams are from God. We can often tell by the message of the dream, if it gives hope, is redemptive, or encouraging, that tells us it is probably from Him, because that is His nature! He is a good God.
      However if the dream robs us of hope or is discouraging, it could be (and I belive in this case is) from the enemy. He is a liar, and comes to steal, kill and destroy!
      Jesus, we reject any discouraging thoughts over your daughter. We release your goodness, and divine health. We say, “No.” To any fear or undo concern about holes in her body. We release Your divine health and fullness and completeness to her body. No weapon fashioned against her shall prosper, in the name of Jesus!


  241. bella
    September 20, 2015 @ 1:03 pm

    I am on vacation with my husband. It’s morning and I am in the bedroom. There is a wardrobe. I am looking for cloths to wear and I find a gift. It’s a pocket watch with the word love written in red. I am thinking its a gift from him and I put it back not to ruin the surprise. Next scene I go into the main room and he is seated at a table with a young unknown young female which is set by a glass sliding door facing the ocean. I am not dressed properly he offers to make breakfast but I want to go out. We step outside and to the right I see a guy on a motorcycle leaving and driving toward a rocky area and I look to the left and I see heaven meeting the earth…it’s like night and I see all the stars and planets…it’s ethereal. end of dream. Any insight is appreciated.


    • Lateya Foxx
      September 27, 2015 @ 11:00 pm

      In the beginning I was at an jail and the military started take people outside and lining them up. That’s where I noticed Jada (my daughter) on an converter belt with her hands and feet tied up. When she was about to get pushed down into a hole I pulled her off and instead I fell in the hole. I went to the next room, somehow Jada was there. In the room a man was trying to hang some little boy but I saved him and then they was trying to shoot Jada. Next I met up with my mother and her husband and we got back in the line where they were putting us in the same hole (as the first one) to burn us. But my mother was saying she took my sisters to a family’s member house in New Jersey. She kept telling me not to worry as long as we believe in God we’re going to be ok. So I got in the hole and this time as I was going in I started to pray. They took us out the hole and we came back to life but just my mother and I, not her husband. Then we met up with the kids (my daughters and two little sisters). Once again we were back in the line so I took the kids and began to pray with them and we were released to get on a bus to go to New Brunswick, New Jersey.

      The last time when they let us out the hole I seen Jesus and started kissing his feet. No one else seen him but me


      • Scott
        October 10, 2015 @ 11:22 am

        Hi Lateya,
        From your dream, it sounds like you have been going through some frustrating times, trying to help others, and falling into a pit yourself, but the dream shows that not in our own strength, but in Jesus alone is our deliverance!

        “But as many as call on the name of the Lord he/she shall be saved.”

        Interesting, New Jersey is the Garden State. Here NJ represents Jesus setting things straight. Humanity fell in the Garden, but Jesus reversed the curse, restoring to us the abundance of His Presence! To walk with Him in the Garden, as it were!


    • Scott
      October 10, 2015 @ 10:53 am

      Hi Bella,
      Typically, a husband is a symbol for Jesus. He is our bridegroom. This dream speaks of a season of refreshing for you alone with Him, enjoying His presence.

      Ahead of you is an adventure in Him, there may be obstacles along the way, but you are safe, His presence goes with you. You are one who releases His Kingdom on earth, it’s part of the adventure; it all flows from the joy and rest in His Presence.


  242. Matthew
    September 10, 2015 @ 6:34 am

    Many thanks for the work you do here, I appreciate your help in interpreting my dreams.

    I was being chased by a policeman I turned to face him and he fired two shots at me both hit my chest right at my hart. I then noticed I had a gun in my hand and emptied the clip into him he fell to the ground and didn’t get up. I kept thinking why haven’t I died yet then I saw the mother of my children (we are separated) she was sitting on a old wing chair I went and perched on the arm of the chair. I kept thinking when am I gona die and then I saw a grave stone with a inscription and then another followed from behind and sat next to the first, I new it was my children that brought the other one forward. There were two inscriptions on that stone and I felt upset.


    • Scott
      September 20, 2015 @ 4:43 pm

      Gal. 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life that I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God, Who loved me, and delivered Himself up for me.
      A dream of you dieing is a usually a good thing…then you can really live! I believe the two inscriptions and two headstones says that your future is not set…what is said of you in the future is dependent on decisions you make today! The Lord is inviting you to ‘die’ to self, and truly live. You can have a great effect on future generations! Give Him your all, the rest of your life, it will be worth it


  243. swazi
    September 8, 2015 @ 4:24 am

    I dreamed I was at a farm with my boyfriend when we came across an old man who asked my boyfriend where is Joyce, and my boyfriend just smiled and said he will phone her. Then me and my boyfriend went in a room that seemed to be a kitchen and we were doing dishes when I fought him about this Joyce woman, and his answer was I should just wait for years to come, and that I should not worry. As if he meant we shall be fine


    • Scott
      September 20, 2015 @ 4:27 pm

      Hello Swazi,
      The meaning to your dream wasn’t immediately clear to me, but after consulting Gary’s book, I came across two clues about a “boyfriend” which may be helpful.

      A boyfriend can symbolize something, or someone who “takes the place” of Jesus in our lives. A husband often represent Jesus, the “bridegroom”, and a boyfriend really isn’t a husband, right?
      Also, an conflict with a boyfriend could represent a past issue which the Lord wants to heal, but has not yet been completely dealt with, perhaps there needs to be forgiveness for a past hurt, perhaps there hasn’t been true repentance? I don’t know, but I DO believe that as you seek the Lord about it, He will surely give you clarity. His desire for you is only for your good. I believe He wants to help you find closure and move on, to bring healing to you NOW and not years from now.
      Proverbs 3:5,6 says to trust in the Lord with all your heart, and not lean on your own (or someone else’s) understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and surely He will direct your steps!


  244. Beloved1
    September 2, 2015 @ 6:26 pm

    I am walking at night with two other people outside down a street towards a corner with a door. Then from a distance the big grey cat comes out of the door from around the corner leaps from the ground in slow motion towards me lands around my neck, I fall to the ground. The cat is circling my neck so fast that I can’t catch him with my hands. Then I wake up.


    • Scott
      September 20, 2015 @ 4:01 pm

      Hello Beloved of the Lord!

      I hope you heard Gary’s interpretation live last week, if not, you can check out the archives here, or YouTube.
      As I recall, the key to the dream is the Gray color of the cat, that this dream is a caution, to beware of opening the door to a person or citation of compromise.
      I hope it makes sense to you?


  245. Suzyc
    August 31, 2015 @ 2:33 pm

    “If” I must pay for this, please ignore my dream, because I’m a pensioner and a chil of God.
    I had a short dream:
    I dream my husband and I ran out of our own house though it was shrinking, but as we come outside we realized that it is us growing taller.


    • Scott
      September 13, 2015 @ 3:30 pm

      H Suzyc,

      I believe the Lord is saying that you both are growing in stature, in favor with both God and man. It sounds like spiritual promotion is ahead for you, imbrase it as from His hand!


  246. Bella
    August 28, 2015 @ 12:14 am

    Hi – I dreamed that I jump into a moving vehicle into the driver seat, there is a heavy set male stranger in the passenger side…like he was expecting me. I try to sit but the seat position is set for a much shorter person. I am stretching/reaching for the brakes though I can’t sit…as I see that we are about to crash into a womens parked car under her carport. I see only her legs and she is reaching into the backseat and she is short and I see a glass step she uses to step up/down into the backseat. Thanks so much!


    • Scott
      September 13, 2015 @ 3:27 pm

      Hi Bella,
      Hopefully you heard Gary’s interpretation on the last show, but if not, I’ll try to recall it. As a vehicle, cars usually symbolize ministry. It sounds like this dream is a warning to be careful not to just jump into a ministry that sounds good or appealing. You may not fit! There is wisdom in really seeking and hearing direction from the Lord before committing to a ministry!


  247. Bella
    August 27, 2015 @ 11:43 pm

    I dreamed i am at a meeting and a famous prophetic person says he has a word for me (i dont know who this person was but in the dream they were well known). He said that i had had a breakdown but the now i am through it and god was going to put a part of himself in me. (I know god by his spirit and fire) that is all i remember of dream. Bella


    • Scott
      August 31, 2015 @ 5:58 pm

      Hi Bella,

      When we dream of a famous person, it is often something that person is known for, their gifting or ministry, that the Lord is bringing you into. If one dreams of Billy Graham, for example, the Lord may be calling the dreamer to evangelism.

      Although this famous speaker is “unknown”, because they are a prophet, I believe the Lord is encouraging you in your prophetic gifting, to come up higher, I’m thinking of Paul exhorting Timothy to fan the flames of the spiritual gift, so I would encourage you to be seeking the Lord how that looks for you.
      Scripture says to eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially Prophecy! Go for it, Bella!


    • bella
      September 20, 2015 @ 11:24 pm

      Thank you so much for the insight! 🙂


  248. Matthew
    August 23, 2015 @ 5:49 am

    I was in my kitchen and asked a close friend wether he and his daughter would be going to a yearly event called faith camp he said he couldn’t and I said would his daughter and he said he wasn’t sure. I said that he should let her go, and then a older lady I and my friend I know (from my friends church) came in and my friend sort of squatted down wrapping his arms around her tummy from behind much like a young child would his mother. The lady told me to shape the ice cream and so I took a ice cream scoop and put boiling water from the kettle and poured it into the scoop. The ice cream had been placed on a low cupboard in the lounge which is right next to kitchen, the ice cream had started to melt. I shaped one scoop, it was perfectly Circular and looked good but there was not anoth for any more.


    • Scott
      August 30, 2015 @ 8:20 pm

      Hi Matthew.
      I’ll have to ponder your dream, I’ll get back to you!


    • Scott
      August 31, 2015 @ 5:45 pm

      Here’s what I have for you, Matthew.

      I believe the Lord has a “Faith Camp” for you, or a step of faith, involving receiving from mature sisters as spiritual mothers or a spiritual mother for you. Holy Spirit is molding and shaping you into the image of Christ, and to help in that, you need to allow, or even welcome these spiritual mothers into your life.

      The older woman represents others, and your friend’s embrace in the natural is a picture of your embrace, spiritually, welcoming the care from the Lord through this woman (I believe there are others also, and the particular woman in the dream is not necessarily one of your “mothers”, but symbolizes spiritual mothers)

      In the dream you are following her instruction, so the dream is for you, and about you.

      The Faith Camp symbolizes that this is a faith journey for you. The Lord is inviting you to be open to, and even praying for Him to connect you in a “natural” way.

      Does this resonate with your sprit?


      • Matthew
        September 1, 2015 @ 4:49 am

        Thank you, I am certainly on a faith journey at the moment, so this does resonate with me. I believe the single scoop represents a humbling as God is rescuing and shaping me through a painfully time. I will be conscious of those people God puts around me in the coming months. Many thanks for your time.


  249. KA
    August 13, 2015 @ 8:00 pm

    First of all I am always grateful for your time and energy to help me understand my dreams.
    I had a dream in which I saw a car speeding and I said this car is going to have an accident and it happened. I again saw another car also speeding and I said same and it happened again. I later realize that my own car started speed and there was no way I could control it. I realized that I found myself out of the car, but it was still moving at a top speed and I could not stop it. So later I told the people around me to start search for my car. After a while, we found it with some people also searching for the owner of the car. I thank them for their effort and realized that the car with a dent on it as a results of the some form of collusion. Can you help me with this one too.


    • Scott
      August 30, 2015 @ 5:53 pm

      Hi KA,
      It’s an honor to serve as the Lord enables!

      Cars represent ministry, and they are moving too fast, heading for trouble…I believe the ministries you see are moving ahead of the Lord, rather than keeping in step with Him. I’ve seen this in some ministries, and sometimes in my own life. The Lord is gifting you with the ability to sense His timing in ministry…for yourself, and others, to AVOID the pitfalls. I can see you interceding for other ministries that you sense are out of His timing, and God WILL intervene, and avoid doing it in their own strength, their own timing.


    • Matthew
      September 1, 2015 @ 4:48 am

      Thank you, I am certainly on a faith journey at the moment, so this does resonate with me. I believe the single scoop represents a humbling as God is rescuing and shaping me through a painfully time. I will be conscious of those people God puts around me in the coming months. Many thanks for your time.


  250. eva
    August 10, 2015 @ 8:11 pm

    please pray for dream interpretation…
    I am struggling wit assurance of my salvation. I asked God to show me in a dream that i am saved. Finally i saw this.

    I dreamed i was about 5 years old girl standing in that dress made out of flowers.. Someone pulled out those flowers one by one and i became naked. I was ashamed, Then magically i was dressed in the purple dress with golden strings on it. It was so beautiful. I was so amazed and happy.One little girl came, then another girl came up to me. then little prince a year or so younger came up to me.. I was speechless…. The most amazing felling of joy came over me.. i woke up… When i woke up i understood that that prince was Jesus.. July 27 2015 Eva R P.S. If God leads you to interpretation of a dream please let me know. Thank you


    • Scott
      August 23, 2015 @ 3:29 pm

      Great dream, Eva.
      Our Heavenly Father is so good, and He loves to give good gifts to His children. He loves answering our prayers, and certainly this dream was a direct answer!

      The dress of flowers reminds me of the plants that our first ancestors, Adam and Eve wore when they recognize the shame of sin. The Bible tells us that although our garments were as scarlet (with sin), He shall make them white, without sin! When we receive Jesus, He makes us new creatures, and your dream is a conformation to you of this reality! Whether or not we “feel” like we are saved, it is a reality based on what God has said and done for us as a free gift, and also He has confirmed it to you in the dream.
      The purple robe means that you are royalty, you are now an adopted daughter of the King of the universe!


  251. Matthew
    August 7, 2015 @ 7:04 am

    My daughters dream:

    We were in my uncles Alistair’s old room at my Nanas house and daddy mummy myself and my brother were there. We were sitting on the bed and Daddy was standing talking about a holiday that we were going on we had to sleep three days and three nights to get there. We were going to stay in a caravan.


    • Matthew
      August 30, 2015 @ 2:45 am

      Hi Scott you missed me out…


      • Scott
        August 30, 2015 @ 8:04 pm

        Sorry, Matthew.

        I believe that the three days and nights speaks of the “cost”, or price to pay for your holiday, good times. The good news is that the price was already paid by Jesus! The rest of your (her) life is an adventure with God, full of surprises and joy! The key to this “holiday life” is a restful, intimate relationship with your Heavenly Father.


  252. KA
    July 27, 2015 @ 4:32 am

    Hi Scott,
    In my dream I saw a young girl child crying for something. I offered to help by giving her money to go and buy what she was crying for. This did not stop her crying. She kept on coming to me crying for help. After giving her money many times I decided not to give her anymore. Then a man came into the seen and ask what the problem is. I explained that I have given her money many times to make her stop crying by ensuring she gets what she is looking for and unfortunately she kept on coming. The man gave me more money to make it available to her when she comes to me again.


    • Scott
      July 31, 2015 @ 7:35 pm

      Hi KA,
      WOW, this dream sounds like the same message as the previous one, and I believe this is a confirmation from the Lord. The man is Jesus, and He wants you to continue to give generously. He will continue to provide for you and through you! He is blessing you that you may bless others. 🙂


  253. KW
    July 15, 2015 @ 9:34 am

    In this dream, I promised to “split” my money with someone. I counted out all of the money and gave the person $100,000 and kept only $5,000 for myself. I remember seeing a white envelope with bundles of $1,000. I remember saying to the person “here is the money that I promised you” and then the person got in a car and drove away. After the person drove away, I realized my mistake of giving them almost all of the money instead of splitting it. I really needed that money to pay bills but then I said “oh well, I’ll just let them have it all.” Any ideas on what this dream means?


    • Scott
      July 31, 2015 @ 7:29 pm

      The dream tells me that you are a generous person. Jesus said, “Cast your bread on the waters, and after many days it shall be returned to you.”
      The dream reflects that this is your heart. God will provide what you need!


  254. JAY
    July 14, 2015 @ 8:01 pm



    • Scott
      July 20, 2015 @ 4:13 pm

      Hi Jay,
      In the dream you are in a room where it seems there is only one way out. You don’t have a choice. I believe it speaks of your life, you feel like decisions are being made for you and you are being controlled by others.
      Symbolically, a boyfriend can represent someone who takes the place of Jesus in our lives. I believe this dream is a revelation for you to ask God if there is anyone in your life to whom you may have given inappropriate authority over yourself. Jesus is the creator and ultimate authority, but also He is full of genuine love and concern for you. He always has your best interest at heart. If there are relationships which make us feel uncomfortable or fearfull, we can bring it to Him, and He’ll get us back on track!
      This may seem general or vague, but if you need more clarity, ask Jesus of course, but feel free to write back!
      God bless you with freedom, love and joy!


  255. Crystal Taylor
    July 8, 2015 @ 12:04 pm

    In my dream me and my friends are sleeping and when we wake up it is very cold so we go look in our other friends room and she is missing and there are some signs that show that she may have been attacked or maybe killed


    • Scott
      July 9, 2015 @ 2:22 am

      Hi Crystal,
      Because there is not a message of hope or encouragement in the dream, I believe it is from the enemy, intended to instill fear. However, Jesus can turn this around. We can pray whenever we remember a dream like this, and take authority over the enemy. No weapon fashioned against you will prosper, and we pray in the name of Jesus, protection over this friend. We pray that she be strengthen in her spirit that she will be able to stand against any attack, that Jesus will be her strength and shield. I do believe the Lord is calling you to a season of intercession for your friend.
      “For I know the plans that I have for you, says the Lord. Plans for your wellbeing and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”
      Does this ring true to you?


  256. Terry
    July 6, 2015 @ 6:30 pm

    I just got Ezekiel 17..when i awoke I got, read Ezekiel 17..have no idea how the two eagles play out in today’s world ..any idea?


    • Scott
      July 9, 2015 @ 2:48 am

      Hi Terry,
      I spent some time in Ez. 17, and it seems to me that it will take some time. In my experience, when I dream of just a scripture or reference, it is significant from the Lord, and it is well worth putting in some time and prayer about it. The Lord conceals a matter sometimes in order for us to benefit from searching out the answer. Perhaps you’ll want to re-read the passage daily for a week or longer, even a month, pondering what the Spirit of God is saying to you today as you spend time in this ancient text?


  257. Rose
    July 6, 2015 @ 5:05 pm

    Hi, in my dream someone had bought me a new car so I went back to the dealership that I had bought my new Hyundai or Honda from a couple of months ago and asked the receptionist lady if they had a buy back program and she said yes. she told me I wouldn’t be able to get it done today because they were so busy. the waiting room had so many people and they all had white t shirts on


    • Rose
      July 6, 2015 @ 5:07 pm

      I meant to clarify. someone bought me a new car debt free so I wanted to give the other one back so that I wouldn’t have two cars and have to pay the note on the one, thanks!


    • Terry
      July 12, 2015 @ 8:05 am

      thanks Scott..thats what I shall do…


    • Scott
      July 20, 2015 @ 4:28 pm

      Hi Rose,
      Usually a vehicle represents a ministry or job. It seems that you have accepted a position, and have been working in it (ministry or job, I’m not sure). Something better comes along unexpectedly, and I believe the Lord is saying that as you submit to those in authority over the first position, you will be able to be released to pursue the “better” ministry or job (better suited for you). It may take a little time, though…perhaps to find a replacement for you!
      Does this make sense?


  258. Casey
    July 6, 2015 @ 4:32 pm

    My husband and I are schedule for a court divorce in reality.
    Dream: I had a dream that my husband and I were going in a room that looked like a class. I went in and place my pocketbook down and left. When it was time to go back in the room, it was crowded and they would not let me in. I said my pocketbook was inside.
    When it was over, i looked for my pocketbook and finally found it scrunced by a fixture below.I was happy to see all of the contents were still inside.
    Thanks for the Intrepretation.


    • Scott
      July 20, 2015 @ 4:41 pm

      Hi Casey,
      Your pocketbook speaks of your Identity…who you are. This seems to be preparing you that there will be a season of loss, of course, and you’ll need to relearn your sense of who you are. Sadly you may not find it in the church immediately (the classroom), but keep entrusting yourself to the Lord. He is your hope. Eventually you’re sense of identity will be restored although you may take a few “hits” (the pocketbook having been neglected and scrunched up.)
      Be encouraged, the Lord is with you, and He delights in you. He will never turn His back on you, even if you might feel that way from others at times. You still have a future and a hope!


  259. KA
    July 6, 2015 @ 7:04 am

    Dear Scott,
    Thanks for the good job you are doing. I will need your help in understanding the following dreams:

    1. I had a dream in which the leader of our church ask me to buy him 1000 bibles. I told him I am unable to buy that but can buy him 100 copies.

    2. I had a dream of winning an election to become a member of parliament(MP). In the dream an elderly man assisted me to register as an MP and when he finished, he told me to go home and should not worry about anything again. All that I need to further help me do the work will be sent to me.

    Can you please help me with the interpretation? Thank you.


    • mary
      July 6, 2015 @ 1:12 pm

      I had a dream that my husband n another man were sitting on the sofa my husband was surrounded by gold crystal vessel


      • Scott
        July 31, 2015 @ 7:22 pm

        Mary, it would be helpful to know, is your husband a Christian?


    • Scott
      July 20, 2015 @ 5:19 pm

      Hello, KA
      I’m still considering the first dream, but I have a question for you about the second…it seems like a call for you to a governmental authority. Not sure at this point whether it is actually a call to governmental office as an MP, but the dream says that things will work out. You’ll be shown what to do. My question was, “Do you, or have you had a desire to serve in public office?”
      Regardless, I believe strongly that for now the call is to intercession, specifically for your country’s governmental authority. As you posture yourself to hear what Holy Spirit wants to release, you pray His will, and it will come to pass! In a very real way, in your intercession, you ARE a member of His parliament! Whether or not the dream is more literal, I believe that you will know later, but I believe you HAVE been elected to governmental intercession, and the “old man” (the Lord) will guide you!
      I hope that makes sense to you?


    • Scott
      July 31, 2015 @ 7:20 pm

      Hi KA,
      Regarding the first dream, who is the leader of the church? Jesus! After consulting with Gary, believe that Jesus is wanting to stretch you. He’s inviting you to do something which seems beyond what you feel you can handle, but be encouraged, because what He calls you to do, He will provide abundant grace (the power and ability to do God’s will) for accomplishing it well!


  260. Jan H.
    June 30, 2015 @ 2:22 pm

    One night I dreamed that I was on a farm. I had been outside and then I went into a shed that had a roof, a door and open meshed wire on sides so I could see outside. There was a Lamb which had its feet tied/cemented into a very small box – unable to move. It was neglected, dirty, had long hair in spots. At first I saw it standing and later I saw it lying on its side on the ground. The other people in the room didn’t think there was anything odd about this.

    The same night I had two dreams about being locked in and unable to get out. First was a bare room (no furniture) and I could see nails up and down the sheet-rock where the door used to be. The second was a bathroom with no door. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get out.


    • Scott
      July 31, 2015 @ 8:13 pm

      Hi Jan,
      Sorry for the late response, but I have been pondering this dream. Here is how it speaks to me, perhaps it will help you.

      It reminds me of some faulty religious thinking I’ve had in the past. Starting with being locked in the bathroom, this is a place of repentance.
      The truth is that when we come to Jesus, He takes all our sin, and says to us as He did to Peter at his foot washing, “you are completely clean”. It’s a done deal, we are made new creatures in Christ and are dead to sin!
      Jesus also said to Peter that he who has already washed needs only to clean his feet and he is completely clean. Sometimes in living life we get “dirty feet” and make mistakes or even sin. 1John 1:9 speaks to this spiritual foot washing, if we agree with God, and repent (change our wrong thinking) He will completely forgive us!
      My error in the past was treating my redemption, salvation solely as doctrine to be believed, but my right standing with God had become based on my constant repenting (my works). Unintentionally, the reality of the Lamb’s importance was neglected.

      Thanks be to God that the reality of the finished work of Jesus is NOT just religious dogma, but is practical and effective in empowering us to live lives FREE from sin. We are no longer trapped in the room of “sin,repent…sin,repent…sin, repent…”!!!

      It is for freedom that He has set us free!

      I hope this makes sense?


  261. Rosanne
    June 26, 2015 @ 9:20 am

    In my dream. a group of enemies had taken me, I was standing before one of them and one of them had something like a flask and some smoke or gas would come out of it and he pointed it against my stomach and they said that it was supposed to make me pass out and kill me however as he blew the smoke at my stomach the word of God would come to rememberance and I would speak the word of God to myself and it had no effect on me and everyone wondered why it wasn’t affecting me


    • Scott
      June 28, 2015 @ 3:47 pm

      Hi Rosanne,
      We know from scripture that greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world, and no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper. In this dream, the Lord is giving you a picture of this reality.
      I believe that as this word is true for us all, He is showing you a specific attack of the enemy through a person (the flask or vessel) attempting to release a spiritual (gas or smoke) assault on your innermost being. You may not even be aware of the attempt, but your spiritual armor is real. Specifically it is the power of God’s written word as revealed by His Spirit. The Spirit and the word. Continue in His word, but be sensitive especially as scripture comes to mind seemingly out of no-where. This is a prompting of the Holy Spirit. Declare/ pray those words with full assurance of faith! Thank you, Lord, for the Spirit and the Word; that as we submit to You, we can stand against any attack!

      Also, God redeems even plans of the enemy, so we pray for this vessel or flask, forgive them, Lord. They know not what they do. Turn it around. May their amazement draw them to know you. Our prayer is for their salvation, in Jesus’ name!

      He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'” (John 7:38 NASB)


      • rosanne
        July 2, 2015 @ 5:36 pm

        thanks so much Scott! my Spirit bears witness, I appreciate it so much. Many blessings to you


  262. Lauren
    June 14, 2015 @ 3:21 pm

    I had a dream about a flood. I wake up to go to work and it’s raining. I never really look out the window, but already begin to panic about how I will get to work. After a few minutes I look outside and realize that the water is almost to my 3rd story window, and I can’t see any cars, and only the tops of palm trees. I panic and call someone to see if they are under water. They aren’t seeing any flooding. Then more time passes and the water goes down and I can drive to work. For some reason I was so scared of this rain throughout the entire dream.

    The back story of why this dream freaked me out is recently it flooded really badly where I lived. I go to work at 2 AM and I don’t have an option but to try and get there. The last time if flooded I chose to not attempt to go in and wait for it to clear. I made it in about 4 hours later, but if I had tried I would have ended up in water that would have reached the windows of my car. We are expecting another threat of rain this week from a tropical storm. They are saying it will flood again. Am I just stressed out about the chance of rain, or is it something else. Help…


    • Scott
      June 21, 2015 @ 3:41 pm

      Hi Lauren,
      Based on your back story, it does seem that the dream is a reflection of what you were experiencing in your thoughts and emotions, what we call a soulish dream. Often God can use a dream like this to reveal what’s going on, and to show us how we can encounter more of His goodness.

      Lord, thank you for your goodness. You love Lauren completely, and are a very real help to her in time of need. She need not worry but can bring all things to You in prayer, and see You turn all things around for her good! Strengthen her within, and the apparent floods of fear and worry will quickly subside and be replaced by Your perfect peace!


  263. Zoyana
    June 13, 2015 @ 3:25 am

    Please help me interpret this dream- I saw Jesus on the moon. The sky was lit with soothing milky white moonlight. God then descended gradually down to the earth as if there were some kind of steps in the cloud. There were a crowd of people/angels behind him that I could not identify. Everything was so magical. I was watching up in the sky awestruck. As god came down and closer to me where there were also two little girls standing by me, he gave them some chocolates. At the very moment I prayed to him, not loudly though, it was just a whisper in his ear that “ God I don’t have babies please bless me with one!” (In reality I am struggling with infertility). He then smiled and came closer to me and fill me with some kind of energy. It was like breath or kind of air or wind I could not quite explain in words. My eyes were closed and I was receiving this thing from him. It was flowing in my body as if my body was balloon. The feeling was so good so beautiful. In my mind, I was talking to myself “oh I was so empty that I never realized hmm.”. And god told me smiling as if he read my mind “you realized it? Now just feel it.” It was a dream that I could never forget. I am a non Christian. I never saw Jesus in my dream. I do not have any knowledge of what symbolic meanings and interpretations could be of breath or wind in Christianity. I would be so grateful if you give me some insight into this wonderful dream. Thank you !


    • Scott
      June 21, 2015 @ 3:15 pm

      Jesus is Down to Earth

      Hi Zoyane,

      What an awesome dream! I believe there are numerous layers to the dream, and will write what I believe the Lord is highlighting to me.

      What is significant to me isn’t so much that Jesus was on the moon, but that He came down to Earth. We know that God quite literally came down to Earth 2000 years ago, in the person of Jesus. How amazing that the Creator would empty Himself and walk the Earth as a man! There is also a play on words here. God is down to earth; He is real, and practical! In the dream, He is revealing that to you. He not only is real, but He is showing Himself as personal. he knows you, and cares for you!

      In the Book, breath and wind both usually symbolize God’s holy Spirit. He is God’s presence with His people. Of Him, Jesus said to His followers, “He is with you, and He will be in you!”
      The way he interacted with the little girls in your dream is how He relates to us in real life. He is a good Father, and DELIGHTS to give good gifts to His children. The Good Book also says, “Ask, and you will recieve, that your Joy may be made full.” I believe that your dream was a genuine encounter with God, the Spirit. You asked, and He smiled. It is His good pleasure to give what you ask. You have what you have requested! Is this not a promise from the most high, the awesome worker of wonders? You can believe it and recieve it!

      Thank you Jesus for your promise, for Your goodness!

      Two little girls? Hmmm…let’s see what God does!


      • Zoyana
        June 22, 2015 @ 2:40 am

        Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. I greatly appreciate it. It feels so good to know that god loves you. Now, I feel blessed. Your way of interpreting a dream is wonderful…filled with so much positivity. Thank you!


  264. erna
    June 11, 2015 @ 11:48 am

    I have a dream that my 2 friend any I are
    Changing curtain


    • Scott
      June 21, 2015 @ 3:26 pm

      Curtains speak to me about privacy and secrecy. I believe there is change coming in your devotional life, your secret times with the Lord. This is true for your friends as well. It is good to change things up from time to time as the Lord leads!


  265. Latorya Woods
    June 7, 2015 @ 8:51 am

    Hi . I had a dream that I was talking to someone who was of no importance seeing as I didn’t or can’t say if I even knew who it was and all of a sudden a window with open blinds (if I remember right) to my left caught my attention. I saw a man in a suit talking with a lady holding hands outside either on the side of the church building I was standing in or behind it. Either way it was a meeting in private like as couples do. I thought to myself how inappropriate to do that at church. But as I looked closer the man was my husband with a woman! I was shocked but I didn’t move I just sat there and watched. As open as it was I was the only one seeing this..then dream began to fade and I saw a the couple still kissing I began to pray agaisnt it in my mind as I did I saw a book get inbetween the two lips. As long as I spoke against it the book would interfere with the kiss but as I stopped and did nothing they’d join in the fellowship of kissing again….


    • Scott
      June 10, 2015 @ 12:34 am

      Hi Latorya,

      On the surface one might be alarmed at a dream like this. I was at first, but as I sought the Lord, He made it VERY clear to me that this is symbolic, it is not literal, and the reality is that it is a GOOD dream from Him. It’s an invitation for you to intercede for others with a strong promise that your prayers WILL BE EFFECTIVE!

      First of all, be assured that the Lord is NOT saying that your husband is having an affair. Prophetically, I am assuring you that he is faithful to you. Do not even entertain that thought, or be at all fearful for it is an attempt of the enemy to twist the truth and promise Jesus has for you in this dream.

      The window symbolizes revelation, your husband is a symbol of men in the church. The Lord is showing you a possible attack on the sexual purity of the men in your church specifically. He is showing you that as you pray for the men, HE WILL RESPOND TO YOUR REQUESTS! This is a powerful dream. As you pray, your brothers and sisters will be embracing the Book!

      I believe very strongly that Psalm 1 is where you should begin praying (as He leads, of course). Pray that the men in your church would delight in the Word, hunger to hear Him, as they delight in the Word, they will not sit with sinners, scoffers, etc., but they will grow strông in Him and bear much fruit. As you pray, it WILL HAPPEN! This is ongoing…as you pray His Word will be on their lips, not other women. 🙂

      I remember as a young Christian I had an insatiable hunger for God’s Word, I couldn’t get enough. I carried a New Testament at all times. I read throughout the day, before work, every break at work, whenever there was down time, and in the evening after work, I was in the Book. I thought that was normal for Christians, but I was amazed when, a year or two later, the man who led me to the Lord told me that ever since I gave my life to Jesus, he and his friend would pray for me before they went to work every day. Do you know what they prayed every day? That God would give me a hunger for His Word!

      May God give you joy and confident expectation of His goodness as you undertake this new venture with Him (should you choose to accept it). 🙂



  266. KA
    May 20, 2015 @ 5:51 am

    Dear Scott,
    I was praying on Monday about my Church concerning forces fighting for its growth. I ask God to show me waht to do. I then quiet myself to listern to the holy Spirit. This is the vision I had.
    ” I saw a monkey among us in a church and those present including myself begun to stone the monkey. We chased it everywhere it goes until it climed a very big and tall tree. I saw one of us-those chasing it also climbing the tree. The person got close to the monkey and we were all shouting that he kicked the mokey to kill it and I could not see anything again”
    Can you please help me with its intepretation. Thank you


    • Scott
      May 31, 2015 @ 4:21 pm

      I am not a church growth expert, but here’s my take on your vision. I believe the monkey represents distractions, everyone was chasing it.

      I believe the Lord is encouraging you in your intercession not to chase after the hinderences so much as to release the blessing the Lord wants to release.

      Specifically, the tall tree is a man, I believe a leader in your church. As the monkey takes refuge in the tree, there are distractions in this leader’s heart. These could even be good ideas and plans. Rather than praying against the distractions, the Lord would have you focus in your Intercessor on the blessing to be released. Perhaps releasing clarity of vision, singlemindedness, a spirit of wisdom and revelation, etc.

      I had a pastor once who’s prayer was, “Lord I pray that I would not lead these people as seems best to me, but only as I’m led by your Spirit.”

      I hope that helps.


      • Scott
        May 31, 2015 @ 4:23 pm

        *in your intercession


  267. Tammy
    May 18, 2015 @ 3:56 pm

    Was going down a road in the car with hubby driving. Seen a garbage bag that others were going around. I looked at the bag and it moved. Told hubby to stop and got out and could tell it was a child in the bag. Ripped open the bag and the child was laying in fetal position but looking at me. I tried to roll them on their back, as I did, she went on her back but legs and arms remained in fetal position. We picked her up and held her in the car while hubby called 911. I asked her name and she would not say. I asked if she wanted some water and she said yes, so I gave her some little sips to her. I again asked her name but never could understand what she was saying. (Olivia I thought) I asked her how old she was and she said 18. But I knew that was not true because of her features.
    I would guess she was around 8. Anyway, I sat there just holding her and she remained in the fetal position the whole time. I continued with sips of water and then I woke up.
    Not sure about the time but sure it was daylight
    She had on kakhi shorts and a rose colored shirt.


    • Tammy
      May 28, 2015 @ 11:11 am

      Delete this please. No one wants to interpret it and it is past now.


      • Scott
        May 31, 2015 @ 3:30 pm

        I apologize, Tammy, for the late response. I try to get to the dream within a week, but am currently back logged.


      • Scott
        May 31, 2015 @ 5:54 pm

        Tammy, I believe this dream shows your compassion on young women who have been abandoned, primarily spiritually. Remaining in the fetal position shows young woman who have not been rooted and grounded in their faith, in their own relationship with our good God. It shows your compassion, and as you lean on Jesus and His Spirit (represented by your husband), help is on it’s way. At this point, the Lord is calling on you to simply take the time and love on them, one at a time, where they are. Not overwhelming with a heavy discipleship program right away, but bringing small, refreshing sips of life. Showing and giving a small, but significant taste of His love.


        • Tammy
          June 2, 2015 @ 5:42 pm

          Thank you Scott!! This definitely bears witness with my spirit!!


  268. Matthew
    May 14, 2015 @ 4:35 pm

    I have had a accusation made against me recently.
    My Dream. I was standing looking up into my neighbours roof space. A man who is currently a witness in a investigation is working in the roof space he has put a window into the roof and is putting a small number of multicoloured stain glass sections over the window there is also a wooden set of stairs leading to the loft space it’s an open mezzanine level, everything seems to be well my made. I remember thinking to myself in the dream that there was a lot of money being spent on the neighbours house but then I suddenly think it’s necessary to get the structural work to support my house done so I suppose it is what it is. I look up at the stain glass sections, and a hand appears showing me two multicoloured stain glass sections in his hand one on top of the other I think they look quite cheap but there effective I ask him how much it costs and he answered four and five pounds / four or five pounds? I woke up thinking that can’t mean anything?


    • Scott
      May 24, 2015 @ 8:23 pm

      Hi Matthew,
      It is significant that the witness is working in the house of your neighbor. Jesus said that we are to love our neighbor, and I believe the neighbor here is the man (or woman?) who is accusing you. The Lord is saying not to focus on what your neighbor is doing, but focus on the foundation of your own life. Love your neighbor, forgive your neighbor as Jesus has forgiven you! He promises that He will be your advocate. The stained glass is an obscuring of reality, a lack of clarity. The Lord will bring clarity as you release love and true forgiveness. The numbers 4 and 5 (pounds) I believe refers to the following scripture:

      “Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men’s hearts; and then each man’s praise will come to him from God.” (1 Corinthians 4:5 NASB)

      This scripture seems to fit like a glove, don’t you think?


      • Matthew
        May 25, 2015 @ 7:39 am

        Thank you, I haven’t been actively holding onto unforgiveness. Tho through this ordeal I’m sure I could be more loving compassionate and centred on pursuing Gods agenda. This is a hard trial to go through but God is good.

        Blessings Matthew


  269. Lacretia
    May 9, 2015 @ 5:53 am

    My dream started with me waking up putting a take out box of food in the trash in the middle of the night. I put the bag outside on the porch. I started watching tv in the living room eating something standing up. My husband wakes up and stands there watching me for a few seconds. He then says that letter isn’t for me and grabs an envelope from the couch and walks out the front door but instead of going to the mailbox he goes the opposite way. Stating I’ll take it to them, all of a sudden the blinds are open and there is a man outside staring at the house leaning against a car. It looked like he was stealing gas from the car. I’m standing at the door waiting on my husband and the man walks up the driveway asking if I know where is house is. I say no I don’t as I’m starting toclose the door hes digg in his pocket and pulls out a gun wrapped in a hankerchief and says ma’am your going to have to let me in. I close and lock the door to protect my daughter and I.


    • Scott
      May 10, 2015 @ 12:49 am

      Hi Lacretia,
      It seems like a key symbol is the food. Food in dreams often represents spiritual food, intake of God’s Word and communion with Him. I have noticed that when I am distracted from spending times of undistracted times with the Lord, I can be susseptible to an attack from the enemy, and I think that is the message of the dream…the distraction of the TV while eating. In this case the enemy is going after the gas, or anointing that empowers your ministry.
      The letter on the couch wasn’t for you, but the Lord is saying that He DOES have letters addressed specifically for YOU. Be encouraged, and continue to strengthen yourself n the Lord! 🙂


    • Matthew
      May 25, 2015 @ 7:37 am

      Thank you, I haven’t been actively holding onto unforgiveness. Tho through this ordeal I’m sure I could be more loving compassionate and centred on pursuing Gods agenda. This is a hard trial to go through but God is good.

      Blessings Matthew


  270. KA
    April 28, 2015 @ 5:45 pm

    Dear Scott,
    I had a dream of my wife bringing a young boy in our house. I enquired about the boys background and later found out that he is a son of a a prostitute. As soon as I got to know of it I informed my wife to send the boy away because he may have influence on our children. Can you please help me with interpretation. Thank you.


    • Scott
      May 10, 2015 @ 1:03 am

      Here’s my take:
      Your wife represents the church, doing as we should, bringing in the lost, making a place a place for them and raising them up.
      Ordinarily a husband (you) would represent Jesus, the Bridegroom, but not in this case, because we know it’s not His heart to send any away! I believe that here you are a symbol of a religious spirit operating in the church, misguided shepherds operating out of fear rather than love.
      The Lord has given you this dream because you do have a heart for those new to the kingdom, and you are part of the solution and will not cower to fear, but are confident that the Lord is able to raise up the unchurched together with those raised in the church.
      Hope is the confident expectation of good from God, and you are a man of hope!


      • KA
        May 11, 2015 @ 4:19 am

        Thank you Scott. Very much appreciated!


  271. Cathy Richardson
    April 25, 2015 @ 6:04 pm

    A brief background before my dream: Since 2004, I’m divorced after a 21-year marriage from which we have 2 wonderful adult daughters. We were pastors for 10 years in a church mixed with the law; conflicts were too hard to resolve and fear, guilt and low self-esteem killed any chance of marriage healing. *Since my divorce, I have felt terribly condemned for my failure as a wife and mother; it has tormented me ever since the divorce in 2004. I now pastor in a grace-oriented church and have had much healing, but the accusation of being a loser still comes at me, especially since my x has remarried and seems happier than ever. Then, I had this dream a few weeks ago:
    I am in Florida at an inlet near where my x now lives with his new wife. Our daughters are there and my x is friendly with me. Everyone seems to be having a pretty relaxed time. I am walking out to the dock, looking out over the water and wondering where will we go next around here? Will we maybe hike around the inlet or will we head to the beach? By this time my two daughters have joined me on the deck and I can hear my x in the background somewhere. Just as I’m thinking how this seems nice with the family, (yet I know I am really alone), a huge whale rises up out of the water, diving straight at me, slamming head-on into us (me and my two daughters). As its massive body, nose first, comes out of nowhere right at me, I grab my oldest daughter with my left arm around her waste, and reach for my youngest daughter with my right hand–all I could grab was her collar. (The girls were younger — about 11 and 7 years old). As I grabbed them with all the strength in me I was thinking, “We are going down. We are all now going into the deep water. This massive whale is probably going to kill us, but one thing I know– I will not let go of my girls.” As the whale’s massive force came over the three of us, I woke up. The End.

    (I don’t ever have dreams like this. Because it was so vivid and involved such significant aspects of my life, I thought this is important. I need to pray for what this is about, because of all the pain I’ve suffered about my divorce and the impact it has had on my children, and especially of how much condemnation that relationship (with my x) has spoken to me even until today.

    Thank you for any insight the Lord will give us about this.


    • Gary Fishman
      May 4, 2015 @ 9:49 am

      Actually although the dream seems overwhelming I believe it is a good dream. Your hanging out with your ex in the dream shows that the events that took place still have a powerful hold on your emotions and you have been unable to move on. The whale reminds me of the big fish in the story of Jonah that ended up bringing Jonah back on track in terms of his assignment and calling. I believe the whale is symbolic of the Lord bringing you and your family away from the path of focusing on past failures, regrets, shame, etc. and into a new season of freedom, focus, peace, fruitfulness. The Lord is showing you that the past is under the blood and it is time to look toward the great things God has in store for you.


  272. Donna Sherman
    April 16, 2015 @ 6:51 pm

    This is for a friend. Her name is : Net Winters:
    “Okay any dream interpretation welcome… This morning I had a dream I was suddenly driving a car at high speed on a very busy freeway with all sorts of on and off ramps going all over and many cars changing lanes rapidly and I had no idea where I was or where I was supposed to be going. I don’t drive very much and hardly ever in the city so this would be scary to me but I was sort of dumbstruck and having many near accidents…just changing lanes without looking and only trying to find a place to park the car and couldn’t find one. When I FINALLY got the car shut off and got out it was dark and deep in the city and I sat down on a bench because I was afraid to get back in the car. Then this angry teen guy pushing a stroller with a baby in it came up and started yelling at me that I couldn’t sit there and I totally knocked him out cold! End of dream. You would think I’d been really stressed out lately but it has been more like I’ve been in sort of a daze lately…tired all the time and can’t really focus. Sort of like when you feel restless but feel too tired to do anything about it. I never have nightmares but I do sometimes have really tense, confusing dreams like this one.”


    • Scott
      April 16, 2015 @ 8:34 pm

      Hi Donna,
      I started writing my interpretation, but first I’d like to know a little about Net’s walk with the Lord…is she a Christian?
      Thanks, and thanks for the encouragement the other day!


      • Donna Sherman
        April 17, 2015 @ 8:58 am

        Hi Scott,
        Yes, Net is a Christian. I also sent the dream to Gary’s email and I got a response back this morning from him. But if you still want to share your response, that would be great 🙂 Thanks Scott!


    • Liza
      April 20, 2015 @ 8:44 am

      My husband and I are youth ministers at our local church

      I had a dream I was driving and with out notice going to give birth. I knew the baby was going to be premature, for a split second I was scared but a peace came over me .I stayed calm and while I was driving gave birth to a healthy premature baby I could hear her breathing fine, I say “her ” because at one point I looked down and saw finger nail polish on her nails.


  273. Andrea
    April 10, 2015 @ 12:38 pm

    I had a dream the prophetic pastor (male, who has been mentoring me in prophetic ministry) in my church died suddenly. Next I was sitting in the church I attend by myself and the senior pastor (female) announced that he died. Then I heard a voice say ” the prophet in the house has been silenced”! I am very close to both pastors and found the dream disturbing. PLEASE, ANY INSIGHT TO THE MEANING OF THIS DREAM WOULD BE GREALY APPRECIATE.


    • Scott
      April 11, 2015 @ 1:34 am

      Remember, dreams are usually SYMBOLIC, not literal. If I dream I am pregnant, it probably means God is about to “birth something new” out of me. Similarly, if a person dies in a dream, typically that is not literal, but symbolic, usually of new life! Scripture often speaks that we must “die” before we can live. We have died with Christ, but are alive in Him! Die to our flesh, die to seeking our will above God’s will. Unless a seed falls to the ground and “dies”, it remains by itself, alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit!
      I believe this dream is an encouragement for your pastor/mentor, that if they are going through a tough or trying time, that growth and much increase is on it’s way!


    • Liza
      April 20, 2015 @ 8:40 am

      can you please help me understand my dream. My husband and are are youth ministers at our local church…..

      I had a dream I was driving and with out notice going to give birth. I knew the baby was going to be premature, for a split second I was scared but a peace came over me .I stayed calm and while I was driving gave birth to a healthy premature baby I could hear her breathing fine, I say “her ” because at one point I looked down and saw finger nail polish on her nails.


    • Liza
      April 20, 2015 @ 4:53 pm

      Sorry I need to add this to my dream
      After I gave birth I was so calm feeling the baby breathing and I was sitting on it but not crushing it. It was like when a hen sits on an egg. I was only looking for someone to help because the embolical cord was still attacked so I wanted the ambulance to come to cut it.


  274. RM
    April 8, 2015 @ 10:59 am

    A short scene dream. It was Jesus, my husband, and I. Jesus kept calling my husband David (not his real name). I was confused then I thought in my dream that this means something.


    • Scott
      April 11, 2015 @ 1:47 am

      If Jesus is referring to your husband by a name other than his “real” name, it’s good news! Name changes are common in the scriptures. Names are important. I remember reading that as Guidean was found cowering in fear, heaven (an angel?) called him “Valiant Warrior” This wasn’t sarcasm, but rather a declaration of his true self, so he could see himself as God sees him, and live up to his destiny!
      I believe in this case Jesus is saying that heaven sees your husband as a man after God’s own heart, like David. There are surely other aspects of David’s that are your husband’s as well, and I believe some are yet to be revealed, as he seeks the Lord about it. He can be asking, ‘Lord, what is it about David that you see in me?”


  275. RM
    April 8, 2015 @ 10:56 am

    I was trying to drive from Cranford to my mother’s house in Kenilworth. It looked different, could not figure the way. Stopped by a side road, 3 ladies. They were mocking God. They assumed I would chime in. I said “No I love God, I don’t know where I would be without Him”. All of a sudden there was snow on the ground and I was perplexed. I was then in my car stopped at a red light. Didn’t know which way to go and I was panicking. Needed to know before light changed!


    • Scott
      April 11, 2015 @ 2:26 am

      It sounds to me as if you have a decision to make probably relating to ministry, and you are not sure which way to go, what direction to take. I believe the Lord would say, “Don’t fret about it, enjoy the journey.” You don’t need to figure it all out, but He will be with you, and guide you as you go.
      The encounter with the three ladies is showing you that even if you don’t know where you are, you are his faithful servant, and He trusts you!

      Prov.25:13 Like the cold of snow in the [a]time of harvest
      Is a faithful messenger to those who send him,
      For he refreshes the soul of his masters.

      Even if you are not certain if you are on the right track, you are, because your heart is right, and He is with you. You would indeed be lost without Him, but you are not lost (even if you don’t know where you are), because He is with you!


  276. Donna Sherman
    April 1, 2015 @ 8:22 pm

    In real life my daughter & I owned a Mother/Daughter house that went into foreclosure, b/c my husband died and couldn’t pay the 2nd half of the mortgage anymore and then we lost the house in hurricane Sandy.
    She dreamed last week that she saw 2 “live” lions in the Living room of that house who were laying on the couches and it looked like they were guarding it. And she realized in the dream that the only way to get anything more out of that house to salvage was to try & go past the lions secretly if she could.
    Thank you for anyone’s input.


    • Scott
      April 11, 2015 @ 3:27 am

      Hi Donna. I’m so sorry for your tragic loss. I pray that my interpretation of this dream will bring some hope for your future, the joyful expectation of good from God.

      Houses usually represent our lives, and this being a former house, speaks to your lives in the recent past.
      Here, the lions represent the enemy, who feels right at home in the living room! However, the Lord exposed him in this dream for your sakes, so that instead of cowering in fear, you can get rid of him. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus comes bringing new life. Abundant life! The Word says that if we humble ourselves before God, we need only resist the enemy (including his fearful thoughts, doubts of God’s goodness, etc.), and he will flee!

      I believe this scripture fits well here:
      Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. (‭1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭6-10‬ NASB)


      • Donna Sherman
        April 13, 2015 @ 2:41 pm

        WOW! You Scott have really speak to my heart with this interpretation.
        You and Amelia are getting “almost” as good as Gary LOL!! 🙂 Thanks so much Scott for the time you took to answer me.


        • Scott
          April 16, 2015 @ 7:51 pm


          • Scott
            April 16, 2015 @ 7:51 pm


  277. Nichole Allen
    March 30, 2015 @ 9:12 pm

    I was a few months pregnant, just starting to show. I was walking around a big lecturing hall that had a big screen. Real estate videos were being shown. I gathered to watch the real estate videos with a bunch of old real estate agents. About 5 minutes into the video, a swarm of young people came into the auditorium to watch the videos also. The person showing the videos pressed pause, amused to have the young people there. I was smiling also. The young adults did not care about how they interrupted the video. As all the commotion went on I began to walk in front of the auditorium to find a comfortable place to settle and watch the videos. I remember thinking that I wanted to take a soft chair from the front and move it to where I wanted to sit. but I did not. Then as I got to the back of the auditorium, a couple walked passed me and I got hungry as the carried a pizza. I wanted to follow them. I remember that one of that couple was a lady that was pregnant.

    10 minutes ago


    • Scott
      April 16, 2015 @ 8:13 pm

      Hi Nichole,
      I believe the Lord is giving you a heart for the youth, the next generation. There is an invitation open for you, if you would like to walk in it. You can take a comfy seat in the church and primarily be a spectator, or you can join the couple who are beginning to walk out the same ministry to the youth. They are bringing God’s words to the youth, who may seem to be disrupting the status quo, but the Lord and you delight in them!
      Does that ring true to you?


  278. Jaiela
    March 24, 2015 @ 12:16 am

    I dreamed my mom was going out and as she went to leave i checked the mail. We had a lot of mail and my sisters backpack was outside in front of the door so i brought it all inside. Then i saw we had a second mailbox on the left side of my house and i just knew that a prophetic painting was in there for me, so i walk into the yard to get to the mailbox but i got stuck in mud and start to sink so I call my mom, who hadn’t left yet, over to help me out. She got on a more stable area of mud and tried to pull me out but i kept sinking. Then all of a sudden we were in the balcony section at a church, but we were still in the mud. we called out for help but no one bothered. I grabed onto a pew and pulled myself out of the mud and the church people just watched, and the left half of the room had cameras and recorded us. Then i noticed a painting at the end of the pew so i went over to look at it. Its hard to describe, but it was a moving painting of Jesus, one of his eyes was a diamond which sparkled, the other a dove that flew towards me. then he was looking out into the distance and turned his head to look at me. Then there he was again walking towards me wearing a white, red, and yellow robe and I mistook him for a women but i realized it was him after a sec. (All of that was images from the same painting and happened at about the same time.) After that I looked on the back of the painting and it said “Jaacium” in bold at the top and then a message. I gathered that that painting wasn’t the one for me and decided to go home to find my painting, and that was it.


    • Scott
      April 7, 2015 @ 10:45 am

      Cool dream, Jaiela. Question, who is Jaacium?


      • Jaiela
        April 12, 2015 @ 1:38 pm

        No idea. Lol that’s just what i read.


        • Scott
          April 16, 2015 @ 7:45 pm

          Hi Jaiela,
          I enjoyed sharing with you about the prophet paintings indeed being yours…to give away to others. I love the idea of sketching/painting portraits of strangers BEFORE you ever see them in the natural…how cool is Jesus? 🙂

          Also, I believe that being stuck in the mud illustrates the reality of Matt. 13, that the enemy opposes the prophetic Word(s) you walk in, but you are an overcomer, and He Who is in you is greater! In the church there are many who are mere spectators, just being hearers (and watchers) of the Word, but you are one who hears the voice of the Lord, and does it!


  279. Crystal
    March 23, 2015 @ 2:32 am

    This sequence of dreams have troubled me for years… I’d love to know what they mean because they all have a bad feeling.
    They started when I was maybe 10, I got saved at 16 and they continued, the last one I had I was about 23. This was when I realised that the man was the same in all the
    dreams… In all the dreams I die.

    The first one I was in an aisle at the video shop and family were around the store too. I felt funny and looked around towards the door and noticed a man in all black with trench coat and big black boots come in. He was holding a black overnight bag and he opened it casually, pulled out a machine gun and started shooting in a line at head height across the store, he repeated this action getting lower each time. He killed everyone and I could see their blood coming under the shelves toward me. He smile as he shot me twice and I fell down and felt all my blood draining out. I knew I was dying. I went all tingly, saw myself die From birds eye view then woke up.

    The last one I had. The same man, dressed the same was standing in a hot dusty, bushy campsite at night, I secretly watched on as he gave a small group of teenages machine guns and told them to hunt down the youth at the camp like a sick game. They all went and started killing people, as did the man…. It was like he had expert training in hunting people.

    I ran and was hiding from them all night, by day I made it to an English looking narrow three story terrace house. It was cold and snow covered everything. All of a sudden I was naked and had a baby. I tried to protect it but the man and his group had surrounded
    The house and he was excexcited to get me. It was as if he knew me and really took pleasure in killing me.
    I cluched at my baby and ran to the top storyof the house, iI was tapped with no where to go and could hear him coming up the stairs.
    I shut myself in the bathroom, I was so scared, naked and didn’t know what to do with the baby. As I heard him get to the bathroom door, I just couldn’t stand the thought of him smiling while he shot me again so I said “no! You’ll never get me!” I put my baby down in the sink and climbed out of the third story bathroom window. I looked out at all the snow covered terrace houses, they looked so beautiful. I seemed to be at peace with my decision. Then I jumped. I saw my naked body falling in slow motion with the snow. Then my body hit the ground and I saw my blood go all over the house and I woke up…


    • Scott
      April 7, 2015 @ 10:30 am

      Hi Crystal,
      We believe that God is not the source of all dreams, but He IS able to use all dreams, even those from the enemy, to turn what he meant for evil into good. Often death in a dream is good. It can represent the spiritual reality that as believers, we have been crucified with Christ, and now live with Him. Death to ourselves is necessary for new life.
      I believe these dreams reveal the enemy’s plan to keep you in fear of him. The Lord is teaching you that you need not fear satan and death. The scripture said to take a stand against the enemy. We are more than conquerors, and when we submit to God, we CAN resist him and HE must flee from YOU! In your life if you feel fearful, know it’s not from Jesus, and remember that you are wearing spiritual armor, and can stand against the fear.


  280. Crystal
    March 23, 2015 @ 1:56 am

    I have had three dreams In about three weeks.

    In the first dream I gave birth to a premature baby. It was dead but, i just knew it was going to be ok. I took the baby and with some patting bought it back to life.. the dream ended.

    In the second dream I gave birth to premature twins, a boy and girl. They were also born dead. They were much smaller than the first one. I thought they would be ok, but as time went on I started to fear. It was hard work but I wouldn’t give up and was rubbing the boys back and he came back to life. Then I held the girl that was smaller and rubbed her back… I started to worry that I wouldnt be able to bring her back but after a while she came back to life also. The dream ended.

    In the third dream I gave birth to a tiny premature baby… Probably the size of a 19 week old fetus. She was born dead and this time I was afaid staight away that she might not make it. The hospital staff took her away and wouldn’t let me see her, they said she’s dead, there is no way she can survive, we aren’t even going to try to revive her, she’s just to small. I would not have it, I fought strongly with them and demanded they give her to me at once and the equipment to revive her so I could do it my self. They gave her back with the oxygen mask and left me to it. I was worried but fought hard and she came back to life. The dream ended…

    Would love to know your thoughts…


    • Scott
      April 7, 2015 @ 10:37 am

      It sounds to me like you have had an idea for some service to the Lord, but the timing wasn’t quite right. This ministry was premature, needed to be bathed in more prayer before launching out, and it never came to anything. I believe the Lord is encouraging you that it is time to revive that ministry. Timing is important.
      Does this make sense?


  281. L A
    March 19, 2015 @ 10:25 am

    In my dream I was sleeping in my bed I was laying on my back and there was a black snake going in and out of my feet just to my ankles doing a figure 8. I could feel the snake slimy and wet on my feet. I felt frightend and disgusted. I literly jumped out of my bed yelling. My husband had to prompt me to wake up -it felt so real. I can not stop thinking about this dream.


    • Scott Blauch
      April 6, 2015 @ 6:50 pm

      The snake represents an attack of the enemy in regards to outreach. There may be specific fears or thoughts that the Lord will give you victory over. Greater is He that is in you than the fear! Seek Him for specifics, perhaps there are ways of thinking that will be renewed. He has not given us a spirit of fear, but power, Love, and a sound mind! Submit yo God, resist the enemy, and he will flee.

      Does this make sense?


      • LA
        April 13, 2015 @ 11:50 am

        Yes, the devil was trying to attack. My husband and I are the Youth ministers at local church so he lurks and wants this generation.


  282. L A
    March 19, 2015 @ 10:17 am

    I just registered how do I post my dream?

    Do I do it here?


  283. KA
    March 11, 2015 @ 8:44 pm

    I found myself and some others on top of a very tall building. Many of the people who were at the top of the building were trying to get down using the emergency exit- which is to decending on the walls of the building. I felt like this is not save so I kept on finding the best way out but was not able to get down.

    The next day I had another dream. The president of my country had resigned and there was chaos. I found out later that people were becoming hopeful and they came to me asking of other people that can help in building the country again. I had another vision like being in the hospital in that chaos mode and people asking me where the doctors were?


    • Scott Blauch
      April 6, 2015 @ 6:40 pm

      I believe these dreams are related. During the times of caos, people are coming to you for answers, even where to find help. The leader of a country and also a doctor often represent Jesus, so ultimately, look for creative ways to point others to Jesus, for He brings order (peace, shalom) out of chaos. I believe also that these dreams point to your administrative gifting, to help put the right people together. Discernment is part of your gift mix…you “knew” that the fire escape wasn’t safe. I believe that as you learn to press in even more to your Helper, you will ALWAYS be able to find the right and safe route!


  284. KA
    March 10, 2015 @ 3:24 am

    I had a dream of going to a bank and I was offered a job as a database administrator. The lady who offered me the job also offered me a desk and gave me all the assistance I need. Can you please help me with the meaning of this dream. Thank you


    • Scott
      April 2, 2015 @ 6:55 pm

      I believe the Lord is inviting you to a new aspect of ministry. The woman has the authority to offer the “job”, and is providing whatever you need, including the desk. She also is your helper. She represents Holy Spirit who has authority, but also is your helper! I believe this is a leadership role, for you, an administrator. Do not fear or shrink back, because He is with you and will guide you every step of the way. What ever you need, just ask!


    • Scott Blauch
      April 6, 2015 @ 6:39 pm

      I believe these dreams are related. During the times of caos, people are coming to you for answers, even where to find help. The leader of a country and also a doctor often represent Jesus, so ultimately, look for creative ways to point others to Jesus, for He brings order (peace, shalom) out of chaos. I believe also that these dreams point to your administrative gifting, to help put the right people together. Discernment is part of your gift mix…you “knew” that the fire escape wasn’t safe. I believe that as you learn to press in even more to your Helper, you will ALWAYS be able to find the right and safe route!


  285. Becky McManus
    February 24, 2015 @ 4:01 pm

    Dream: I was in a dark room with a card table against the wall to my left. It was evidently a large room and I saw no other walls. There were people moving about, and I was aware of some people that I knew, the “Black” family. I remember being aware of 2 or 3 of their young daughters being there. (The Black’s are a family that have 6 children (5 daughters, 1 son) which God has called out of our church to work with Life Action Ministries to bring about revival within our churches. I taught up to 4 of their children piano lessons for a number of years.) Again, it was black inside that room. I remember passing from that room into the room on the other side of the wall a few times by bending down low underneath the card table and going through what appeared to be a dark tunnel. I only saw the entrance way of the passageway, though. I remember being in the other room though, and it was fully lit and filled with people talking and socializing. I did not know any of them. Then I would go back to the dark room through that dark entranceway, from underneath the card table. It was difficult crawling underneath the card table to get from one room to the next. I think I did it 2 or 3 times.
    Then as I stood there looking, the card table a little toward my left, not very far away, I saw an arm pointing its finger toward something. The arm was wrapped in bright white muslin cloth down to the wrist and pointing with its index finger. I saw the arm only to the beginning of the shoulder, and it was pointing from my right side toward the left, and it was only a few yards in front of me, about shoulder height in the air.
    I turned around and looked to my left where the finger was pointing. There was a (normal-sized) white door in front of me. It had a round door knob on the right side where door knobs go. (I do not remember the color of the door knob, whether it was black or gold.) The door was not far from the dark area where the card table was….I could see them both at the same time. The door had 1 step made of regular bricks leading up to it (like the step to our garage door coming into our house).
    I thought, “I should have wondered how all those people were getting from one room to the next.”
    I reached for the doorknob, opened the door and went into the bright room, thinking, “This is so-o much easier!”


    • Scott
      March 9, 2015 @ 3:34 pm

      I believe this is a dream which shows your heart for revival in the church. It is both for you and others with the same heart. Your friends, the Blacks are the key to the dream, as is their ministry to bring revival in the Church. I believe the light room and dark room shows depicts the two spiritual kingdoms, the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. We rightly think of these kingdoms as the Church, and those who are yet to believe. But even in the church structure there are both wheat and tares, and God’s Kingdom needs to come into the Church!

      The old way has been difficult, but the Lord is saying His way is easy. Jesus is the door, He is of course the key to bring revival to the Church. It seems that the old way is trying to reason with people to “know the Lord” (at least this has been the case for me), but the Lord is saying simply to let Jesus’ ways in your life be known. What miracles has he been doing in your life recently? As we experience and testify more of the reality of Jesus in our everyday lives, it is contagious, and revival becomes naturally supernatural!
      Faith does not come by “having heard” what God has said in the past, but by “hearing” and seeing what He is saying and doing NOW!


  286. Elaina
    February 23, 2015 @ 11:58 am

    I was walking around a house which was for sale with my husband and two of my kids. But I kept on telling my husband that I didn’t want to buy the house because it had bed bugs (we could see the bed bugs climbing the walls and under a mat in the dinning room). The house was all furnished. It was big and beautiful. I could see every detail of it. So my husband told me not to worry because our friend, Adriel was going to buy the house. On our way out (through the back door that led us to a huge and beautiful back yard — beautiful lawn and flowers), I saw Adriel walking out of the house as well, as if he had just seen the house also. He said “Yes! It’s a great house! We’ll keep it!”. So as I walked out, now in the back yard, I saw Mirian (Adriel’s wife and my very close friend). She was smoking a cigarette. She dumped the cigarette in a pink bowl, and sat on it. She was wearing pink also. Her eyes started to become extremely red (right eye first, left eye later). I kept on staring at her, and she staring at me. When she got up, I noticed that she had a “belly”, so I asked her: “Are you pregnant!?!?”, she put her hand on her mouth (as telling me to “shhhh”). At that moment I realized that she was pregnant but Adriel did not know, and she did not want him to find out. She ran away screaming very loud. I woke up. It was 3:06 AM. And I was sweating and scared! I did not like the dream at all, and woke up very concerned with my friend. Just the thought of her face and eyes would scare me a lot, but I cannot interpret the dream! All I know is that I felt scared and bad after I had this dream. It was the most detailed dream I ever had. If you ask me about anything, I can still answer because each detail was so clear! I dreamed this months ago and it is still very fresh in my mind.


    • Scott
      February 26, 2015 @ 3:33 pm

      Hi Elaina,
      Thanks for writing in. I trust Gary had a good word from the Lord for you on this dream last Monday night! God bless you with more and more revelation of His heart!


  287. Steven Wikoff
    January 20, 2015 @ 3:42 pm

    My dream is I was on a large Disney cruise ship on the ocean. I was on the upper deck with many youth (teenagers) having lunch. I was making the food and serving them. Then when I would try to make my self something to eat, one of the kids would steal it before I had a chance to eat. I was frustrated over this. Then I saw two musicians playing strange slide guitar-like instruments and everyone was amazed at the sounds they played. However, their appearance was like they were homeless – long stringy hair, long beards, tattered clothing, etc. I said how did you two get here? The cost to be on the ship is very expensive? They said it cost them $27,500 for their tickets – I could not believe it! I was thinking “how could they afford such a high price?” They said they had got special help and to follow them to the lower decks and they would show me. We got an elevator that took us down to the lower decks. I got out of the elevator and they had disappeared. I was alone in the hallways then some crew members appeared. They looked at me a little strange wondering how I got there but they were not threatening. it was quiet, but I could hear the hum of the engines of the ship. I started wandering back to the elevator to go back up to the top deck, but two very attractive stewardesses were talking, and one tall blonde one greeted me and asked if she could help me with something? Then she asked me to follow her, she escorted me into the control center of the ship where I could see outside through windows to the outside. There was a sudden jerking of the ship to one side and then I felt the ship begin to ascend on like a conveyor belt upward slowly, and when I looked out the windows, I saw a huge beautiful mansion-like complex, with beautiful landscaping on a huge property, and several levels of large beautiful swimming pools with sparkling waters all around. End of dream.


    • Scott
      January 25, 2015 @ 11:48 pm

      Who doesn’t love a cruise ship? Entertaining, fun, exciting. Usually a vessel speaks of ministry, and I believe you are part of a large ministry that has some characteristics of a Disney Cruise ship. There is a downside, however, and that is it can be superficial, with a focus on external appearances. You serve in ministry, but can feel depleted, feeding others while not being filled yourself.
      The Lord is giving you a clue to the same “special help” which the musicians found. Through them, Jesus is inviting you to again find “food to eat that you don’t know about”. You were taken below the surface, deep into the ship, to be alone with the humming of the engines, the heart of the ship, if you will. It is a place of intimacy where you are in tune with the heart of the Father. It means coming low, a place of humility. A place where you are hearing His Voice of love, and He is hearing you.
      Numbers usually are significant in dreams, and I believe the 27,500 refers to psalm 27:5 where David speaks of the importance of his intimate place with the Lord, the tent of meeting with Him alone. I believe this is the key to the dream. Starting with verse 4…

      “One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His temple. For in the day of trouble He will conceal me in His tabernacle; In the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will lift me up on a rock.” (Psalms 27:4-5 NASB)

      David was a worshipper, and it is not insignificant that it was musicians who brought you to this “alone place” with the Lord. Music/worship is important for you.
      Just as David declared that the Lord would lift him up, the dream promises that out of your walk of humility with Him, He will rise you to greater influence in the ministry (giving influence to those who steer the ship. You will be seeing through the windows prophetically, you will be seeing what the Lord is doing more clearly, and helping others along. The whole church or ministry will be lifted up! I see the ministry operating in the FULLNESS of God’s kingdom and His purposes. The multi-layered sparkling pools of water represent an abundance of the Spirit of the Living God!


  288. Christina
    January 12, 2015 @ 4:52 am


    Request you to please interpret this dream.

    I saw myself and the person who I am going to get married to in an extremely cold weather.
    Even though it was extremely cold we were happy and joyful. We were sitting on green grass. The grass was green and fresh.
    We were having food sitting on that grass. The food had come from my mother’s house.
    He was feeding me with that food. I saw cold n chilling winds blow there.



    • Scott
      January 19, 2015 @ 5:15 pm

      Hi Christina,

      It’s important to remember that usually people in dreams are symbolic. Your fiancé represents Jesus. The cold weather speaks of bleakness, dormancy, a season in your life that proceeds Springtime, new life and new growth, however, where you are is green grass and joy! The Lord is encouraging you with the promise of joyful, happy times with Him, and even fruitfulness and abundant life (green grass) in an unexpected time. Regardless of the circumstances, your focus is on Jesus, the bridegroom, and your relationship with Him. Eating with the Lord usually speaks of your devotional life, so expect even more from your times with Him!
      Not only can you expect more joy in your relationship with Him in your personal devotional life, but expect during this season to be hearing FROM Him THROUGH brothers and sisters in the church even more. You will be hearing phrases, words from others (your mother represents the church) which is food for your soul. Of course not everything we hear from others is for us, but there are often words from others that are exactly what we need!

      In summary, regardless of circumstances around you, there is abundant life and joy wherever you are because Jesus is with you.


    • Steven Wikoff
      March 10, 2015 @ 4:30 am

      i love worshipping God as amusician and leader! was working at a Christian School,as a drama teacher and I was getting ready to prepare to work out n a Disney production for the school. But the school was a very abusive and spiritually draing place. Some really bad things happened with the leaders and I resigned in Jan. I knew the Lord was leading me to a better place, but here it is March and I am clueless on what do next. I am looking for work but have no motivation to do anything but seek Him and worship. I have praying that God would give me revelation on direction, but nothing yet. As I look around I see possibilities but so many choices and no clarity on which way to move. Thank you for the interpretation, I believe there is much more encouragement to seek him at this time on a deeper level and not settle for the cotton candy Christianity that my church often serves up…I am ready for more organic and authentic church! Thanks brother!


  289. Jessica
    January 5, 2015 @ 6:39 pm

    Hello, I’m from Brazil. I’m Daina and Mikael’s friend,who indicated me this site and would like to report a dream I had in 2012.
    I was dreaming , and suddenly my dream was interrupted, and I appeared in a place that looked like a closed room , and this room had a large table with many people sitting using black clothes, at least ten. I couldnt see the faces and identify those people, I could feel that they were very important and had too much power,but were evil.
    During this vision had a man on my side, wearing white dress, but didn’t see the face. He wanted to show me these people.
    Then He took me a metro station, in other place where there was a crowd of people, but people were angry , shouting and cursing because the trains were stopped due to an electrical fault, and it was my boyfriend who was trying to fix because he is an electrician. He was under a lot of pressure by the crowd of people.
    A white Man,was walking and floating in the middle of the crowd with open arms, and in my mind came the message of those people would lose his life, but He couldn’t interfere their free will, but anyone who call Him by His name , would be saved.
    After that the white Man took me out of the metro station as if the station doesn’t exist anymore, and instead of station was a giant green field, and I could hear audible sound the white Man say: Turn the station in green pastures. And suddenly I went back to the dream I was dreaming before be interrupted. But i wanted to wake up.
    I would love to one interpretation for this dream. Thank You.


    • Gary Fishman
      January 19, 2015 @ 2:13 pm

      I believe that the people sitting at the table symbolize people of authority. I believe the dream regards the Church. I believe the people at the table symbolize those Church leaders who are out to build their own kingdom at the expense of building God’s kingdom and people, They have wrong motives and use control and manipulation rather than love. It reminds me of when the Spirit (I believe that is who the man in white is)took Ezekiel behind the walls of the temple to show him the sin and compromise among leaders. (Ezekiel 8)

      The man floating with his arms open is Jesus. I believe people at the train station symbolize church people who are angry, empty and frustrated because of the lack of true leadership( this doesn’t mean of course, every church but it is a general picture.) Things in their lives are not moving forward and there is a lack of power (electricity) and direction like sheep without a shepherd. Your turning the station into green pastures shows that you are called by God to introduce God’s people to the true heart of Jesus who loves them and wants them to turn to him as their lover, provider, protector, healer, etc. Let me know if this makes sense


  290. Simone
    December 30, 2014 @ 8:53 am

    when you dream see dirt what does it mean I sweep it all out the house dont look like my house it was alot and I was packing up some shoes back in the house and that was unlike me to put those shoe there but the amount of dirt that I sweep out the house was so much and its like I went to get something to remove the dirt I did remove some but there was alot more to move


    • Scott
      January 12, 2015 @ 6:57 pm

      The scripture which comes to mind concerning your dream is… “Now when the unclean spirit goes out of a man, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came’; and when it comes, it finds it unoccupied, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and takes along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there; and the last state of that man becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.” (Matthew 12:43-45 NASB)

      Emphasised is that after an evil spirit leaves someone, their life is clean and in order. I believe the Lord is speaking to the infilling of HIS spirit, that ones life is not unoccupied, but filled with the Person of the Holy Spirit although this is desirable for all of us, because you were cleaning someone else’s house, He is saying that your ministry isn’t to clean up the lives of others. That is His job. Your ministry is to help others recieve the fullness of His presence. Of course He desires his kids to enjoy the fullness of His presence, the emphasis on shoes speaks to a special anointing to bring His presence to the lost.


    • Gary Fishman
      January 19, 2015 @ 2:12 pm

      I believe that the people sitting at the table symbolize people of authority. I believe the dream regards the Church. I believe the people at the table symbolize those Church leaders who are out to build their own kingdom at the expense of building God’s kingdom and people, They have wrong motives and use control and manipulation rather than love. It reminds me of when the Spirit (I believe that is who the man in white is)took Ezekiel behind the walls of the temple to show him the sin and compromise among leaders. (Ezekiel 8)

      The man floating with his arms open is Jesus. I believe people at the train station symbolize church people who are angry, empty and frustrated because of the lack of true leadership( this doesn’t mean of course, every church but it is a general picture.) Things in their lives are not moving forward and there is a lack of power (electricity) and direction like sheep without a shepherd. Your turning the station into green pastures shows that you are called by God to introduce God’s people to the true heart of Jesus who loves them and wants them to turn to him as their lover, provider, protector, healer, etc. Let me know if this makes sense


      • Gary Fishman
        January 19, 2015 @ 2:32 pm

        sorry these comments are for another dream


  291. Patrice London
    December 18, 2014 @ 1:26 pm

    I don’t know about this dream. Seems like the symbolism is bad but the overall feel of it wasn’t negative, so I don’t know…

    I dreamed I was in the bedroom with my family and someone mentioned that the orange kitten from the neighborhood was in the house. I was about to do something and my hands were occupied. I suddenly saw the cat walking nearby and I screamed in surprise. Then we all kind of laughed. I didn’t expect to see the cat so quickly after being told it was in the house. Then I smiled at it. It was a cute little orange kitten. It came to my left side and climbed the bed and then was on my shoulder. It rubbed against my ear and then licked me and I woke up.


    • Scott
      December 19, 2014 @ 5:44 pm

      Hi Patrice,
      I believe you are correct that the symbols aren’t good, but all of the elements of the dream must fit together to understand the message. You had a good feeling about the dream, and I believe that this is part of the message!

      The dream isn’t about you personally, but is a caution for all of us, the church. There is a caution (Orange) for us to beware of the “little” or minor witchcraft that wants to creep into the church. It seems cute and harmless, but the warning is, “It’s in the house!”

      My understanding is that at the root of witchcraft is the desire to manipulate the spiritual in a self-centered way. The symbol is a kitten, a SMALL cat, so this isn’t a warning of the occult, or full blown witchcraft as we know it, but something small and subtle. I believe simple it is a warning of undo focus on ourselves. I want to stress that I DON’T believe that this is about you, but a general heads up for all of us.

      Peter was “well meaning” when he told Jesus “may it never be” that you would suffer and die. With 20-20 hindsight, we now know that he missed it. Jesus’ response was strong, “Get behind Me, satan, for your mind is set on man’s purposes, not God’s.”

      The enemy wants to “lick our ear”, or whisper things that may sound good to us, but we do well to pray, “Father, THY kingdom come, THY will be done…” 🙂


  292. Katie
    December 5, 2014 @ 4:42 pm

    I am a heavy dreamer and often experience the Holy Spirit stronger in my dreams than I do in my day to day life. My powerful dreams have been vivid and elaborate, or there are some that have last seconds and to the point. But I do have random funny/perhaps even pointless dreams sometimes… my question is, do you think every dream is spiritual? How can we know the difference if they aren’t?


    • Scott
      December 7, 2014 @ 7:13 pm

      That’s great that you are hearing the Shepherd’s Voice in your dreams!

      We teach that there are at least three possible dream sources:
      God – consistent with scripture, and God’s Heart. redemptive, hopeful, reflects His nature, not condemning could be a warning
      Satanic- could be condemning, full of frustrations, hopelessness, twisting biblical truths. Example: dream about someone else’s spouse with whom you already have a friendship and there is an attraction. The message of the dream is that you should spend more alone time with this person and see what develops, that God will bless the relationship and they will be your spouse in the future.
      Soulish Dreams-based on mind,will, emotions. You may dream about what you are thinking of during the day, stressful or emotional situations. The Good Book says, “A dream comes when there are many cares…” (Ecclesiastes 5:3 NIV)

      Although the second two don’t ORIGINATE with God, He can of course use soulish or even demonic dreams for our good as we seek Him in prayer, asking for wisdom concerning the dream.
      -Another source of dreams could be our body. Isaiah 29:7,8 tells us that a hungry person dreams of food, and a thirsty man may dream of water. Similarly, what might a single person dream of? It is important to note that a dream about a specific member of the opposite sex to whom we are attracted is not necessarily a ‘sign from God’ that we are to marry that person!!! Sadly many have fallen into this error.
      May Jesus give us wisdom as we seek wisdom from above concerning dreams and the richness of the numerous and creative ways our loving Pappa communicates His heart of love to His kids!

      Although your “silly and pointless” dreams may just be from your body or soul. Don’t always just dismiss them. Just keep pressing in to hear from Him when you awaken! Sometimes pearls can be found…even in the mud!


  293. Adaline Kumar
    December 2, 2014 @ 11:21 pm

    I had a series of 3 dreams the last 3 weeks. In my first dream, I saw the entire nation being wiped out by flood and fire. People were cast away into small islands. I was the spectator in this dream and I’m helping out distressed people to find their families. After I do that I go and hide safely in a small shelter.

    In my second dream, I saw the entire nation being eaten up by huge monsters. They were all over the place destroying buildings and devouring people. Again I was the spectator in this dream and I was sending people into 3 church buildings for safety. But I saw some monsters pulling out people from inside of the buildings and killing them. I was safe with some people in a building.

    In my third dream, there was a big flood which wiped out the nation. Again, I was a spectator in this dream trying to guide people into 3 huge ships that were waiting to sail away to a safe place.

    I am still seeking the Lord for helping me understand this dream. All I got was this verse “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter and it is the glory of Kings to search for it”. Please help me to understand this dream.

    Thank you in advance!


    Adaline Kumar


    • Gary Fishman
      December 3, 2014 @ 3:24 pm

      I believe all three dreams show the strategy of the enemy to bring destruction and thwart the advancement of God’s Kingdom. They also reveal an aspect of your ministry which is to lead people to the Lord who is symbolized by 3 ships, a building and and a shelter. No matter how the battle rages Gos is our provider, protector, sanctuary, defender, etc. No matter what things might look like continue to advance God’ Kingdom purposes because he is using you along with others to bring in the great end time harvest and nothing will by any means harm you.


  294. Kwaku Amofah
    October 23, 2014 @ 5:25 pm

    Thanks Scott.
    I had another dream two days ago. I had a new blue van in my house and someone came to inform me that some people are planning to attack the house because of the car is expensive.


    • Scott
      October 29, 2014 @ 7:46 pm

      The blue Van represents a revelatory or prophetic ministry in your life. This ministry is something new, and valuable, from your dream, so treasure it. There is a warning, don’t let the enemy rob you of this valuable ministry. There may be arguments against prophetic ministry, even by friends, but the Lord is saying not to be diswaded from this valuable ministry… The size of the vehicle would suggest that your new ministry involves quite a few other fellow workers. It is a blue VAN, not a blue BIKE, which would suggest a very small, one person ministry. Remember that Kingdom Ministry is valuable, like pearls, don’t cast it before the swine who would trample it! 🙂



  295. Kwaku Amofah
    October 17, 2014 @ 8:34 am

    I had a dream of having a problem with my heart and then saw my President ammking sure I get a Doctor. The nextthing I saw is I was with the President in a cabinet meeting and anything the President want to pass on to the other member he will give it to me first before I pass it on to the other member of the meeting.

    I also had another dream in which I saw a black and white snake in my house. I tried to kill it but it escaped from the room and subsequently from the house.


    • Scott
      October 19, 2014 @ 5:45 pm

      I had a dream of having a problem with my heart and then saw my President ammking sure I get a Doctor. The nextthing I saw is I was with the President in a cabinet meeting and anything the President want to pass on to the other member he will give it to me first before I pass it on to the other member of the meeting.

      I also had another dream in which I saw a black and white snake in my house. I tried to kill it but it escaped from the room and subsequently from the house.

      Of course this dream is very symbolic, as are most dreams from the Lord and this is NOT about your physical heart, but your inner man. This is speaking of inner healing. Perhaps harsh words or curses spoken over you by others, your feelings hurt. It is easy to be offended, and our heart or soul is wounded The president (or a king) represents God who will make it possible that your ‘heart’ is healed. A good scripture for you is Psalm 139:23, 24.

      “Search me, oh god and know my heart, try me and know my anxious thoughts, and see if there be any hurtful way in me…”

      As you come to Jesus, our Great Physician, He will replace what the enemy meant for evil with His grace to forgive. We all have issues in our hearts, I believe some the Lord will heal completely, and others may take time, as we submit to His direction. Also be aware that your healing comes both through communion with Jesus himself, but also through His body, the people of God, as He directs.

      As He heals your heart, your authority and calling is being released. They are related. You are a prophetic intercessor, and as you seek God in prayer, He reveals to you things to release to His ministers, making declarations, declaring His revealed heart of blessing into the heavenly realms! There may be a governing call on you in the political realm or church government, but I believe the current and primary focus for you is intercession.

      The snake is deception of the enemy. Falsehood that will be clear (black and white) and easy to discern as you actively submit yourself to the Lord in prayer. The dream is a picture of James 4:7 “submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

      This is key for you in personal healing of your heart, and in effectiveness in interceding for others. Be encouraged, yor heavenly ‘president’ is also your good father!


      • Kwaku Amofah
        October 22, 2014 @ 9:00 pm

        Thanks Scott.
        I had another dream two days ago. I had a new blue van in my house and someone came to inform me that some people are planning to attack the house because of the car because it is expensive.


  296. Evelyn Olsen
    September 15, 2014 @ 2:57 pm

    Here goes my dream in a nutshell:
    I was walking in a dark alley (street) where there were parked cars along the side.
    All of a sudden I see a car approaching and I see a rifle hanging out the van’s window.
    My instinct is to run and hide.
    I try hiding under the parked cars, but the van spots and starts aiming directly at me….missing me.
    Then the shooting stops because the bullets run out.
    I go for the empty gun only to find a young boy (black boy) being the one holding it.
    I grab him and all of a sudden I’m no longer in the street, I’m in an office holding this kid hostage trying to call 911 and I can’t get through…it was all very bizarre.


  297. Evelin Acosta
    September 8, 2014 @ 7:44 pm

    I arrived at a mountain. This mountain did not have any trees or grass. It was all clay. To get to the top of the mountain, you had to use valet. One of the valet guys from my job was there. He was wearing a blue shirt and black jeans. All of a sudden, an old black lady approached me and told me she needed help getting her car. She began to explain to me that when she got there all of the parking spaces were full and she had to park on the roof, which was on the 8th floor. She was showing me all the ways she used to get to the top. She showed me how she had removed metal bars to climb and all these secret ways to go up. Once we reached the roof, she began to remove it like panels on a ceiling. She then said that I would need to bring it down for her because she couldn’t. I told her I would get some help and went down to get someone to help her. I then found my coworker waiting around. There were some kids playing with a ball and I couldn’t get to him but I said that I needed his help getting the car down. He asked the kids to be careful not to hurt me and we walked over to the elevator. He said I had to take the elevator on my own because employees were not allowed to ride with customers. When we got there, I noticed it was my car. We got it and began to descend slowly because we were afraid to slide all the way down the mountain.


    • Gary Fishman
      September 25, 2014 @ 9:34 am

      Are you saying that the car that was brought down was your car? Also was the whole mountain a parking garage or were other things going on?


  298. Victoria
    August 19, 2014 @ 12:04 am

    I had a dream and it took place in a forest of very tall pine trees, but I only saw the trunks of them. The ground was grass and I heard voices above the trees and they said, “there are baby elephants and they have no mothers. I turned around to take a look and saw them in the shadows in a huddle. As I was standing I then saw crowds of people (church) running towards them and in the crowd I also saw huge elephants running towards them also, I noticed there hinder parts and their ears where very large. As I stood watching I heard the voices again; and they said, “They are getting paid for it too.” Upon first seeing and hearing this I sensed the danger, and began to run the opposite way. As I ran, I see a white hyena’ and I know there are more hyenas; they look like they are wrangling the people in the direction of the baby elephants. Upon a closer look by the Spirit, the white hyena had thick black streaks on it mane, which looked like a lions mane. It saw me ,but didn’t come near or after me. I did take precaution, I ran around these kitchens that looked as if it was stage equipment. I was running for the front door and exited. Then, I saw a well know prophet of God who was pitching and umpiring a team. The ground was dirt and as I pass him I said I have to tell you something. He came over to me and I said: I love you as I hugged him. I noticed He was in black clothing and I was too. The words that came were: freely you have been given freely give and great darkness surrounds Him. I feels I understand some, but not all of this dream. Mainly the elephants who run to these young elephants.


    • Victoria
      August 26, 2014 @ 1:39 pm

      One other thing about my dream: as I was hugging the prophet I needed to hold to my pants, because I had lost so much weight.


      • Victoria
        September 22, 2014 @ 9:13 pm

        You may discuss my dream openly, I prefer not to use to use my name online


      • Gary Fishman
        September 25, 2014 @ 9:39 am

        Who did the voices say was getting paid?


  299. Sylvie
    July 19, 2014 @ 4:59 am

    My dream:

    As I was standing in my garden the wind stirred and became a little stronger and blew my dress off me. While I was standing there, suddenly a large bird flew down by me and several more followed. All were identical in appearance to the first bird. I have never seen birds like them and as far as I know they don’t exist on this earth. They were striking in appearance and the colours were vibrant. There was a distinct pattern of small motifs, evenly spaced and an inch apart on the breast. These motifs consisted of two bright colours, one of the colours was yellow and the other colour I’m almost certain was red.

    Their back and wings were black with a small amount of red on the wings and the tail feathers were also black with a wide band of emerald green across the top of them.

    I ran to get my son to show him the birds and he walked over to where they were and the dream ended. Many thanks


    • Amelia Carrasquillo
      August 26, 2014 @ 3:43 pm

      Hi Sylvie,
      Standing in your garden…is standing in the presence of God as Adam and Eve in the garden…this is a place where you and God speak face to face. The wind signifies the Holy Spirit and as your clothing came off denotes that there is nothing hidden in you before God …in his prescence you are vulnerable and also free. The Birds even though for you they were different and intriguing with colors …they may be distractions in your walk and intimacy with God…stay in the garden with God. He is trying to let you know He loves when you spend time there with him with out being distracted by the things around you. Lord keep her in your secret place and give her more knowledge and revelation of who you are in Jesus name…

      Let me know if this


  300. Florence Tedesco
    June 11, 2014 @ 9:39 pm

    I had a dream this am My daughter and I were in my old bedroom were i use to live i went into the little dresser drawer and found most of my jewelry, i glanced up and saw my x husband giving my younger daughter 32000.00 dollars i asked why he just grinned at me…i told my daughter to make sure she gets a condo or townhouse with it… i persisted to take my jewelry, most of it was a purple oval necklace with diamonds, i thought this is strange i only had two…i also took my old wedding band…i then said why so many purple necklaces with diamonds around it. so i threw them into my purse.


    • Amelia Carrasquillo
      August 26, 2014 @ 3:31 pm

      Florence…this one was answered on one of our mentoring classes on line.


  301. Donna Sherman
    May 28, 2014 @ 8:28 pm

    Thank You for any insight 🙂


  302. Donna Sherman
    May 28, 2014 @ 8:11 pm

    I had several repeated dreams where I was killing a spider behind the curtain @ the window of my home. What are spiders representing, please?


    • Amelia Carrasquillo
      August 19, 2014 @ 12:55 pm

      Hi Donna,
      Spider = Evil: sin; deception; false doctrine; temptation.
      Proverbs 30:24, 28, Romans 6:16

      I believe that this is a very positive dream as you are walking your journey with God you are eliminating all negative things. That you see them thru the curtain means that there are times they may not be clear to you what these are but since you are also seeing a window reveals that God is giving you the revelation and the necessary strength to eliminate them in your life. As you sit in prayer God will continue to reveal to you what these are.
      Please let me know if this makes sense to you.


      • Donna Sherman
        August 31, 2014 @ 8:04 pm

        WOW Amelia, you are good!! thanks so much. That is just what’s happening now. I’m grateful for you. Bless you!


  303. Camila
    March 25, 2014 @ 11:59 am

    I dreamed I was in New York , in the middle of town and a ramp in front of me , it was metal ramp that up a building brick . So I extend my hand to a friend ( which I not know personally) He takes my hand and kisses my mouth, brief kiss. We followed up the ramp, high hands, as in a ceremonial at the end of the ramp has a closed door . He takes me in his arms and we were facing this door that keeps shut and the dream ends so .


    • Amelia Carrasquillo
      April 11, 2014 @ 10:12 am

      Hi Camila,
      Did you recieve a reply on this?


  304. Jessica
    March 22, 2014 @ 5:02 pm

    I dreamed that my pastor was playing a card game with me with a group of people (friends) in the living room. And all of a sudden, my pastor and all the people all disappeared. I felt so weird.


    • Amelia Carrasquillo
      April 11, 2014 @ 3:34 pm

      Hi Jessica,
      Your dream is reflecting the church in general …
      the church is playing or entertained in other things and not really paying attention to the signs of the times…God is telling you it is time to pay attention and not be distracted to be in his prescence and seek Him out …so you can discern the signs


  305. Donna Sherman
    March 19, 2014 @ 6:47 pm

    I dreamed that I was holding a red cardinal bird in my hand. It was calm and I was stroking it just like a pet. It made me happy.


    • Amelia Carrasquillo
      August 19, 2014 @ 12:38 pm

      Hi Donna,
      Birds in the bible can be negative or positive here is what is in the scriptures about birds.
      Bird = Spirit: Holy Spirit; message; demon; gossip, (see also; crow/raven, eagle, owl, vulture.) John 1:32, Ecclesiastes 10:20, Revelation 18:2
      What I understand that your dream is a positive one is how you were feeling at the end of this dream. I believe God has covered any negative thing in your life with his precious blood and that this issue will not affect you anymore. God has taken all your burdens.
      Let me know if this makes any sense to you.
      thank you and God bless.


      • Donna Sherman
        August 31, 2014 @ 8:22 pm

        The friends that I had in the past, even though they were Christians and friends of mine for a very long time, it seems God has been showing me that I’ve depended on hearing from God thru them, instead of Holy Spirit. That’s not good.. so I’ve given them up, to hear from Holy Spirit MYSELF, and now I’m so much better off, and the problems these people were causing me, are gone and I can concentrate on the Presence of God better. I’ve left the demons (other spirits,,,so to speak) for Holy Spirit…..Thanks Amelia;-)


  306. Shalah
    February 19, 2014 @ 11:17 pm

    I’m driving along a smooth highway and stop at a roadside visitor center. I go inside, a woman behind a long L shaped counter asks, “Do you want a real license.” Me, “Yes” I get back in my small green car and come immediately to a place where there is a right hand turn off onto another smooth road, but I keep on going straight only the road becomes gravel and rocky.


    • Amelia Carrasquillo
      April 11, 2014 @ 3:11 pm

      Hello Shalah,
      This dream is about your spiritual walk with the shows that the highway was smooth and you have done stops and just visited moments with God. Now recently you have gotten a little more bold and gone inside to more of God. Now God is saying do you want more and you have Yes to God. Now you go back into the ministry God has called you to (which is your car) you continue and instead of going again on smooth road …you have chosen to go straight which is showing that you are determined to do what God has called you too without deveating from His plan. This may not be as smooth you will have rocky moments…but God will see you thru.


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