Or maybe not.
Once again we’re being inundated with all manner of end-time “prophecies,” all proclaiming imminent disaster by virtue of heavenly signs like an eclipse, a zodiac convergence, blood moons, interstellar flatulence (sorry, made that one up!), etc. Sadly the list grows ever longer.
Join us for this episode of Strategic Insights as we gleefully deconstruct and debunk these eschatological aberrations, for your edification and enjoyment.
Saints Arise!
Isaiah prophesied, “Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” (60:1)
Yet too many believers still live under the deception that things must go from bad to worse in the world so that Jesus can finally return to rescue us.
Thankfully Father God is turning up the light to reveal the truth that what Isaiah prophesied is not only possible, it’s inevitable because of who we are in Christ, and who He is in us!
The “Super Shemitah” Deception (Replay)
Enjoy this replay of one of our most popular Strategic Insights programs:
The prophets of doom are back with yet another sensational prediction of global financial collapse, especially focused on the economy of the U.S. It’s all apparently due to the ending of the Jubilee year this month, and something called the “super shemitah.”
It’s a Mad, Mad World
Are you getting caught up in all the craziness happening lately? Between mass protests, shootings, racial tension, economic recession, government deception & corruption, and a presidential campaign unlike any other in recent history… we are certainly experiencing the shaking prophesied in the Bible!
We dive fearlessly into this mess in an attempt to give you actionable wisdom on how to respond as a son/daughter of the King and use the authority we were given to make a difference.
Terrified By God
Many people are terrified at the idea of coming face-to-face with God. They feel certain it would not go well because of all their mistakes, weaknesses, sins, etc. They believe God will judge and condemn them to hell. But what if those ideas are actually unscriptural and false?
Tonight we feature the story of a remarkable woman of God, Sojourner Truth, whose encounter with God in the 1800’s was shocking because of what did NOT happen to her.