Escape From Pharisee Island
The Pharisees of Jesus’ day held many of God’s people in a prison of impossible-to-follow rules, religious ritual, dead works and controlling elitism. Not surprisingly, the same religious spirit which dominated their philosophies is still alive and kicking in much of modern-day Christianity.
In his newly updated book, Distorted Images of God’s Heart: Phariseeism in the Modern Day Church, Gary Fishman exposes the workings of Phariseeism so that we can begin to walk in the glory, power and holiness that the Lord intended. Click here to purchase your copy now:
Does God Use a Pencil or Indelible Ink?
Many Christians are plagued with fear that they might do something bad and lose their salvation. They seem to believe that God writes their name in His book with a pencil so He can erase it whenever He thinks we’ve messed up too much.
The problem with these Christians? They’re living under the wrong covenant. Let’s talk about it, and let the truth set you free from this lie!
Are You Living Under the “New Old Covenant?”
Much of modern Christianity has embraced an unfortunate mixture of Old Covenant teachings upon which a thin shiny coat of New Covenant theology has been applied.
On this episode of Strategic Insights we compare these beliefs with the Person of Jesus Christ, who is, as Bill Johnson notes, “perfect theology.”
“You serpents, you brood of vipers, how will you escape the sentence of hell?”
When it came to the “Pharisees” of His day, Jesus was about as un-politically correct as you can get! But what about today’s Pharisees… those graceless condemners who hate the sinner more than their sin? On tonight’s Strategic Insights (7 pm eastern), Gary & Russ are pleased to bring back Gretchen Vigil, whose work in the entertainment industry gives her a front-row seat to the rejection and abuse many receive from the self-righteous church. What is Jesus doing instead?
Churches with No Foundation
Jesus said He will build His Church upon the Rock of faith in Him (Matthew 16:18). On tonight’s Strategic Insights, Gary and Russ share a recent prophetic dream that reveals how God is exposing the true nature of man-made organizations that claim to be churches, but are really empires built to glorify and reward their leaders.
Who’s Afraid of Grace? Church Leaders who want to keep you a slave to the Law.
Who’s afraid of grace? Church leaders who want to keep you a slave to the Law. On tonight’s Strategic Insights we reveal how some church leaders use legalism and the Law to control people, as we continue our series on “God is Shaking the Church.” These leaders declare that too much grace is dangerous because it leads to lawlessness and sin, and preach that Christians must obey their rules and regulations in order to become holy and blessed of God.