The Pain and Grief of Rejection
Our Special Guest on tonight’s Strategic Insights is Roger Fields, from Fields in Harvest Ministries. He’ll be sharing about “The Pain and Grief of Rejection.” If you or someone you know needs that kind of healing, join us!
Learn more about their ministry here:
Escape From Pharisee Island
The Pharisees of Jesus’ day held many of God’s people in a prison of impossible-to-follow rules, religious ritual, dead works and controlling elitism. Not surprisingly, the same religious spirit which dominated their philosophies is still alive and kicking in much of modern-day Christianity.
In his newly updated book, Distorted Images of God’s Heart: Phariseeism in the Modern Day Church, Gary Fishman exposes the workings of Phariseeism so that we can begin to walk in the glory, power and holiness that the Lord intended. Click here to purchase your copy now:
Freedom and Healing from Shame
Guilt, shame and condemnation are destiny killers. These powerful lies have destroyed so many lives by convincing people that there is no hope for them to have a better life.
But God’s truth and grace are greater and He will not only set you free and heal you, He will restore what was lost… as if it never happened.
Chaplain Jackie Carrero is our special guest on this episode of Strategic Insights.
Mind Control
There are only two possibilities: either you are controlling your mind, or your mind is controlling you.
For most people, the sad reality is that they are being controlled everyday by negative thoughts, temptations, bad feelings or worse.
How can you break free? Only through God’s kind of “mind control.”