I was in a field and right in front of me was 3 towers on the first tower was a banner and i couldnt see the banner with my eyes but in my minds eye i could and it said Emmanuel. (There was a man standing behind me to my right who told me to look at the 3rd tower) and the man whispered in my ear saying you know who this is. God or puts himself in the place of God. Now my focus went to the middle tower and there was 3 maybe 4 names on this tower and the only name i could see in my minds eye. Was valmir putin. And as i was speaking valmir putins name i was turning around to ask this man behind me how could this be. I went right into my bedroom. I was watching myself in bed as this black demon or something was creeping over me. I was pinned down and this black thing was sucking the air ( life ) out of me. I was not scared or alarmed. I was ok with dying but all of the sudden i cried out to Jesus and said satan get away from me. Then i woke up
Dreams about children in backseat of car and trying to get to them. Also feeling of being watched by ex husband during dreams. Would you give an Interpretation?
Thank you!
Thank you for visiting the dreams network. Were these two separate dreams or one? Usually we need to have the entire dream in order to provide an accurate interpretation.
Children in dreams can be symbolic of ministry and vehicles can be, as in the natural, a means of transport. I believe it shows that you are in a place of transition and during this time you are not able to focus on your ministry.
In dreams an ex husband can by symbolic of enemy as the bible Christians are the bride of Christ. If you are being watched in a dream it shows that the enemy is paying attention to what you are doing and that you need to focus on pray allow God to keep you.
Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]
October 22, 2018 @ 6:30 pm
I was in a field and right in front of me was 3 towers on the first tower was a banner and i couldnt see the banner with my eyes but in my minds eye i could and it said Emmanuel. (There was a man standing behind me to my right who told me to look at the 3rd tower) and the man whispered in my ear saying you know who this is. God or puts himself in the place of God. Now my focus went to the middle tower and there was 3 maybe 4 names on this tower and the only name i could see in my minds eye. Was valmir putin. And as i was speaking valmir putins name i was turning around to ask this man behind me how could this be. I went right into my bedroom. I was watching myself in bed as this black demon or something was creeping over me. I was pinned down and this black thing was sucking the air ( life ) out of me. I was not scared or alarmed. I was ok with dying but all of the sudden i cried out to Jesus and said satan get away from me. Then i woke up
Emily Ann Martin
May 7, 2018 @ 8:18 pm
Dreams about children in backseat of car and trying to get to them. Also feeling of being watched by ex husband during dreams. Would you give an Interpretation?
Thank you!
May 8, 2018 @ 2:46 pm
Hi Emily,
Thank you for visiting the dreams network. Were these two separate dreams or one? Usually we need to have the entire dream in order to provide an accurate interpretation.
Children in dreams can be symbolic of ministry and vehicles can be, as in the natural, a means of transport. I believe it shows that you are in a place of transition and during this time you are not able to focus on your ministry.
In dreams an ex husband can by symbolic of enemy as the bible Christians are the bride of Christ. If you are being watched in a dream it shows that the enemy is paying attention to what you are doing and that you need to focus on pray allow God to keep you.
Let me know if this makes sense by posting a comment here or emailing us at [email protected]