Living a Life of Impact

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Jesus was a great teacher, in fact He spent most of His time on earth teaching the disciples. He wanted them trained well because He knew His time was short on earth. Jesus mentored, trained and prepared His disciples for their destiny!

After Jesus ascended into heaven the Apostles began building the church. It was now up to them to train, teach and prepare others for their destiny.

Is this practice still going on in churches? Are people being trained, equipped
and prepared for their destiny or has the church dropped this practice? Our guest tonight at 7 pm eastern is Russ Painter, founder of the Dreams Network and Executive Director of Kingdom Training Institute.


Russ has been training and preparing people for their destiny for years, but now he has adding a mentoring program called I.M.P.A.K.T., which has been changing lives!

Join Lisa Perna at at 7 pm eastern and find out how to live a life with I.M.P.A.K.T.!